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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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  robbalvey said:
^ So this is really interesting, that's two people now who have said Backwards Batman isn't that intense at SFMM, yet at SFGam people were saying it was almost TOO intense! What gives?


SFGAm's Batman was built just slightly differently than all the other ones that came after it, and maybe when it was running backwards that intensity was amplified?

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  goatdan said:
  robbalvey said:
^ So this is really interesting, that's two people now who have said Backwards Batman isn't that intense at SFMM, yet at SFGam people were saying it was almost TOO intense! What gives?


SFGAm's Batman was built just slightly differently than all the other ones that came after it, and maybe when it was running backwards that intensity was amplified?



How is it different? Earthquake safety?

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  goatdan said:
  robbalvey said:
^ So this is really interesting, that's two people now who have said Backwards Batman isn't that intense at SFMM, yet at SFGam people were saying it was almost TOO intense! What gives?


SFGAm's Batman was built just slightly differently than all the other ones that came after it, and maybe when it was running backwards that intensity was amplified?


The other ones are taller (by 5ft), so you would think that SFMM's would actually be more forceful?

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  singemfrc said:
  Dschu said:
Can somebody tell me what flashback was? I know it was a space dive but did it have inversions?


I can remember it like it was yesterday, the part at 0:07 was the headbang of death. This wouldn't have been a bad ride at all without the unnecessary OTSRs

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Ahhh -- the much unloved Space Diver. The original otsrs on the ride (when it opened at SFGAm in '85) were much better than the later ones. The originals were a much softer (and probably not as durable) material than the now-standard, hard-plastic orange monsters they use today.


I'm not sure when the change was made but I believe it was done once the ride got to SFMM. I'm almost certain the trains and restraints were the same at SFOG as they were at SFGAm. But it's been a long time.


A shot of the originals is below. Notice the pivot point of the restraint relative to the headrest on this shot and compare it to later ones of the trains at SFMM. The pivot point is higher (middle of the headrest) on the SFMM trains, which means it's higher on the head and closer to the ears.



You can also clearly see the lower position in this video from 1985:



The ostrs are no where near the head.


The Space Diver was one of my personal faves and was a great, unique ride. It was actually pretty smooth in its early years. It's a shame how Six Flags let the ride deteriorate. I last rode it in 1996 at SFMM and it just looked and felt neglected. It's too bad they weren't willing to invest a few bucks to restore and save this one of kind ride from the scrap heap.

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Its official. I HATE THE TURN BEFORE THE CORKSCREW ON VIPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was in the last row as we were making the turn into the corkscrews when we hit those little brakes. My head hit the side of the restraint so hard my ear started bleeding!! NOT FUN!


On another note namtaB was a great surprise and Goliath was running with more airtime and force than ever!

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The roughest part for me is the transition from left to right just before the batwing. I've never quite noticed it getting rough around that trim brake you've mentioned, but then again I never get any headbanging on that ride . I'll be sure to pay attention to that particular area next time I'm on it. I'm very intrigued by this development.

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  coastercoaster5 said:
Have those brakes always been there? As far as i can remember they have been


Nope. Ride opened with no trim brakes at all. Was wild crazy and (smooth). No head banging at all. Alas though. With all arrows It doesn't stay that way. I say this with love because for over 20 years viper was my favorite ride. I still remember the first time I turned the corner after climbing the hill toward the parking lot and literally stopping in the lane when I saw it. Wasn't open yet. (2 weeks out). I went every weekend waiting for it to open.

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  JeromyL said:
  coastercoaster5 said:
Have those brakes always been there? As far as i can remember they have been


Nope. Ride opened with no trim brakes at all. Was wild crazy and (smooth). No head banging at all. Alas though. With all arrows It doesn't stay that way. I say this with love because for over 20 years viper was my favorite ride. I still remember the first time I turned the corner after climbing the hill toward the parking lot and literally stopping in the lane when I saw it. Wasn't open yet. (2 weeks out). I went every weekend waiting for it to open.


I remember as a kid when there was no trim brake after the first loop, I remember seeing spots regularly after the third loop. Viper used to be so intense, now it's just rough, slow and boring.

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  gerstlaueringvar said:
I remember Viper was perfectly smooth when I rode it. No headbanging at all, very nice airtime on the first drop and very forceful loops. The trim brakes were very loud but I didn't notice the roughness. Maybe you caught a bad ride on a bad seat.


I've been riding Viper since I was 11 (32 now) and it's definitely a shadow of its former self

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  gerstlaueringvar said:
I remember Viper was perfectly smooth when I rode it. No headbanging at all, very nice airtime on the first drop and very forceful loops. The trim brakes were very loud but I didn't notice the roughness. Maybe you caught a bad ride on a bad seat.

Viper provides nothing but pain and agony every time I ride it. The only time I can remember riding it and thinking it wasn't so bad was when I rode it in the very front row.

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