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Everything posted by Arkhamar

  1. ^ If it's true, I hope they don't shut down Colossus till after FrightFest. I, like many others, would love to get our last backward rides on the old original classic!
  2. I know it's too early and highly unlikely, but nobody's mentioned it so I will......IRON COLOSSUS!! Hey, it's SFMM right? so anything can be possible...or is it anything is better than nothing!
  3. I agree! I went on FT for the first time last Monday and loved it! Wish it could of been longer. I actually thought the FT plaza looked smaller than what I seen on videos. Maybe because of the sheer amount of people that were around surprisingly on a Monday. We arrived just after noon and headed straight there. Both trains were running and I felt it was a comfortable wait under the big tent with the huge TV screen showing 'extreme' activities and SFMM coasters...nice touch! The whole park vibe seemed high spirited during the whole day with some real great moments like the water rides where we got soaked! Then when it came to the evening, I got my last ride on Lex Luthor. Oh man, what a rush at night!! We stopped and hanged out for FT Nights and watched the band Velocity play. Can't wait to come back for FrightFest and see what they do with the area, probably a scare zone!
  4. Ohh yes, I feel it too...but maybe for the 2015 season most likely and possibly in the former Deja Vu spot to liven that area up. I'm for the Biometric sensors. I didn't like getting my hand stamped when leaving the park. You could barely see the image and I always hope I didn't accidentally wash it off after eating at Wendy's, haha! (Didn't matter cause I have a season pass!) As mentioned, this could eliminate this.
  5. Yes, Tony McEwing of Fox11 is sitting on the coaster as of 10:10am. He has verified they are waiting for the approval from Sacramento (email, phone call) which could come any minute. Tony will stay and be the first news reporter to ride FT. Too bad for Media Day folks, but the Midnight Ride and official opening tomorrow should be not affected. BTW, they just showed a video on FOX11 showing the coaster from a POV perspective. Sweeett!!
  6. For those folks (like me) who can't be there for the Media Day or Midnight Riders tomorrow on June 21 can tune in early morning (around 6am) to watch the local news channels send one of their newscasters to have the first rides!! They often ride it multiple times on the hour LIVE! It's been a tradition, especially for FOX11 and Eyewitness 7. Can't wait!!
  7. Man, I wish I could go. Riding it at night when you can hardly see anything has got to be awesome. Look forward to your review.
  8. I for one could care less how it was shot. The main focus is we finally got a glimpse of FT testing, albeit a short one but the cameraman followed the train thru and we can see the coaster in relation to the loop. Nice job! Can't wait to see more videos, professional or not.
  9. ^^^ Yes, the all too elusive, but hopefully imminent GIGA coaster can make one of its passes thru there.
  10. Sweeet! That"s some serious height on the loop! Can't wait to see the 2nd launch out and back into the tunnel! Can't wait to see videos of this beast running from different angles! ....sheesh, can't wait to ride this period!!
  11. Great pics there VCXfreak! Your first pic of the drop back to the station looks near vertical. Epic!
  12. Thanks for the pics Rob! I'm absolutely stoked now with the loop completed. It's huge when you compare the guys attaching the ends of the final track...they look like ants!! I believe everyone who's seen it personally and say that photos don't do justice. And yes, the last drop looks crazy steep! I think the trains having no OSTR's will play a big part of how intense this ride will be, especially going thru the first gianormous inward loop! Can't wait for testing!!
  13. No complaints from me. Put me on the list of the park which gets a cool 'xtreme' coaster every other year. I don't mind the rides which are short, cause they usually pack a punch, and quite frankly my stomach and head probably wouldn't be able to take it if these rides were any longer! And to know Knotts Berry Farm, Disneyland, and Universal Studios are just about an hours away if I want a more relaxed family oriented atmosphere. All is missing is the great airtime giga coaster which seems to elude the West Coast, although hoping it finds its way in the near future at either SFMM or Knotts! But who am I kidding, SFMM all the way...GO BIG!
  14. It wasn't stuck. That's the normal brake position to make sure the ride flips as little as possible. Lex Luthor: Drop of Doom, not Green Lantern. The technicians may have been doing their morning routine checkups especially if the park is opening that day. Those new pics have got me real excited! Can't wait to see the loop, station, testing and especially curious tto see what the theming will be about after what Tim said!
  15. The Corkscrew at Cedar Point is even lower with no visible overhead protection and it's been running since 1976!
  16. Can you imagine putting the Mr. Freeze: Reverse Blast treatment on Full Throttle in the future? It would make for some serious insane ride, having those trains reversed! Could be obvious the reason SFMM made Superman: EFK go backwards (and the new paint job) was to separate it from this new coaster.
  17. In some FrightFest news, the former Log Jammer station will be converted into a new maze for 2012. Hopefully better than the Warehouse 13 maze of past years http://www.thecoasterguy.com/index.php/2012/09/01/new-fright-fest-maze-being-built-in-log-jammer-station/
  18. Are people seeing this as a white coaster? I'm seeing it as a silver metallic.
  19. ^ I like that idea too! Full Throttle is now listed on RCDB (http://www.rcdb.com/10948.htm), but with no new info like cost and total length of ride.
  20. So the theme (do i dare say) seems to revolve around electricity, rather than racing. Interesting to see what becomes of the 5 acre area around the former Log Jammer station. They said there was some interaction involved, lots of visuals and a transformation similar to DC Universe. Sweet!
  21. I'm stoked for this ride. Launch coasters always give me that nervous, anxious feeling when you just sit there at the start, as oppose to the slow traditional climb. I think the tunnel is gonna bring an awesome sensation being pulled back then forwards at a high speed, and then up and over that top hat. I wonder how abrupt those brakes are going to be at the end. I've never seen a coaster come off a steep hill and then end like that! The snake dive looks wicked also.
  22. "....where guests will experience high-energy action through fast-paced imagery, sound and lights." Yes, this is interesting. Considering the amount of space Log Jammer took.
  23. I'm stoked! This ride looks like pure adrenaline! The coasters themselves look pretty sleek and the top hat looks to pull some serious airtime! Capacity (18 seater) may not be that bad, seeing how quickly the next coaster is launched as shown in the last part of the video. Great addition to the 'thrill park' lineup, but still have hope for that all elusive giga (most airtime hills and longest coaster) to complete the park.
  24. I always enjoy the Coaster Guys reports..so informative, visually! Hmm, looks like the calm before the big announcement. The Log Jammer activity is interesting, but too early to tell. I wonder if the boneyard cleanup is to make room for the new track supports!! 2 more days!!
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