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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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^^I find it amusing that you think that just because La Ronde has 2 B&M's that means you can actually ride them. At least at Valleyfair the coasters are actually staffed, open and trains are dispatched occasionally. The rides at La Ronde are just there for decoration.


Right. But this is exactly my point. You look at a company like Apple. Every product they make is the highest quality. If these companies are going to have some parks that are not the highest quality, they should let them go and put more wood behind fewer arrows.


Okay, so you think Cedar Fair should sell off a bunch of profitable parks because you personally want a B&M? Got it.


No, I think Cedar Fair should sell Valleyfair and put their resources toward parks they care about, and then let a private owner take over Valleyfair like what happened with Kentucky Kingdom and put some love and care into what is currently a crater of epic fail.


You think being sold guarantees getting giant new rides? Go head to the Darien Lake thread and tell them that. So little goes on in either that there aren't even Wild Waves or Elitch's threads to post in.

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^^I find it amusing that you think that just because La Ronde has 2 B&M's that means you can actually ride them. At least at Valleyfair the coasters are actually staffed, open and trains are dispatched occasionally. The rides at La Ronde are just there for decoration.


Right. But this is exactly my point. You look at a company like Apple. Every product they make is the highest quality. If these companies are going to have some parks that are not the highest quality, they should let them go and put more wood behind fewer arrows.


Okay, so you think Cedar Fair should sell off a bunch of profitable parks because you personally want a B&M? Got it.


No, I think Cedar Fair should sell Valleyfair and put their resources toward parks they care about, and then let a private owner take over Valleyfair like what happened with Kentucky Kingdom and put some love and care into what is currently a crater of epic fail.


You think being sold guarantees getting giant new rides? Go head to the Darien Lake thread and tell them that. So little goes on in either that there aren't even Wild Waves or Elitch's threads to post in.


Renegade is a great GCI.

Wild Thing is a painful and boring coaster.

Excalibur is pure pain.

High Roller is back breaking pain.

Corkscrew is lame as can be.

Steel Venom is decent.

Anything else I should know about?

Valleyfail = Epic Fail

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The thing that baffles me is that some people don't understand that Valleyfair is a very NICE park. Not the biggest, not the best, but one of the cleanest, friendliest, nicest park I've visited (and I have visited a LOT of parks.)


Seriously, really look at that dumpster fire La Ronde. We'll wait.......


It is complete crap. Dirty, kind of mean employees, expensive, slow, crowded, horrible clientele, the list can go on.


Yes, it would be great if Valleyfair could get a new coaster - and they will get one that fits their needs when they feel the time is right. I'd suggest visiting some other parks (and SFA is not heaven compared to Valleyfair, so please stop arguing for arguments sake.)

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The thing that baffles me is that some people don't understand that Valleyfair is a very NICE park. Not the biggest, not the best, but one of the cleanest, friendliest, nicest park I've visited (and I have visited a LOT of parks.)


Seriously, really look at that dumpster fire La Ronde. We'll wait.......


It is complete crap. Dirty, kind of mean employees, expensive, slow, crowded, horrible clientele, the list can go on.


Yes, it would be great if Valleyfair could get a new coaster - and they will get one that fits their needs when they feel the time is right. I'd suggest visiting some other parks (and SFA is not heaven compared to Valleyfair, so please stop arguing for arguments sake.)


I don't care if Walter the man who sells me pizza is nice. I care if there's rides worth going on. If I wanted to go to a park I would go to Boom Island. Give me rides.

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Wild Thing is a painful and boring coaster.


If you can't handle a Morgan hyper are you sure you really want them to expand their coaster offerings to include more cutting edge rides? If I were you I'd be clamoring for more benches, carousels and for them to consider offering pony rides.

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Wild Thing is a painful and boring coaster.


If you can't handle a Morgan hyper are you sure you really want them to expand their coaster offerings to include more cutting edge rides? If I were you I'd be clamoring for more benches, carousels and for them to consider offering pony rides.


Look at all these Valleytards defending Valleyfail.

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$100 this Jordanwilcox guy is the same whiner who said "Matt Disney Ouimet" 1000x a post a few months ago and was banned..


I didn't check this thread for a week, I was actually excited to see there were about 6-7 new pages to read..thought something interesting happened or was being discussed..I should have known better..

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Renegade is a great GCI.

Wild Thing is a painful and boring coaster.

Excalibur is pure pain.

High Roller is back breaking pain.

Corkscrew is lame as can be.

Steel Venom is decent.

Anything else I should know about?

Valleyfail = Epic Fail


Corkscrew and Mad Mouse are sort of painful, but those are the only coasters at VF that I would describe as painful. VF really has a good coaster lineup for not having a B&M and Steel Venom being their Intamin coaster. VF also has a great collection of flatrides between Power Tower, Xtreme Swing, Northern Lights, and the new star flyer.


Look at all these Valleytards defending Valleyfail.


Can you at least use insulting names that make sense?

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That Valleyfair sucks goat balls.



Valleyfair feels like a children's park



Valleyfair has coasters from the days of Ben Franklin



Valleyfair has defined a new low baseline.



That is haven compared to Valleyfail



I could give 2 pennies that Valleyfail has fun theming and a marching band whistling through it. Give me a B&M. Epic fail.




put some love and care into what is currently a crater of epic fail.



Valleyfail can't even manage that hat trick.



Actually what we get are 2 things: Jack and Squat



Ouimet gives us Jack and Squat.



Valleyfail = Epic Fail



Look at all these Valleytards defending Valleyfail.






Quick Question: What is your opinion on Valleyfair?

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Wild Thing is a painful and boring coaster.


If you can't handle a Morgan hyper are you sure you really want them to expand their coaster offerings to include more cutting edge rides? If I were you I'd be clamoring for more benches, carousels and for them to consider offering pony rides.


Look at all these Valleytards defending Valleyfail.


coasterbill is not defending Valleyfair, he is calling you out (and rightfully so) just like VF15 for indicating Wild Thing is a 'painful' ride. Have you really even rode it? Seriously, Wild Thing's 'smoothness' and comfy big trains are two of its biggest selling points after the first drop. If you think Morgan Hypers are 'painful' rides then that just shows how desperate you are to throw shade at Valleyfair. Like coasterbill said, maybe more painless benches or the current carousel restoration project that is in progress is maybe more your speed then.


On a completely unrelated note I just wanted to shout out to VF15 that the WIld Thing ride ops crew this year were top notch. They rocked trains out of there on time for all my visits after June 1st. Nice job. I wish I could say the same for Renegade. In all the years I have rode Renegade the crew this year was the worst they have had. Slow dispatch times all year long, they never got better even after 2-3 month's experience. Hopefully they can get back to a good crew next year because they usually have a solid crew back there.


Also someone mentioned that VF was the northern most park in the US. You can go a step further and say it is the most northern CF park in the chain because it is even more north than Canada's Wonderland by almost a whole Latitude line.

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Wild Thing is a painful and boring coaster.


If you can't handle a Morgan hyper are you sure you really want them to expand their coaster offerings to include more cutting edge rides? If I were you I'd be clamoring for more benches, carousels and for them to consider offering pony rides.

Oh how I love you coasterbill, never leave please.


Speaking on the new coaster.


Personally (being a person who goes to VF every year) the park if fine. A B&M would almost ruin the aesthetic of the park. Aside from Steel Venom, it's like walking back into the late 90's early 2000's when i walk through that front gate. No other park gives me that feeling.


And as soon as anyone says A-Land (home park) is a destination park, you've lost your argument.

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The thing that baffles me is that some people don't understand that Valleyfair is a very NICE park. Not the biggest, not the best, but one of the cleanest, friendliest, nicest park I've visited (and I have visited a LOT of parks.)


Seriously, really look at that dumpster fire La Ronde. We'll wait.......


It is complete crap. Dirty, kind of mean employees, expensive, slow, crowded, horrible clientele, the list can go on.


Yes, it would be great if Valleyfair could get a new coaster - and they will get one that fits their needs when they feel the time is right. I'd suggest visiting some other parks (and SFA is not heaven compared to Valleyfair, so please stop arguing for arguments sake.)


I don't care if Walter the man who sells me pizza is nice. I care if there's rides worth going on. If I wanted to go to a park I would go to Boom Island. Give me rides.


Now you are just being a jackass. Fine - your park sucks. Life sucks for you because your park sucks.

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$100 this Jordanwilcox guy is the same whiner who said "Matt Disney Ouimet" 1000x a post a few months ago and was banned..


I didn't check this thread for a week, I was actually excited to see there were about 6-7 new pages to read..thought something interesting happened or was being discussed..I should have known better..


Sorry, I don't have $100 bucks for you but jordanwilcox11 (aka PhantomPoster32) is now banned again.

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So I have crafted a realistic 5 year plan for Valleyfair, I'd love to hear some feedback on it so let me know below!!!

2017: North Star and a family raft slide

2018: Hyper G-TX

2019: Planet Snoopy Expansion

2020: Carolina Harbor style Waterpark Expansion

2021: Mass Effect Style Ride



2017- $3mil for North Star + $1mil for a family raft slide ($4mil)

2018- $7.5mil for a Hyper GTX

2019- $1mil for a Planet Snoopy Expansion

2020- $6mil for a Carolina Harbor style waterpark expansion

2021- $3mil for a Mass Effect clone


Cost per year: About $4 million dollars per year

I'm not sure of the actual cost of the Carolina Harbor style expansion or the Mass Effect clone, if anyone knows the actual price of these, please comment. If you have any feedback, please comment it!

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Decently realistic. I think the waterpark is their biggest need, but that'll depend on if and when the Army Corps of Engineers approves their plan. I think they'll start on that right away once they have approval. 2020 may be a bit far in the future, but maybe not. A Hyper GTX would be awesome for this park. I know a lot of its locals are itching for a modern looper, but I still say you've got a great one in Sponge Bob already. I just think there's a few priorities before Valleyfair gets to that, which is what is refreshing about this plan. Good job!

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O.K. I take it back. You all were not hard enough on jordanwilcox11. Now that he had been banned (again) we can get on with business. When we are talking about the population draw for Valleyfair you have to included all of North and South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and parts of southern Canada including Winnepeg. I actually met a famaily from Winnepeg in 2015 who made Valleyfair their destination park. Also, I disagree that Minneapolis/St. Paul are not travel destinations. This region is a huge travel destination. MOA alone attracts millions per year. 40 million guests visit MOA each year. Yes, at least half are locals but that is still a huge amount. We are a destination stop for many international flights for a reason. I'm convinced that Cedar Fair is just waiting for the right time to add our next coaster, in the mean time I really can't complain about what they have been doing to the park the past 8 years. Even last year was setting the stage. Redoing the amphitheater the way they did shows me they are planning for larger crowds. The bike show was great and will be back but I only see it going one or two more seasons which means they have other plans for this venue. Wild Thing is getting some much needed TLC this off season and they are taking steps to quiet the MCBR. This will make the amphitheater more appealing to entertainers. I for one, cant wait to try out North Star. I've ridden a windseeker and found them a bit dull but hanging from chains on the star flyer really looks thrilling.

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Redoing the amphitheater the way they did shows me they are planning for larger crowds. The bike show was great and will be back but I only see it going one or two more seasons which means they have other plans for this venue. Wild Thing is getting some much needed TLC this off season and they are taking steps to quiet the MCBR. This will make the amphitheater more appealing to entertainers. I for one, cant wait to try out North Star. I've ridden a windseeker and found them a bit dull but hanging from chains on the star flyer really looks thrilling.


Agree with all of this. I rode the CP WindSeeker and found the views and light package incredible, but it felt safe® than a Starflyer's chains. Full confession: Charlie Brown's Wind Up (Chance yo-yo) is one of the two rides in the park that genuinely unnerve me (the other being ripcord). And it's partially due to the chains that suspend the riders (the other part is because it's the only ride I feel like I have to hold onto or I'll fall out of the seat--but how much of that can I blame on the vertical motions of the ride). But overall, it's a great investment for the park and will be seen for quite the distance.

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So I have crafted a realistic 5 year plan for Valleyfair, I'd love to hear some feedback on it so let me know below!!!

2017: North Star and a family raft slide

2018: Hyper G-TX

2019: Planet Snoopy Expansion

2020: Carolina Harbor style Waterpark Expansion

2021: Mass Effect Style Ride


If you have any feedback, please comment it!


If and when the wetlands permit goes through things will change, but my thoughts

1) Drop the family raft slide (unless you're talking something visually stunning like a Tornado, the existing one isn't bad)

For 2018 (It's too late for 2017) try to grab the mat racer, body/tube slide tower, and family play area from Wildwater Kingdom. All three are available, and things Valleyfair needs and could probably fit.


Once we have our waterpark essentials down we can think about upgrades a few years later, like a tornado (visually stunning) or a flowrider, which is staff intensive but a huge crowd pleaser in almost no space.


2) There's no room for a major new coaster until A) Dino's leave, or B) The permit is approved.


3) I"m not sure another major Planet Snoopy expansion is needed, but I can see a ride or two swapped to keep it fresh

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Redoing the amphitheater the way they did shows me they are planning for larger crowds. The bike show was great and will be back but I only see it going one or two more seasons which means they have other plans for this venue. Wild Thing is getting some much needed TLC this off season and they are taking steps to quiet the MCBR. This will make the amphitheater more appealing to entertainers. I for one, cant wait to try out North Star. I've ridden a windseeker and found them a bit dull but hanging from chains on the star flyer really looks thrilling.


Agree with all of this. I rode the CP WindSeeker and found the views and light package incredible, but it felt safe® than a Starflyer's chains. Full confession: Charlie Brown's Wind Up (Chance yo-yo) is one of the two rides in the park that genuinely unnerve me (the other being ripcord). And it's partially due to the chains that suspend the riders (the other part is because it's the only ride I feel like I have to hold onto or I'll fall out of the seat--but how much of that can I blame on the vertical motions of the ride). But overall, it's a great investment for the park and will be seen for quite the distance.

Finally, someone else that realizes how amazingly terrifying Wind-Up is. Seriously, that thing is amazing. However, the thing that makes that one so terrifying is, as you said, the vertical motions, so I am fully confident in saying that Charlie Brown's Wind-Up will be scarier than North Star.


But to your point, I love Windseekers to death, I get excited whenever I see them, but not for the thrill of them. I like them because of the wind to cool you down on hot days, the views, the lights at night, and it's just simply relaxing. I don't possess that fear of heights that would make them oh so scary. I haven't been on a Starflyer yet, but I'm looking forward to it because it should feature all of those things I love with the Windseekers (minus the last one), plus the thrill of feeling like you're going to fall 230 feet down to the ground.


Also, thanks for getting rid of the troll, Larry.

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