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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I LOVE the paint job on the Revolutions trains. This may seem trivial but this is one of my favorite things the new management has done. I never liked the grey and green trains. I did however like it when each lead car had a different color (red, green, blue) and the rest of the cars where yellow.


But I must say that the new scheme looks great!!!!!!! So maybe on Colossus they will bring back the "Thunder" & "Lightning" theme to the trains! Anyone remember those?

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Count me as one of the folks impressed with Revolution's makeover.


Not only is it good to see another ride get spruced up (Let's count them now shall we? Ninja, Viper, X2 in a BIG way, Revolution, and Gold Rusher's station, the skytower... who else have I forgotten?) but it's fantastic to see that they aren't ignoring 'the little guys'. The small details, and the lesser rides are getting looked at just as much as the big ones. That's just great to see!


I know it's been there a while now, but I feel like an extra special 'great job' is due to the fellow who repainted the goldrusher sign. The thing just jumps right out at you. Looks wonderful!

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^ Jay and Tim give a lot of credit to that guy who repainted the GoldRusher sign. He is just a regular signpainter for the park who did it all on his own. Great to see one of the original rides, and first coaster, getting respect. I never miss it.

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As far as Colossus goes, it could be a number of things.


The most likely idea would be getting them both to race forwards.


Unless they got different trains to run backwards, I doubt they'd run the Psyclone trains all year because of the impact they'd have on the structure.


Perhaps it would continue being a holiday tradition to run it backwards.


Besides, look at the Cedar Fair pattern. No more reverse racing. Is Six Flags headed in the same direction or?

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This new revolution train is a vintage tribute to the inaugural series back in 1976... I like the new colors...i also hated painting them...it took me 3 days just to mask off and paint the front nose cone!!! Its currently being assembled and should be running very soon...lemme know your comments and what you think because i put alot of time and work into this train to make it as original as possible

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"I put a lot of time and work into this train to make it as original as possible" (Magic Painter)


It'll be great to see trains with this paint scheme running on Revolution again. But it'll look funny with the OTSRs!


Nice paint job, BTW!



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Also, as an update to the GoldRusher signage item I posted, a couple weeks ago I was talking to Jay and Tim from SFMM and they said the entire idea for the museum in the Skytower came from an employee who simply had a 'wild' idea for it. They let him run with it and were amazed by what he accomplished. I haven't been to SFMM in about 22 years since I was just there on June 1st and actually have some items I could add. I haven't heard officially about sending items, but the whole 'top team' there was very appreciative. I think this is a park that's going to be great, again! Not that it ever wasn't.

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As a sidenote, I was curious what the final resolution was to the death on Colossus. I believe an obese woman was thrown off because her lap bar did not fully close. I know of the employee who was crushed on Revolution, the Eagle's Flight gondola that fell, and the man who died after riding Goliath, but never have heard what the final ruling was on the Colossus tragedy.

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As a novice to theme park culture, I was just wondering why Colossus' trains use the old Psyclone trains when they run it backwards.


As a Side note to this...


Psyclones trains have bottom foot work that is opposite Colosus' trains; I.E.,


Colosus' brake fins, left chain dogs right

Psyclones brake fins right, chain dogs left.

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I was at Magic last wednesday.

It was great !

We went to Deja Vu at the opening.

Then :

Riddler's x1 (no waiting - 2 trains on track)

Batman x1 (no waiting - 2 trains on track)

Colossus x1 (15mn waiting - 1 train and only 1 track open)

Scream x3 (no waiting - 2 trains on track)

Gold Rusher (no waiting- 1 train on track)

Goliath x2 (5mn waiting - 2 trains on track)

Tatsu x1 (1 flash pass - 2 trains on track - a little waiting cause of bad/unexperienced operators)

X2 x1 (90mn waiting - 2 trains on track)

Tastsu x3 (3 flash passes - 2 trains on track - a little waiting cause of bad/unexperienced operators)


I can say the longest queue lines were for Tatsu and X2.

We waited 1h30 for X2. Better than in 2002.

The park was clean.

I can say though to have a regular frozen lemonade for 6 dollars is really expensive... And a bad wait at Johnny rocket's as usual (around 1 hour).

A good day to ride !

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Is the wait for Johnny Rockets really one hour? It could be a stupid question, I just don't know.


Oh it certainly could be. Keep in mind that Jay opened a second, smaller Johnny Rockets serving shakes & fries over towards the entrance to the park. So if that's what you're after, that place is likely a great alternative from big lines at the big Johnny Rockets down by the Midway.

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^I don't really think it's smaller, though. It's walk-in, and seems to have a lot more seating. It would be a full Johnny Rockets, except it doesn't have a grill for burgers, so I've been told. Most people who walk in expect the full menu, and are confused by the lack of burgers. I hope they can fix that. I love it, though, it was great getting a shake for the long wait of X2.

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^ It has the size & seating it does because Shakes n' Fries is about the millionth different restaurant that's utilized that building. I've always thought it would be a nice idea to get rid of that unused seating and create a nice photo-op backdrop with the lake, trees & Log Jammer lift hill background.

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So today I showed up before the park opening, thinking I could make a beeline for X2 and ride it a couple times before it gets crowded. My, was I wrong. Overflow parking lot was in full force today and it was crowded before the gates even opened. X2 didn't even open until almost 11:30 and the line stretched allllll the way across the bridge, down the stairs, and down the walkway past the wall of coasters. Somehow I was only in line for 1.5 hours though?


Oh, and while we were watching X2 test, a train got caught at the top of the lift and made me think the wait was for nothing. Fortunately, it went over the hump and made a full circuit about 10 minutes later.


Riddler's Revenge had a train stuck on the lift all day.


Johnny Rocket's took no more than 10 minutes today at PEAK time, with a CROWDED park...strange


Oh, I puked today for the first time in a long while. Sorry to the guys in the "??????" station.

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Oh, and while we were watching X2 test, a train got caught at the top of the lift and made me think the wait was for nothing. Fortunately, it went over the hump and made a full circuit about 10 minutes later.


You probably saw a block check, those can sometimes take quite a bit to reset, especially lift blocks.

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