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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Lol yea that's what I'm saying. Like I said in the original post take it how youd like to. Im just sharing what was told to me. Like I said for all I know he could have been bsing me. What it comes down to is I'm just relaying what I was told.


That's exactly how i took it, and how anyone else should, with a grain of salt. As far as i see it nobody's gaining by coming on here and lying, and whether or not who you talked to was actually being honest, it is interesting to hear what they had to say. Honestly, I've talked to manufactor/maintenence guys before and you'd be amazed how candid they are if you just ask.

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One big reason I don't think it is a SkyScreamer because there is no fins on the supports (unless the park adds them on?)


Here is a picture of Texas Star Flyer supports.



If you look at the picture clearly there is no fins on the supports!




Also look at the bottom of the Texas Star Flyer supports, they look alot different then the ones at SFMM. So I started looking at pictures of Skyrusch and boom... The bottom of SFMM supports look the same as the bottoms of Skyruch's supports.

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They seem a little puny to be Intamin supports, especially when you compare them to the Skyrush supports, which look much denser. Unless these are for some other aspect of the ride.


Besides, isn't Full Throttle suppose to be a Premier Ride?

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They seem a little puny to be Intamin supports, especially when you compare them to the Skyrush supports, which look much denser. Unless these are for some other aspect of the ride.


Besides, isn't Full Throttle suppose to be a Premier Ride?


We don't know yet, but since SFMM has worked with Intamin for the last 3 projects, they would probably work with Intamin on the fourth project. When I visit the park on Tuesday, I will check and see if there is anything new on site. I believe these could definitely be for Full Throttle. I think it would be interesting to see a colorful ride in the LJ area. This is just making me more and more excited for what's in store.

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Yes! Awesome! This is gonna be a very exciting thread to watch. Interesting to know how these supports have appeared now that Lex Luthor is up and running. Albeit, very early already. All eyes on this. Could it be for 'Full Throttle'? or some flat ride? or a ride in Deja Vu's former spot? Only time will tell when we start seeing more supports, hopefully some REALLY BIG ones, And of course, the official announcement from Six Flags. Thanks to all you guys for keeping us SFMM coaster fanatics on top!

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I'm thinking the supports are for some kind of flat ride. To colorful for a coaster and I don't think it is for the water park because of timing. Water park rides don't take that long to build and this one would be done probably right after the park closes for the season.

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What irks me is that all the supports are the same length. Surely the coaster won't travel at one height (or a multiplier of one height, supports can be stacked) for a long enough period to warrant that many supports of the exact same height.


I initially thought of a launch track, but since this coaster is supposedly built to the terrain, even launch track supports would have different lengths to account for changes in topography...


I'm stumped

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I initially thought of a launch track, but since this coaster is supposedly built to the terrain, even launch track supports would have different lengths to account for changes in topography...

It could just be a GIANT helix around the mountain!

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^ Brilliant Work! I take it it will be a water coaster like Divertical, but have a launched portion of the coaster section


New for the 2013 Season at SFMM ... Aquaman - Full Throttle

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Also, I think Magic Mountain raised online ticket prices. They have a 3-day "advance" ticket that is now 45 bucks and then a day of purchase that is now 50 bucks. As well as the already mentioned $17 parking now.

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What irks me is that all the supports are the same length. Surely the coaster won't travel at one height (or a multiplier of one height, supports can be stacked) for a long enough period to warrant that many supports of the exact same height.


I initially thought of a launch track, but since this coaster is supposedly built to the terrain, even launch track supports would have different lengths to account for changes in topography...


I'm stumped


Of course not.... really? There's only like what, 10 of them there and obviously if this is a coaster there would have to be many many more.




What kind of supports only have spots for bolts on one side?


A Bra. Next question.




One of these days Guy I would like to take a drive inside what you call your mind so I can see and experience all of the fascinating things that go on in there.

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^^Buying tickets at the park also went up from $61.99 to $64.99. It was $59.99 earlier this year too. But season passes are still only $74.99 which really is a steal, and the combo pass ($99.99) and the Xtreme pass ($125) are really good values in my opinion.


If I were them I'd stop raising general admission tickets here and bump up the passes. I'd easily shovel out $200 for an Xtreme pass (especially now that parking is at $17 a visit, plus the significant amount of money I save with the 25% off in park purchases).

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^This is all very true. While still a great value and I have one, it's a slight bummer that the Xtreme pass does not include admission to Hurricane Harbor. Is there even a discounted price to add it to an Xtreme pass? It that even possible at all?

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What kind of supports only have spots for bolts on one side?


A Bra. Next question.




One of these days Guy I would like to take a drive inside what you call your mind so I can see and experience all of the fascinating things that go on in there.


Seriously, you don't wanna have any of this. I've had to live with it my entire life, and I can barely handle it. It gets seriously fu@k#d up in there.

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