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Worst/Longest/Slowest Line you ever waited in!

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My all-time personal record is still 3+ hours

for Eejanaika at Fuji-Q, in 2007. Every other

train (it seemed) kept being changed. And

it just took - for - e - ver to load and unload each train.


We actually (thank you Robb & Elissa!) extended our

leaving time for an hour, so those of us still in line

could get at least one ride on it. And we did.


It goes for all three: Longest, Slowest, Worst.


(EDIT To add: I checked back through here and found that I had indeed,

said the same thing back in 2008. Page 24. With the addition of

nearly two hours for Dondopna and that infernal bass booming "theme".

Ugh. And that post was over four years ago.)


Me, Mike and Peter in a more happier time - before our first hour had passed.

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Longest - 3 hours for Intimidator 305 (Worth EVERY second )


Slowest - Nighthawk at Carowinds. One train running on Opening Day!


Worst - Verbolten's Soft opening. Even though I was on the first train at the soft opening, I waited 2 hours in line not knowing if I would get on while fighting off line jumpers and people who though they had the right to step in-front because "they have been following construction closely".

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Well its not the longest line I have ever waited in but defiantly the worst. It was Toy story mania at Hollywood Studios (I still call it MGM sometimes xD) We waited about 2 1/2 hours just because of the Horrible fast pass (can't stand disney FP by the way). We actually stood there for about 40 mins one time and did not move. Just terrible, even though TSM is a fantastic ride, Just wasn't worth the wait that time. Its just bad when you are standing close to where they direct you up to the loading bay and they let about 50 FP people go and then they let just 1-2 group(s) go in the regular line. Well rants over you can all go home now

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A couple of weeks ago waited a little over 2 hours for a ride on OzIris@ parc Asterix.


Was it worth the wait?.....ehh, nope!

Boring line, boring ride, and although the park was packed, the single rider entrance closed!

Result: every train left with 4-5 empty seats....Grrr!



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I waited at least 2 hours for S:UF at SFDK the year it opened on 4th of July. Waited just over 2 hours for Tatsu at SFMM in late July of this year, and waited close to 3 hours for Roaring Rapids at SFMM last year in early August. It was a hot day, and it was my son and I's first ever trip to the park. We were fooled by the way the queue was set up, and by the time we realized it, we had already been in line at least an hour. Wouldn't ever wait that long again though.

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Longest line: Indiana Jones Adventure at DL. Line ran all the way down Main Street and waited 3 hours during its inaugural year.


Slowest line: X2. Every dispatch took 10-15 minutes.


Worst line: Tomb Raider (Top Spin) at Movieland Studios. Ride vehicle was less than half full every cycle and load/unload was very inconsistent.

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Longest line: Indiana Jones Adventure at DL. Line ran all the way down Main Street and waited 3 hours during its inaugural year.


Slowest line: X2. Every dispatch took 10-15 minutes.


Worst line: Tomb Raider (Top Spin) at Movieland Studios. Ride vehicle was less than half full every cycle and load/unload was very inconsistent.


Haha, I totally forgot about Tomb Raider! That took us 45 minutes, and there were only 2, that's right 2, cycles before us!

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Top Thrill Dragster was probably the longest I've ever waited for a ride. Space Mountain at Disneyland is a close second. However, while I didn't wait in line for it, I was at Six Flags Great America the year Batman the Ride opened, and the line went almost to the front of the park!

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