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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Yea the Green side looks insane, the side view looks semi normal.


How has no one talked about the head choppers on the Blue side?!


Just noticed that. And it looks like it's gonna follow through the entire drop, which is awesome.


That's gonna be some surprise ejector air coming down that double down. This is shaping up to be insane!

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I think the angle distorts it more than it actually is. No, it's not a traditional double down by any means, but if you look closely you can see the transition (being generally flat) is a little longer than it seems from the picture. It covers about two or three steel beams, it's not quite as immediate as it looks. I still want to see other angles, though. This looks really good.

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I can't wait for this ride to open. Usually I wait a couple weeks before going to try a new ride, but Twisted Colossus may be an exception. It keeps getting better and better, so perhaps I'll brave the opening day/weekend crowds and likely 4 hour waits for once.

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and the pop of air should be glorious.

I'm still waiting for the day RMC will make larges, ejector-filled airtime hills, like only Intamin makes yet.

But other than that, wow, this is looking crazy, the blue side is kind of a warm-up, and then the green side is like there's no tomorrow.

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^Me too. Short pops of strong air are always very fun but I'd also like to see them making a straight, simple and large ejector hill.

Okay yeah it was the angle.

I'm not sure it's just the angle. There is definitely a twist to it. I'm sure they know what they're doing, though.

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The key-word was large actually. RMC does make ejector, but only pops. It's either a flat-to-down, up-to-flat, double-down, double-up, crest.... But never a full Intamin-esque airtime hill, like the first three on El Toro.

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