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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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If the biggest problem that SFMM has is that their temperature gauge is wrong, the park is doing just fine. Really I think this is a bit nitpicky (is that a even word?) even for TPR!


Moving on towards other things, has there been any mention of Fright Fest activities for this year yet?

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^ I'm sorry I cant agree with that. If you have a temperature clearly displayed to inform your public, it should be working. They should either reprogram it to take off the temperature or just turn the whole thing off. Those things are not that difficult to reprogram.


I just said that because I don't want this to turn into another locker disscussion! But yeah sure re-program it fix it just make it tell the right temp!

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I wish I could go to FF this year. I've always wanted to try Colossus backwards. I've been to FF at SFDK and it was pretty cool but I can only imagine how much better it is at SFMM.

You really should go sometime. It's nowhere near as elaborate as what Knotts or USH does, but it's quite fun. Colossus backwards is great, however a bit too rough occasionally.

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^^ Well they usually turn Log Jammer into Blood Falls. It's pretty fun I guess. They have scare actors working along the length of the ride that try to pop up and scare you. The only other thing I can remember them doing to rides during FF is turning the lights off for certain coasters (i.e. Goliath, Riddler, Batman, etc.) and claiming to let you ride them "In the dark" which I always thought was kinda funny because there's enough ambient light from other areas that it doesn't make THAT big of a difference. Only thing I ever really notice while riding "in the dark" is that the lift hill lights are off.

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I agree that Colossus backwards seems smoother than forward; Im not a mechanic but I think the heavier trains actually relieve some of the bumping. The only part that can throw you off guard is that little turn before the mid-course. I slammed my elbow into my friends head the first time I rode it backwards. AND, one time, they raced the trains. The Psyclone train took forever to get up the lift, but after that, it hauled ass and beat the forward train by around 2 train lengths.


I also think SFMM's fright fest is cool because you can still show up at 10am and stay till night. Its usually DEAD in the park until night falls. Season Pass holders get in free, another plus.



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One time I did ride Colossus (forwards) and they were racing it with the other train going backwards. It was one of the few times I've ever seen them making an effort to race the ride. It was fun, though kind of weird because you were looking right at the people on the other side of the track.

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I would love to see blood falls come back this year since it wasn't present last year at FF, and I really would like to see the two mazes that didn't return last year return this year.

Blood falls wasn't there last year? Hmmm...I didn't know that. Last year was the first time in years that I've missed FF. I'll make it this year though.

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