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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Any high schooler I know would choose Magic Mountain over Disney for grad night. That is, unless they were a hard core disney fan. But other than that, thats actually a fairly smart move.


For the local high schools, and high schools up in the Antelope Valley, this is a no-brainer. Bakersfield up through Fresno would probably be interested.


My high school that's 10 minutes away from SFMM actually CANCELLED our Grad Night because they weren't paying for Disneyland, and nobody cared about the dopey faux-casino night the school proposed, especially with the stern warning of not walking in graduation if you screwed up. Too bad SFMM wasn't doing Grad Nites then. I would have absolutely picked SFMM for Grad Nite over no Grad Nite at all.

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Any high schooler I know would choose Magic Mountain over Disney for grad night. That is, unless they were a hard core disney fan. But other than that, thats actually a fairly smart move.


For the local high schools, and high schools up in the Antelope Valley, this is a no-brainer. Bakersfield up through Fresno would probably be interested.


My high school that's 10 minutes away from SFMM actually CANCELLED our Grad Night because they weren't paying for Disneyland, and nobody cared about the dopey faux-casino night the school proposed, especially with the stern warning of not walking in graduation if you screwed up. Too bad SFMM wasn't doing Grad Nites then. I would have absolutely picked SFMM for Grad Nite over no Grad Nite at all.

It was actually quite hilarious how my grad night played out last year. My high school is roughly an hour drive from Disneyland with no traffic, so not too far. However, I already had an Annual Pass and went to Disneyland regularly so I felt kinda stupid paying extra to go to grad nite. But all my friends were going and wanted me to go so "what the heck, why not?" I thought. Unfortunately, the school administration planned the grad night the same night of graduation and the bus left about an hour and a half after the ceremony ended. My grandparents were in attendance so our dinner plans basically consisted of us going to a local quick service place, me scarfing down my food, saying "nice to see you", and then heading back to school to leave. I felt really bad, but luckily my grandparents live locally so I can see them often. By the time we got to Disneyland there wasn't much time left, so all we really did was ride RSR, California Screamin, and Tower of Terror, and that was about it. I know grad nite isn't about the rides, but the way it was planned didn't benefit anyone in the end. Still was an ok last hang with my high school friends though.

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Any high schooler I know would choose Magic Mountain over Disney for grad night. That is, unless they were a hard core disney fan. But other than that, thats actually a fairly smart move.

For my senior trip (we live about 5 hours away from Disney), we did Grad Night at Disney, New Port Beach the next day, and then the last day was SFMM but not the grad night.

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Saw this about X2 on the new SFMM site...


Your sanity-crunching 360-degree seats extend on wings far off the track. So while you are careening down the rails at 76 miles per hour through an unreal assortment of dives, flips and twists, as well as two ultra-rare “raven turns” – half loops that change their minds midway and become sheer drops—your body will also be flipping around 360-degrees over and over again. The forces of gravity dictate the spin so no two rides will ever be alike. Quite simply, you will be spun into another dimension.


Uhh no... Every ride is the same... Gravity does not dictate the spins. Facepalm.

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Saw this about X2 on the new SFMM site...


Your sanity-crunching 360-degree seats extend on wings far off the track. So while you are careening down the rails at 76 miles per hour through an unreal assortment of dives, flips and twists, as well as two ultra-rare “raven turns” – half loops that change their minds midway and become sheer drops—your body will also be flipping around 360-degrees over and over again. The forces of gravity dictate the spin so no two rides will ever be alike. Quite simply, you will be spun into another dimension.


Uhh no... Every ride is the same... Gravity does not dictate the spins. Facepalm.


ROFL. Maybe they are anticipating the gear mechanism to fail

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The website developer must of copied that from Green Lantern, or thought X2 did the same exact thing as Green Lantern. That's pretty funny though.


ROFL. Maybe they are anticipating the gear mechanism to fail


That would be terrifying! Would be an uncontrolled spin, much less control than what we've seen in the new 4th Dimension prototype!

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I'm glad the mountain is hosting more high schools for grad nights. Since my high school supposedly got banned from disneyland (drug issues) a few years ago we had to spend our grad night at SFMM and I'll admit they did a fine job at hosting it. They even included a free pass to Hurricane Harbor.

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The recent Goliath/SFGAm coverage has prompted me search for any signs of life regarding the mythical "Iron Colossus". Well, I just came across this little gem so I thought I'd share with the class. It demos the rumored single track "longest hybrid coaster" layout. It's pretty fun to watch. Anyone else heard or seen anything new?



Iron Colossus - Six Flags Magic Mountain (Animation Simulation)


Edited by robbalvey
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That is actually a really cool video, even if it is just a "fan made". If an RMC like that were to happen to Colossus it would actually make me want to go back to SFMM for the first time since 2005.

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I'm planning to visit tomorrow, how has the crowd been lately? Long lines? Bad operations? Is getting a Flash Pass worth it?


I will be there today as well. It shouldn't be bad... Don't worry. Since there's no event or anything it should be dead. I went on this exact day last year, and everything, including X2 and Tatsu, was a walk on by the afternoon. Should be a very nice day.

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So I noticed SFMM has decided to ditch middle school grad night in favor of a high school grad night. Interesting to see them try and take on Disneyland...


Unless I'm misreading it looks like middle school grad nights are May 16 and June 6


Middle School Grad Nights PDF


Yes,that's what I remember reading. But the new way they do events on their web site makes it hard to find other events.

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Well, so far SF has done one i-box conversion a year. I'm willing to bet that this year will either be Colossus or Boss over at St. Louis. Guess we won't be able to find out which one it will be until one of them is announced to close down! Which do you guys think will come first?

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What about only converting the one side and keeping the other original?

The original side would not be that popular when you have a better version right next to it. Even if the other side simply received topper track the new i-box side would be far more popular.

Well if they spruce up the original then it would still attract guests

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