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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Am I the only one who is not particularly thrilled with the idea of having this span across the midway and main entrance? If this is indeed the "actual layout" of the ride I had hoped that it would have had more of a compact/twister layout in its design since they are using up a chunk of the parking lot behind the public picnic area, thus giving them ample room to do more with the space being provided.

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Thats not the official layout, someone with some mutual friends did that to show what he hopes the ride will be like.


I agree as CP wouldn't leak this kind of information just yet.There's no evidence that a pretzel loop would be part of the layout for this type of design.

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That is in fact just an idea of what a friend of mine thinks it is going to look like. He was just messing around in NoLimits, it is nothing that was leaked from the park.

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Ummmmmm Did I ever once say that the pic was leaked from CP in any way, No I did not!!! , I said I saw it on facebook and couldn't wait to see if it was real. Since it does look a lot like the layout pictured in the news paper article I don't see why it's so absurd to think this could be close to what the real ride might end up looking like.

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Thats not the official layout, someone with some mutual friends did that to show what he hopes the ride will be like.


I agree as CP wouldn't leak this kind of information just yet.There's no evidence that a pretzel loop would be part of the layout for this type of design.


There's no evidence of anything.

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The vocals just ruin it for me, hopefully they switch to just playing the normal songs and just having the performers dance.

It's funny because so far the reviews I have read from people who have actually been there compliment the singers. Personally, I agree with those reviews from what I have seen so far too.





Ummmmmm Did I ever once say that the pic was leaked from CP in any way, No I did not!!!

Did anyone say you did? My comment was just a general comment because others asked/mentioned if it was leaked. Thus the reason why you were not quoted in my post. So calm down there fellow, it's not all about you.

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