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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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While running two trains seeing one inside the loop and one on top of it at the same time is something you can't see anywhere else.


I'll believe it when I see it. From the video it looks like an extremely tight window to make that ever happen, if even possible at all. In fact, thinking about it more, won't the first train have to clear the top hat and hit a sensor to confirm before they launch the second train?

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While running two trains seeing one inside the loop and one on top of it at the same time is something you can't see anywhere else.


I'll believe it when I see it. From the video it looks like an extremely tight window to make that ever happen, if even possible at all. In fact, thinking about it more, won't the first train have to clear the top hat and hit a sensor to confirm before they launch the second train?


Yeah it would be a really tight window but if they can pull it off it would look cool.

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I'm assuming when they say the 'fastest looping coaster' they mean literally the fastest coaster that has a real loop?


Because unless I'm totally off base, there are other coasters that go upside down that go faster than 70mph. Heck, Six Flags even announced another coaster today that goes 70mph and has an inversion!!! (Iron Rattler)


Didn't Alpengeist claim 70mph at one point?



Viper goes 70mph has 7 inversions and X2 goes 76mph and has 2 inversion.

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I'm assuming when they say the 'fastest looping coaster' they mean literally the fastest coaster that has a real loop?

Because unless I'm totally off base, there are other coasters that go upside down that go faster than 70mph.


And same for "tallest looping coaster." What about Roller Coaster (Manhattan Express) at NYNY? And Wild Eagle has a 190ft lift. Both have traditional vertical loops.


Either way, should be a fun ride, but interesting that they claim it's the tallest and fastest looping coaster!

Edited by shivtim
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I do think I would've preferred it to slow to a roll just out of the tunnel, then to roll back into the backwards launch. It seems redundant to have a backwards launch advertised for a ride sitting directly underneath a ride that just got flipped to launch backwards itself (and it screws the pacing if you have to sit there for too long).


Oh, and you'll never see both trains in/over the loop. Not only will SFMM ops never achieve it, but the first train has to clear the top hat before the next one can be launched, as the stopping place for both a rollback and the second train is the launch tunnel.

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Yeah, I'm glad you all agree with the 'largest' claim as well as the impossibility to having both on that inversion at the same time. So are we thinking two or three trains?




One on the track.


One in maintenance.


One for spare parts.

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I'm torn. One one hand I really think the thing looks like something that may be a let down. That said however, I love Mr. Freeze, and this looks like it should top that. Pretty sure that I'm going to have to wait and ride the thing before passing judgment.


Six Flags needs a new video person, I really don't think the animation did this ride any favors.

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A bit disappointed on length, but still looks pretty fun. Just out of curiosity, how long do you experts think it is? I was going to guess 4200 feet, but I'm no expert... When the train stopped for the backwards launch, I was like "wait there's track ahead here, watch it just go back part of the dive loop and come back to be relaunched". Granted, the backwards launch seems a bit gimmeky, but is still pretty cool as it continues into the next launch. I believe they could run 3 trains, depending on whether the first launch is out of the station or not. It's a nice addition to the park, and I'm excited to ride it.

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How soon will they not even bother with the backwards launch and just let the train go through with 2 forward launches? I can't imagine stopping the train, sending it backwards, then launching it again forwards is going to be very cheap. V2 @ SFGAm still has no holding break.

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I think 3 trains could be possible but it will probably use 2.


Yes the train must complete the ride for the next one to start the circuit. There is no way it would be safe for another train to launch simply because a train left the 2nd launch. If there was a rollback on the top-hat due to lack of speed or some other malfunction, that would be bad. If there is a staging area, they could clear the station to load another train while the staged train waits for the track to clear. I'm sure 2 will be what it uses most of the time but there will probably be 3 trains in existence.


So does this mean that Superman Ultimate Flight at SFDK and all the impulse coasters are 3 launch coasters also? I guess Cheetah Hunt isn't so unique after all.

Edited by SLUSHIE
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The backwards launch makes sense at SFDK, it's doesn't really makes sense to me here. I would expect that either 1. I'm doing it all again in reverse or 2. A track switch occurs and off we go backwards until we hit the station and another track switch occurs.


Much like NTAG they will start with three trains. Then after day 2 they will be down to two trains due to constant stacking. The park will then blame the stacking on people bringing stuff to the ride platform, enter lockerville. By end of year 1, OldJJman has it nailed.

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I just saw the YOLO in the beginning of the video. Really Six Flags? Is Drake going to cut the ribbon now?


I was unaware that Yolo County (near Sacramento) was all that exciting.

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They lost me at "YOLO."




Other than being a gimmick, can anyone come up with a good reason that it launches backward for a few feet?


Maybe....it launches backwards briefly (that launch acts as a block), comes back down through the forward launch which also engages the first launch on the other train (so they can be synched through/over the loop)? I don't know...I'm not knowledgable about this stuff.

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