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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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  TatsuXtreme said:
Has anyone heard anything about what's going on with the rewards program yet? I've been trying to sign up for a week and a half now and it still seems to be down.


I've tried several times today since I was at the park with no success. It keeps coming up with an error. I want to start getting my points.

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  bert425 said:
great TR from WCB a couple of pages back.


what did Andy think of MM? I've never been either, and it's something I plan to do in the future.


If WCB happens again next year, I'm gonna attend for sure!


it's an awesome event, bert. definitely recommended. i think andy said magic mountain was what he expected. or maybe he said a little worse. lol i don't remember. pretty sure at some point within the year there will be a trip report from him. lol

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  TatsuXtreme said:
Has anyone heard anything about what's going on with the rewards program yet? I've been trying to sign up for a week and a half now and it still seems to be down.


That's odd. I successfully signed up at the beginning of September for the rewards program. And after seeing your post, I decided to check my account. It looks like they reset everything and I'm no longer registered. I also get the error message when trying to re-sign up.

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  SFMMFan76 said:
  TatsuXtreme said:
Has anyone heard anything about what's going on with the rewards program yet? I've been trying to sign up for a week and a half now and it still seems to be down.


That's odd. I successfully signed up at the beginning of September for the rewards program. And after seeing your post, I decided to check my account. It looks like they reset everything and I'm no longer registered. I also get the error message when trying to re-sign up.


Kind of sucks since I'm pretty sure fright fest maze passes were supposed to be one of the rewards.. I'm gonna head to the park for a few hours today. I'll see if anyone at membership headquarters or guest relations knows what's going on

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  coasterlvr said:
  Coastin said:
Well, if they can disbatch a train every 45 seconds to keep the flow going, even a long line should move fairly quickly


i'm not sure any coaster at magic mountain dispatches in that time.


I totally get why that seems silly, but honestly, I feel like if any coaster in the park is going to dispatch in that time, West Coast Racers will be it. It's much easier and faster to check 12 people's restraints than say 24, 28, or 32. And I know the comfort collars will slow that down a little, but not having seatbelts and being able to immediately pull down the restraint does make a difference. This on top of the new loose article method they plan on implementing for this ride, I can totally see 45 second dispatches.


Superman at SFDK pumped out trains every 30-45 seconds and the line moved very well.

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There was 1 day I logged into the portal and at the top next to my name and whatever it did show total points despite the fact I still had a sign up link. I registered about 5 times when I bought them during the flash sale. It hasn't appeared since that one magical time and there doesn't appear to be a link to be able to spend the points. But it did accurately portray the 650 points I earned.

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That's quite a selection. The pricing structure seems overly complicated but I mean... whatever, not my problem.


That said, bit of a tangent here...


Why do people order Stella? It's piss beer that's always priced as if it's something fancy and exclusive. It's Budwesier with a stupid f*cking bottle. I don't care if it's on draft, it should never be (tied for) the most expensive thing on the menu when there are three craft beers and one fake craft beer on the menu. Just order a Bud Light and get over yourself.


PS: Why is water $4.13? I assume there's a bottle deposit in there but like... where do you come up with that number?

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  coasterbill said:

Why do people order Stella? It's piss beer that's always priced as if it's something fancy and exclusive. It's Budwesier with a stupid f*cking bottle. I don't care if it's on draft, it should never be (tied for) the most expensive thing on the menu when there are three craft beers and one fake craft beer on the menu. Just order a Bud Light and get over yourself.

Haters gonna hate. I like Stella because it ISN'T fancy, it's just refreshing. It's my go-to beer after spending all day outside during the summer.

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  coasterbill said:

Why do people order Stella? It's piss beer that's always priced as if it's something fancy and exclusive. It's Budwesier with a stupid f*cking bottle. I don't care if it's on draft, it should never be (tied for) the most expensive thing on the menu when there are three craft beers and one fake craft beer on the menu. Just order a Bud Light and get over yourself.


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  joelwee said:
Haters gonna hate. I like Stella because it ISN'T fancy, it's just refreshing. It's my go-to beer after spending all day outside during the summer.

That's exactly my point. There's nothing wrong with the beer but if you want a beer that's not fancy and refreshing you can get it for $9 so why would anyone order Stella which is also not fancy and refreshing but is ALWAYS priced as if it's an absolutely amazing craft beer no matter where you buy it.


PS: I know this is super off topic, sorry.

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  coasterbill said:
  joelwee said:
Haters gonna hate. I like Stella because it ISN'T fancy, it's just refreshing. It's my go-to beer after spending all day outside during the summer.

That's exactly my point. There's nothing wrong with the beer but if you want a beer that's not fancy and refreshing you can get it for $9 so why would anyone order Stella which is also not fancy and refreshing but is ALWAYS priced as if it's an absolutely amazing craft beer no matter where you buy it.

Because... people are stupid?



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  coasterbill said:
That's quite a selection. The pricing structure seems overly complicated but I mean... whatever, not my problem.


That said, bit of a tangent here...


Why do people order Stella? It's piss beer that's always priced as if it's something fancy and exclusive. It's Budwesier with a stupid f*cking bottle. I don't care if it's on draft, it should never be (tied for) the most expensive thing on the menu when there are three craft beers and one fake craft beer on the menu. Just order a Bud Light and get over yourself.


PS: Why is water $4.13? I assume there's a bottle deposit in there but like... where do you come up with that number?


Get the 90 Minute IPA. It's 9% alcohol and tastes great.


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Oh yeah, that's the obvious choice there if you're okay with something heavy. I don't want to use the term "good deal" to describe a single bottle of beer that's over $10 but for a Six Flags park that's a great deal. If I were at the park I would totally hit that place up. I would love for Great Adventure to get a bar with that type of selection.


Anyway, sorry for filling up the thread with beer talk and bumping this to the last page. Someone go tell Robb if they want to cover Fright Fest.


  robbalvey said:
Do we have anyone interested in covering the Fright Fest media event on Saturday? Please email me at robbalvey@themeparkreview.com ASAP!
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I have some questions I was hoping could be answered for the new West Coast Racers ride. [1] What's the difference between a zero G roll and a zero G stall? [2] What are high-banked turns and how are they different from overbanked turns? [3] What are over/under near misses? [4] What are meant by track crossovers? Thanks.

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  moviemansig said:
I have some questions I was hoping could be answered for the new West Coast Racers ride. [1] What's the difference between a zero G roll and a zero G stall? [2] What are high-banked turns and how are they different from overbanked turns? [3] What are over/under near misses? [4] What are meant by track crossovers? Thanks.


(1) zero g roll is basically a roll at the apex of a airtime hill like the 3rd inversion of Scream, zero g stall pauses in roll upside down like twisted or west coast racers.

(2) high- banked turn is just that a turn with alot of bank up to 90 degess, an overbank is a turn where the bank exceeds 90 degress.

(3)near misses, again just like it sounds, ya know, head choppers, weaving close to structures or two trains over and under each other

(4) track crossovers? You're really typing your own answers here....when the tracks cross over (or under) each other, typically referred to on a racing or dueling coaster...


That help?

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