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Heide Park Discussion Thread

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I was hoping for a highly themed rocket coaster. And wow! It looks like it´s going to happen! Did they look at the competing park phantasialand where Black Mamba showed that theming can boost a small coaster to one of the best rides in Europe?


I'm looking forward to Desert Race! And scream and the massive airtime in Colossos ofcourse! Heide Park does have a nice selection of rides when Desert Race is finished.

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I have not had the joy of "riding" Rita, I wonder if "Rita" will be tweeked for more speed next season, see if it can reach 70mph.


It looks nice and blends in well with everything else. Love to see it longer, more bunny hops and go through the supports of their Woodie.


I still can't understand why "Rockets" have a "set of trims" on an hill when they should be placed on a straight bit of track after the hill. Everyone on board can enjoy getting "airbourne".

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  • 1 month later...

Testing has started, the trains are the basic Accelerator trains. There is one Blue train and one Red train which colour does not suit the theme or the ride.





I dont like the helicopter themeing at all.


































































It is opening 15th of May.


Testing Video:


The brakes on the last hill slow it down lots so the last turn is taken at a very low speed.

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That looks horrible with that helicopter there as you said!


Im really disappointed with this ride, at first I thought It would like the Italian job with effects and an unique layout but all I see now is a near- Rita clone with common theming!


BTW those trains look differnt than Intamins usual trains of this type or am I losing it!


EDIT:Thanks for the photos, I was so busy hating this ride I forgot


Damn that ride

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Too bad about the brakes on the last hill. I was looking forward to a fast heix in the end..


From those pictures i unfortuantly get a little disapointed with Desert Race's theming. The station looks good, but that helicopter? What is it doing there? They could at least painted it military colors, that would suit the overall theme much better.

And that red building at the end. I really hope they tear it down, or build some sort of desert theme on the walls of it, so you won't be able to see the red walls. I agree with above, the blue cars it better looking.

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A helicopter is obvious: what other means of transport is there when something bad happens during a race? Of course it gets easier with GPS nowadays, but still: I think that at every "desert race" there's always a helicopter standby.


But that helicopter is ugly, it's in a sh!t location and the colours are terrible.


I thought the themeing looked good in the last update but then they added the stupid helicopter and the colour of the trains dont suit the ride.

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Is it just me, or does it look like the Helicopter is the ride-op booth? I see the stairs leading to it and if you look elsewhere on the platform, there is no booth to be seen.


I guess if it is, then its in a good place to see the length of the station. Although creative, that doesnt go to say that it still looks out of place!!!

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I think a lot of it is terrible.


1. the fact that its a clone

2. the colors of the cars are weird as hell

3. the track and the supports don't mix, or have really anything to do with a desert (maybe the supports)

4. the helicopter? wtf?


They can do better than that. Thats just weird. I think it will ruin the way the park looks even when all the scenery is comlete. Just looks odd IMO

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  dr.gumbo said:
Im really disappointed with this ride, at first I thought It would like the Italian job with effects and an unique layout


Italian Job is less unique in layout than Desert Race. There are 3 IJs (each carbon copies of another) and only 2 Ritas.


I like it a lot, but the helicopter looks so out of place right now. Hopefully after a bunch of theming, it will look better.

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What is the Helicopter for?


If it's like the launch area then it makes sense, for anyone whos watched the DaKar(A really long desert rally in africa) they use helicopters such as that one to follow the cars/trucks. They do it in the Baja rally aswell.


I love intamin trains but these need themeing! even though these are my fav intamin trains .

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At first: Thanx for the photos. Nice shoots.


Well, Desert Race... what can I say. Maybe riding the coaster could be fun, but you have to ride with eyes closed I think. The Theming... sorry, what Theming?! There is nothing. A sandy desert, yeah, of course, but nothing else. And this helicopter is really really ugly. Okay, I think, I have to calm down. Cold water could help...

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  kaliboiryda510 said:
Is it just me, or does it look like the Helicopter is the ride-op booth? I see the stairs leading to it and if you look elsewhere on the platform, there is no booth to be seen.


I guess if it is, then its in a good place to see the length of the station. Although creative, that doesnt go to say that it still looks out of place!!!


That is exactly what I was thinking.

They have a door open for it, a platform around it, a spiral staircase leading to it, and a window at the front of it that provides perfect views of the station.


If that isn't what it is for, then I agree it is pretty dumb to have.

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