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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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How could they possibly theme it to Terminator when the park 30 minutes away has a Terminator attraction? I'm not saying it's impossible, I just think it doesn't make a whole lot of sense and would create confusion in the marketplace.


And if it IS a CCI *WOODIE* Then why would you theme it to terminator?

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How could they possibly theme it to Terminator when the park 30 minutes away has a Terminator attraction? I'm not saying it's impossible, I just think it doesn't make a whole lot of sense and would create confusion in the marketplace.


Right. But some Six Flags parks actually have two Batman, Superman coasters in the same park. How is this anymore confusing than that?

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How could they possibly theme it to Terminator when the park 30 minutes away has a Terminator attraction? I'm not saying it's impossible, I just think it doesn't make a whole lot of sense and would create confusion in the marketplace.


And if it IS a CCI *WOODIE* Then why would you theme it to terminator?


LOL, the same way you would theme Evil Knievel to a *WOOD* coaster.

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^^^Because it would be like Knotts building a Finding Nemo ride.


Not quite. This ride will obviously be tied in with the release of the new Terminator: Salvation (with Christian Bale) film coming next year.


The same way the new "Batman" rides are tied in with the "new" franchise, Dark Knight, as oppose to the Michael Keaton franchise.

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^^^Because it would be like Knotts building a Finding Nemo ride.


Not quite. This ride will obviously be tied in with the release of the new Terminator: Salvation (with Christian Bale) film coming next year.


But it's still a tie-in with an existing franchise that already has an attraction at another local park. You can't compare it to the multiple Superman/Batman coasters, because they're still in the same park and park chain. Six Flags is synonymous with the DC characters, Universal has Jurassic Park, Mummy, Terminator, etc.

It's especially confusing considering the proximity of USH to SFMM, and them drawing visitors from the same audiences. I mean, look at the "Stupid things the GP says" threads, some people are going to be wicked confused if two competing parks are using the same franchise as the basis of their attractions.

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Its funny how when people heard "family coaster" with "no inversions" they automatically think one of those lame wild mouse or Tony Hawk coasters was coming our way.


I mean, this is Magic Mountain. When they make coasters, they're not going to be tame. They've always had a reputation for pushing the bar of thrills in their park, I don't know why would people assume this installation would be any different.


So what do most of you think, is this still just speculation? Or is this report a pretty good indicator that a new woody really is going to be landing in Southern California?


And that Terminator theme makes no sense to me (with USH so nearby), I'm guessing someone made that up off the top of their head...

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Terminator?! I agree with Wes on this one, this would confuse the GP endlessly. I mean, people to this day still walk up to me and ask me if SFMM is closing. If they theme it after Terminator, we would be hearing the GP confusing themselves for a loooong time. And if its wood, why would it be themed after someone who is a robot? Makes no sense to me, but if the ride is good, I'm not complaining. I'm just glad to see that we might finally get a decent woodie here in Socal. Ghostrider used to be great, but stupid CF neglected it and it's one of the worst rides I've been on. Let's just hope that no matter what coaster they put in next year, they won't forget about it.


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Someone did make it up off the top of their head...Mark Shapiro. It was he that leaked the info at an ACE luncheon this week. He also specified the "Terminator" theme.


The proximity thing is silly. The T2 ride at universal is an interative dark ride. The SFMM one is a coaster. You'd have to be a complete moron to confuse the two. And even if you did? So what?

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The proximity thing is silly. The T2 ride at universal is an interative dark ride. The SFMM one is a coaster. You'd have to be a complete moron to confuse the two. And even if you did? So what?


Yes, complete morons never go to theme parks, furthermore




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It makes absolutely no sense to me why SFMM would go with a Terminator theme...for countless reasons. Most which have already been said.


Might as well call it The Incredibles Coaster if they're gonna call it something like Terminator.


Be interesting to see what this turns out to be.


Edit: Well, I just realized that Terminator Salvation is a Warner Bros. release. So, that frees that up.

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Its funny how when people heard "family coaster" with "no inversions" they automatically think one of those lame wild mouse or Tony Hawk coasters was coming our way.


I mean, this is Magic Mountain. When they make coasters, they're not going to be tame. They've always had a reputation for pushing the bar of thrills in their park, I don't know why would people assume this installation would be any different.


Well said. I was thinking the same thing when they first announced plans for a 2009 coaster. I couldn't see them putting a Tony Hawk or a Dark Knight coaster at the park.....SFMM is too good for one of these lame rides.


There was rumors of a El Loco like Steel Hawg at Indiana Beach coming to the west coast but I don't really see that kinda ride doing good out here unless it was 200ft like mentioned at WCB. The construction photos of Steel Hawg look pretty cool, it reminds me of Flashback which was a fun ride the first couple of times and then it just becomes boring...IMO.

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The proximity thing is silly. The T2 ride at universal is an interative dark ride. The SFMM one is a coaster. You'd have to be a complete moron to confuse the two. And even if you did? So what?


Yes, complete morons never go to theme parks, furthermore






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I wonder how many people thought X2 was completely new, separate from X. Sort of like Beast/Son of Beast.


Tim Burkhart admitted that X2 had to be basically marketed as brand new for the GP, saying they couldn't simply say "come ride the new trains!" Well, a month later, I'd say it's paying off.

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I've had people ask, when seeing X2 at the front, if that is X1 or X2. I've also had people TELL me SFMM is closing. Not ask me iof it is, but tell me, and then argue the point. I just look at 'em and go, why would they spend millions of dollars to fix X if they're selling.


As for the new ride, hopefully we get an Intamin prefab woodie or a Gravity Group woodie. That would be awesome. Maybe they could figure out how to put, and keep, a good woodie in the back on Psyclone's grave. Or maybe we'll have another themeless parking lot coaster As long as it's good. All the woodies I've been on have made me hate them.


Of course, that's hoping it's a woodie.

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^Yeah, I got into an argument with a grocery store employee who was absolutely convinced the park had already closed and been sold and was going to be turned into houses. It's a shame that there are mis-informed people out there like this.

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Yeah, I saw the stupid X2 billboards "OMG squared", but hey, if they bring in the GP. Plus. I've seen a million of the commercials, the nice X2 commercial is getting real old, real fast. And, I here the commercial on the radio everday, and the people at work listen to Power 106 and some chunte station, both play it.

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We hear about it all the time. There are 3 billboards around Knott's about it (and I saw a Knott's Billboard leaving SFMM the other day) also non-stop radio and tv ads. I dont think there has ever been a person where I talked to about Six Flags Magic Mountain and they did not know what it was or where it was.

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