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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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They stored Deja Vu back there for over 10 years before finally shipping it off to New England. They stored Psyclone there as well before finally moving it to the city dump. Heck, before that they stored Sarajevo Bobsleds and Shockwave before finally shipping them off to other parks. Along with this ride, they are currently storing Apocalypse in the same area. So in fact, they could be charging for storage. Any type of revenu stream is beter than no revenu stream in this economy.


On a daily basis I think that threads should end after you post, because if the Internet was a game I think you've won way too many times to count.

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Wait guys ... yellow, orange, blue, green, and black? I totally know what they are getting!











i dont get it


What part didn't you get? The Aquaman:The Bench joke? (I was wondering how many people would actually remember that 11 year old joke ...)


But hey, the colors do match.


Bench: The Ride... Some good memories there!

seems too colorful for a coaster if thats what it is i got my inside sources too but they did not mention that coler scheme
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They stored Deja Vu back there for over 10 years before finally shipping it off to New England. They stored Psyclone there as well before finally moving it to the city dump. Heck, before that they stored Sarajevo Bobsleds and Shockwave before finally shipping them off to other parks. Along with this ride, they are currently storing Apocalypse in the same area. So in fact, they could be charging for storage. Any type of revenu stream is beter than no revenu stream in this economy.


On a daily basis I think that threads should end after you post, because if the Internet was a game I think you've won way too many times to count.


Then how come I can't win a fu@kin& Go Pro camera in their daily give away. DAMN YOU GO PRO!



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Six Flags Great Adventure got rid of Eruption (same as Thrill Shot) for a Slingshot this season as well. They did go for the lattice structure though, which does look much more permanent...interesting that Magic Mountain is putting up this version.


That's funny, there has been no confirmation or announcement of anything.


Except those supports are definitely 100% for that slingshot ride.

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Perhaps it could be a Sling-shot ride like this one?



The supports look similar..


Not to mention the ladder pieces at the park match perfectly with the ladder seen on the back of each of those towers... good find, I think that's 100% what these supports are for.

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Six Flags Great Adventure got rid of Eruption (same as Thrill Shot) for a Slingshot this season as well. They did go for the lattice structure though, which does look much more permanent...interesting that Magic Mountain is putting up this version.


That's funny, there has been no confirmation or announcement of anything.


Uncalled for. It seems like a safe assumption that a park builds the rides that show up on its property, save a few examples of old rides being transported and left to rot. Brand new ride parts seem likely to be built, so pardon me for expecting that to be the case.


You are pardoned.


So it's not so much they are putting this up as it is they are likely putting this up.


Is and maybe.... hmmm.


But why and if this is going in did nobody see this coming? Maybe the FT rumors were just a distraction for what is really going on.... this thing!

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Six Flags Great Adventure got rid of Eruption (same as Thrill Shot) for a Slingshot this season as well. They did go for the lattice structure though, which does look much more permanent...interesting that Magic Mountain is putting up this version.


That's funny, there has been no confirmation or announcement of anything.


Uncalled for. It seems like a safe assumption that a park builds the rides that show up on its property, save a few examples of old rides being transported and left to rot. Brand new ride parts seem likely to be built, so pardon me for expecting that to be the case.


You are pardoned.


So it's not so much they are putting this up as it is they are likely putting this up.


Is and maybe.... hmmm.


But why and if this is going in did nobody see this coming? Maybe the FT rumors were just a distraction for what is really going on.... this thing!

Actually i read a rumor on Six Flags getting a slingshot and that it wasn't going to be an upcharge ride but i thought it was a false rumor until i saw this haha

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Uh, yeah - just because supports are on site doesn't mean that Six Flags Magic Mountain will or will not actually do anything with them...

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Uh, yeah - just because supports are on site doesn't mean that Six Flags Magic Mountain will or will not actually do anything with them...


Uh, yeah so it doesn't mean they will or will not do anything......huh?


Ok so what are you saying then?

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Took a short trip to the park since I got off work early. Spent most of the time riding Lex Luther (got in at least seven rides), and man was this ride much needed at the park, even with the amount of downtime it's been having (which is obviously expected of a new ride). Needless to say, it's very reridable and lived up to its hype.


Apocalypse has some new decals on the trains promoting the sci-fi show Falling Skies on TNT. They also had some ads for the show along the walls of the line with a graffiti-esque look. I've never cared for the show myself, but I thought the advertising at the park was worth mentioning.

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Apocalypse has some new decals on the trains promoting the sci-fi show Falling Skies on TNT. They also had some ads for the show along the walls of the line with a graffiti-esque look. I've never cared for the show myself, but I thought the advertising at the park was worth mentioning.

those ads have been there for a really long time i'm surprised they're still there!

Uh, yeah - just because supports are on site doesn't mean that Six Flags Magic Mountain will or will not actually do anything with them...

why else would supports be there, for decoration? lol

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Took a short trip to the park since I got off work early. Spent most of the time riding Lex Luther (got in at least seven rides), and man was this ride much needed at the park, even with the amount of downtime it's been having (which is obviously expected of a new ride). Needless to say, it's very reridable and lived up to its hype.


Apocalypse has some new decals on the trains promoting the sci-fi show Falling Skies on TNT. They also had some ads for the show along the walls of the line with a graffiti-esque look. I've never cared for the show myself, but I thought the advertising at the park was worth mentioning.

Could you post a picture of the ads since I want to see if they are a wrap or just a little decal?

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^I didn't take any pictures. As far as I could see it's decal, but it could be wrap-I honestly wouldn't know the difference really (and admittedly wouldn't care to), but it did make the train look a little more interesting. Colossus also had something similar for The Great Escape.

That's ok dude just wanted to know if we are seeing the return of train wrapping.

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C'mon people, let's not forget who were dealing with. SFMM wouldn't leave that big (and now ugly) of a space just to sit there. There will be a coaster in LG spot whether Full Throttle is for the flat or the coaster!

Since this can be assumed as a sling shot, I see it as an up charge just because of the horrible capacity and the nature of the ride....

Now where will this go? I don't think a slingshot would fit where Thrill Shot was... but I could be wrong.

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