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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Man was reportedly in an unauthorized area when he was hit by Ninja ride.

UPDATE - 9:02 p.m


Six Flags Magic Mountain officials have confirmed that a man was struck by a ride at the park in Santa Clarita.


The incident, which involved a 20 year old man, occurred just after 4:00 p.m. Saturday. According to the park, the man scaled at least one fence and entered a “visibly restricted area.”




Once in the restricted area he was struck by the Ninja roller coaster. Magic Mountain officials report that park medical personnel were on scene within two minutes, and found the man unconscious but breathing. They contacted 911 and the man was transported to the hospital.




The park released a statement saying; “As required by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Ninja is surrounded by 6-foot and 7-foot fences that are clearly marked by signs stating the area is restricted to authorized personnel only.”




Sue Carpenter , spokesperson for Six Flags told KHTS that, according to the man's brother in law, he was attempting to retrieve his hat, which had fallen off on the ride.

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I still cant believe no ones gotten killed at Mt Olympus with all those rides that go right next to the midway with no fences at all around them.

Quite honestly though if your going to jump a fence into an area clearly beneath a roller coaster, you deserve whatever happens to you. Not SFs fault by any means and it sucks they have to get the press from it.

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No blood Falls this year. The End.


FF update on Monday or Tuesday.

Thanks for the heads up! At least now I won't be dissapointed when FF rolls around. Glad I know ahead of time.


On a side note, I just got back from an evening at the mountain. I didn't have a very good time, but that's a long story. I'm quite happy to say however that it was in no way the fault of the park or staff. From what I saw tonight, they were doing quite well. My issue was with certain guests

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^ The trouble there is that no matter how good SFMM or any park is, a lousy guest will always ruin it. People seem to think that they don't have to think. It's someone else's job to do everything for them, and they can do whatever they please.


Common courtesy is a thing of the past anymore.



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^ I couldn't agree more. Everything about my visit tonight would have been great. It's just that certain guests ruined it. There seemed to be more inconsiderate people there tonight than usual. There was one particular person I noticed who decided he was going to push every trash can he passed really hard. Not only is it annoying and loud, but he knocked one into a lady walking on the other side of the trash can, and he knocked a trash can all the way over when he was at the park exit. This kind of behavior is ridiculous and uncalled for. Unfortunately security wasn't around when he did this. If they were I didn't notice. He's not the real reason my visit was bad though. Just using him as an example of the kind of guests that Magic Mountain should really try to eliminate, or at least reduce.

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^hehe nice


What is it about these hats that people are willing to risk their lives in order to retrieve them!? But you know maybe I'm wrong, it actually might have been a really cool hat...

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What can we expect - c'mon - he can't lose his hat - the girls won't think he's cool!


Seriously though - people need to start taking more responsibility for their actions - Six Flags should sue him for vandalizing their ride with his head (or whatever part hit the coaster).


What a Dumbssa...



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^ The trouble there is that no matter how good SFMM or any park is, a lousy guest will always ruin it. People seem to think that they don't have to think. It's someone else's job to do everything for them, and they can do whatever they please.


Common courtesy is a thing of the past anymore.



Unfortunatly thats very true SF needs to get rid of those kinds of guestsQ

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