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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Yeah Apoc is a great ride I enjoyed it but a park with so many coasters probably can't maintain them all. I mean look at rolling thunder, cyclone, and more. Those are just left to rot. Apoc probably received little to no track work since it opened.


What the hell are you talking about, they literally retracked Apocalypse last year.

Edited by _IntaMAN_
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I'm betting Six Flags just wasn't maintaining the ride well at all.


When Goliath first opened I remember them having all sorts of problems with the wheels coming apart. Had nothing to do with it being maintained. Things happen, I'm guessing this doesn't have anything to do with poor maintenance.

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^I was on one of the wheel chucking Goliath trains on Media Day. I guess the material they were using was incorrect and they were cycling out the old wheels.


I hope they solve the Apocolypse mystery soon as that is one of my favorite coasters in the park!

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I'm betting Six Flags just wasn't maintaining the ride well at all.


When Goliath first opened I remember them having all sorts of problems with the wheels coming apart. Had nothing to do with it being maintained. Things happen, I'm guessing this doesn't have anything to do with poor maintenance.


the wheel thing was pretty crazy when it opened. they'd have to pull the train off pretty often and replace the wheels. chunks missing. debris all over the trains, like dirty water off a bicycle tire on your back but urethane . glad they figured out the right compound.

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Yeah Apoc is a great ride I enjoyed it but a park with so many coasters probably can't maintain them all. I mean look at rolling thunder, cyclone, and more. Those are just left to rot. Apoc probably received little to no track work since it opened.


What the hell are you talking about, they literally retracked Apocalypse last year.


Pretty sure that was only in one spot. They didn't do the whole ride.


I bet the vallying was caused by a wheel problem. They happen time to time. That's what happened to Boulder Dash in 07? I believe with the red and yellow trains.

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Yeah Apoc is a great ride I enjoyed it but a park with so many coasters probably can't maintain them all. I mean look at rolling thunder, cyclone, and more. Those are just left to rot. Apoc probably received little to no track work since it opened.


What the hell are you talking about, they literally retracked Apocalypse last year.

[sarcasm]And oh how the ride was improved by that retracking.[/sarcasm]

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Yeah Apoc is a great ride I enjoyed it but a park with so many coasters probably can't maintain them all. I mean look at rolling thunder, cyclone, and more. Those are just left to rot. Apoc probably received little to no track work since it opened.


What the hell are you talking about, they literally retracked Apocalypse last year.

[sarcasm]And oh how the ride was improved by that retracking.[/sarcasm]


Point was this guy said Apocalypse received little to no track work at all when in fact it has. Never said it improved the ride, just the fact that the stereotype of this park has led others to believe SFMM doesn't do crap to this ride when in fact it has whether it improved the ride or didnt. It's like Ghostrider, retracked 4 times a year but it's still one horrible POS. The way it is I feel KBF doesn't do bat shit to the ride but they do.

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A bit off topic, but somebody mentioned winds earlier. Does October tend to be windy all around in Valencia? Last year when I went for Frightfest, Lex Luthor was closed all day due to high winds. I'm going again in a couple weeks and I'm hoping to finally get a chance to ride.

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At the park today - quite busy. Apocalypse never opened, and was listed closed at the front gate. Something bad I'm assuming...


I was also at the park, but yesterday, so they may have kept it closed today, apocalypse was open yesterday, I know for sure. it mustve happened sometime after 1:30-ish, because I know I did get to ride apocalypse at that point in time. she thrashed me around as usual. I did not hear about this happening until I came on here tonight.

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From Tatsu I went to Apocalypse, which has been well documented in this thread already. After the incident, I was discouraged to keep riding, and as such, did not get to ride Superman or X2.

This isn't meaning to criticize, but I find this a little surprising considering you flew across the country for your first visit and I was just wondering why? Most people I know would LOVE to have a coaster valley, rollback, stuck on the lift, etc, just for the experience, and to see how a park handles such a situation. I can't imagine there was any real "safety" concern, and if it were me, an incident like this would have pumped me up and want to ride MORE!!!


Just the other day we were on Rip Ride Rockit and we got stopped on one of the blocks, the train came to a HARD stop and it shook the entire tower like crazy...and then one of the cars stopped on the block brake on top of us (about 30 feet up on the same tower) and it shook even more! It was AWESOME!!!


We valleyed on the Deja Vu in freaking CHINA, and a rusted out indoor Jurassic coaster and even that didn't turn us off from riding! (And their rides are seriously sketchy!)


I guess I was just more wondering what was going through your head that this turned you off from riding instead of thinking it was one of the coolest things you've done in a park?

Edited by robbalvey
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^ I understand where you're coming from. I personally just didn't find the valleying all that "cool", and just felt a little off after the experience. In hindsight I probably should have sucked it up and continued riding, but my dad and I just felt disenchanted, and we also needed to get back down to Anaheim for our dinner plans at Disneyland. But like I said, it just give me reason to make a return visit some day.

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From Tatsu I went to Apocalypse, which has been well documented in this thread already. After the incident, I was discouraged to keep riding, and as such, did not get to ride Superman or X2.

This isn't meaning to criticize, but I find this a little surprising considering you flew across the country for your first visit and I was just wondering why? Most people I know would LOVE to have a coaster valley, rollback, stuck on the lift, etc, just for the experience, and to see how a park handles such a situation. I can't imagine there was any real "safety" concern, and if it were me, an incident like this would have pumped me up and want to ride MORE!!!


Just the other day we were on Rip Ride Rockit and we got stopped on one of the blocks, the train came to a HARD stop and it shook the entire tower like crazy...and then one of the cars stopped on the block brake on top of us (about 30 feet up on the same tower) and it shook even more! It was AWESOME!!!


We valleyed on the Deja Vu in freaking CHINA, and a rusted out indoor Jurassic coaster and even that didn't turn us off from riding! (And their rides are seriously sketchy!)


I guess I was just more wondering what was going through your head that this turned you off from riding instead of thinking it was one of the coolest things you've done in a park?

I've never had the chance to experience a valley, a MCBR hold or even a lift stop. I would also love to be in a situation like that (as long as it doesn't take too much time ).

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I will be driving to Magic Mountain and will be at the Park on Saturday and Sunday October 25th and 26th. How is the Freight Fest? I missed it last year?


Quick Question


If you buy a Gold Flash Pass does that include the Freight Fest?

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I'm betting Six Flags just wasn't maintaining the ride well at all.


When Goliath first opened I remember them having all sorts of problems with the wheels coming apart. Had nothing to do with it being maintained. Things happen, I'm guessing this doesn't have anything to do with poor maintenance.


I remember that. Was in line several times when it would start having wheel issues. You could here it going around the track. And then again running empty before they pulled the train for repairs.

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^ I understand where you're coming from. I personally just didn't find the valleying all that "cool", and just felt a little off after the experience. In hindsight I probably should have sucked it up and continued riding, but my dad and I just felt disenchanted, and we also needed to get back down to Anaheim for our dinner plans at Disneyland. But like I said, it just give me reason to make a return visit some day.


I feel where youre coming from. Ive never valleyed but I imagine its pretty damn scary. Its not that I would think everything was unsafe afterward, it would just be a nerve-wracking enough experience that it would kinda kill the "fun adrenaline" vibe coasters are going for. Also, a valley is completely incomparable to a MCBR stop...at least a MCBR stop is technically supposed to happen from time to time...a valley is completely unexpected and I would probably suffer a little bit of buzzkill afterward too.

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^ Thats exactly it. I knew nothing was unsafe, I just felt unnerved and didn't wish to continue. Like I said, in hindsight I should have kept going because I only had two more credits to go.

And ironically you missed the one that most people would have made sure not to miss since it's the only one on this side of the planet, thats the part I don't understand. If you had Viper and Scream left to go, I would understand just saying "meh" and calling it quits. On my first visit to SFMM, X was by far the most interesting prospect.

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^ Yea, the more I think about it, the more I'm kicking myself for skipping one of the "can't miss" coasters there. But part of the reason was also time. We needed to get back down to Anaheim, and being stuck for a half hour threw us off schedule.

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