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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Question for anyone who works at Cedar Point that might know about this. There's a chance I might apply for a rides job at Cedar Point this summer. Does anyone know if spots in associate housing are still available at Cedar Point, and if so, how fast does it fill up? Technically, I'm already onboard to work at Valleyfair this summer, but I found out yesterday that they might not have room for me in VF housing, which is a deal breaker for me because I live too far away from the park to commute back and forth every day. Just want to see if Cedar Point could be an option in case Valleyfair doesn't work out.

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I understand that this was out of their control



Seriously? Was that really a necessary comment?

Quite appropriate I think. There's a very real chance it happened because somebody screwed up. The customer service people are going to tell you it's out of their control because that's what de-escalates the situation, but the fact is that you don't know that, and probably the customer service agent doesn't know that either. Maybe it is, hopefully it is, something that just happened and they are dealing with it the best they could. But we don't know for sure that's what happened, and the very real possibility is that it shouldn't have happened and someone did something or didn't do something they should have, and that's what caused the snafu.

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I understand that this was out of their control



Seriously? Was that really a necessary comment?

Quite appropriate I think. There's a very real chance it happened because somebody screwed up. The customer service people are going to tell you it's out of their control because that's what de-escalates the situation, but the fact is that you don't know that, and probably the customer service agent doesn't know that either. Maybe it is, hopefully it is, something that just happened and they are dealing with it the best they could. But we don't know for sure that's what happened, and the very real possibility is that it shouldn't have happened and someone did something or didn't do something they should have, and that's what caused the snafu.


Ahhhh... I totally misread what Zach was saying there! Apologies, prozach!


Yeah, I guess I just gave them the benefit of the doubt, and since I was pretty crushed by the sudden change of events, I was trying my best not to take my disappointment and frustration out on any particular person or entity. But I suppose you could be right...

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^No big deal, bro. I could have elaborated a bit more.


I was just implying that hopefully it wasn't someone or some group higher up in the chain bumping you out. I'd like to think that stuff doesn't happen, but this is the real world. But, it was more than likely just an error. Either way, I'm glad it worked out.

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Just curious...I’m planning a trip to CP in late August for a few weekdays. Since it will be a weekday towards the end of summer, how long do you guys think the SV wait will be?

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CoasterMania is sold out according to Tony this morning. Glad I got mine....


All tickets to #CoasterMania are now sold out. We will see you in June!

10:08 AM - 23 Mar 2018


Damn. I was going to buy my ticket and book my flight there over the weekend. I guess I'm not going now.

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^^ It depends on the weather and even time of day. You could walk by and see it's 2+ hours, or get lucky and it end up being 15 minutes. My best recommendation for a sunny day would be to try to hit it at weird times, like when most people are eating lunch/dinner or something.

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For anyone who's gone to Coastermania in the past, do you know if any tickets get released later on closer to the event (or has in past years) or if people who bought their ticket and then couldn't go or wanted to cancel could transfer or resell their ticket? I was already in the stages of planing my Cedar Point trip on this weekend and am wondering if I should stick it out and still go this weekend with a possibility of not being able to participate in Coastermania (I'll still have a Platinum Pass for normal park access) or if I should just plan my Cedar Point trip for some other time this summer.

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Since it will be a weekday towards the end of summer, how long do you guys think the SV wait will be?

I'm going to suggest FL+, like I always do. Unless you go all the time, why not budget for it?

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For anyone who's gone to Coastermania in the past, do you know if any tickets get released later on closer to the event (or has in past years) or if people who bought their ticket and then couldn't go or wanted to cancel could transfer or resell their ticket? I was already in the stages of planing my Cedar Point trip on this weekend and am wondering if I should stick it out and still go this weekend with a possibility of not being able to participate in Coastermania (I'll still have a Platinum Pass for normal park access) or if I should just plan my Cedar Point trip for some other time this summer.


Based off of what I’ve heard from past Coastermania events, it might be in your best interest to plan a trip on a different weekend and just get FL+. I know they’ve limited tickets for this year’s event, but it appears the day of Coastermania is usually insanely busy at the park, so if you don’t have a ticket to the event it’s probably best just to plan for a different day. Someone else may have better insight, but if it was me planning a trip, that’s how I’d do it.

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I really don't know where this notion that coastermania is super busy came from. During the afternoon you're looking at lines less than an hour at every ride besides Maverick and SV. The only other things that'll be more than a half hour or so will be Millennium and Valravn.

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Whoa...coastermania sold out already? Holy hell, my paycheck finally hit, first thing I was gunna do is buy tix and..... yeah.

Wow I bought em much later last year, I guess the Steel Vengeance effect for ya

Was there an official announcement or anything? If so super bummed I missed it, if not guess I should've checked the site every day.


Did they really limit the number of attendees this year? I guess I cant vouch for other years but last year the event wasnt crowded at all. I mean if you expected the park basically to yourself no, but I was able to do lots in the morning ERT, enough to get a jump on the day and do everything I wanted, usually multiple times, in one day and that was even with a 3 hour break. I agree with the above comment, "super busy" is not accurate of my experience. Even during the normal hours, yeah aside from the Maverick MF and Valravn I was able to do tons.

Wasn't super busy at all.


Anyway, that's rough, any chance they will open up more tickets? Maybe I should just save my $ and vaca days for WCB

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It was slammed durring the last coastermania that I attended. Sandusky bike week is also happining that weekend, so room rates are crazy high.Decided to skip out on the event this year for a few reasons.

Plus, my kids are not tall enough to ride any of the ert coasters, nor do they have an event shirt in there size. But yet they still would have to pay full price. Not complaining, but just not worth the cost nor the large crowds for "us".

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Guess I lucked out last year...though it IS CP, I'd hope we'd kind of expect large crowds. Would be worth it for the ERT alone, would still allow you to get all you want done in a way not possible (w/o fast pass) on a normal day.

Deff super bummed.


Oh well, I've yet to go to Holiday World, since I already got that June 1 off I may look into that event.

And I'm not crazy right, there deff was a WCB 2018 announcement? I'll look on the bright side, been 5 years since I went, may be a better use of money, make a longer CA trip

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During the afternoon you're looking at lines less than an hour at every ride besides Maverick and SV.

Never. I had to wait ten minutes to order coffee today and I was miserable. I would never wait an hour for any ride, but I guess it's all subjective.

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Steel vengeance is not even open yet. How can you assume that lines for it will be less than an hour?


You have to remember the park is going to be buisy as it is, and when you throw in a couple thousand coaster nerds..

.well you do the math.

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Not sure if you were responding to my post, but I'm not assuming anything. I'm saying I'd never wait in an hour line for any ride, unless a FL option wasn't available. Even then, I'd probably leave.

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Steel vengeance is not even open yet. How can you assume that lines for it will be less than an hour?


You have to remember the park is going to be buisy as it is, and when you throw in a couple thousand coaster nerds..

.well you do the math.

It surely wont be, thus why the ERT is so essential Ya do that, then don't have to worry for the rest of the day.

I don't think they were saying SV would be under and hour, thats silly. I think they were saying outside that and the other top coasters, lines were under an hour.

Which I agree, that was absolutely my experience. Come 10 once the park was open to all plus all us coaster nerds, I didnt think it crowded. Relatively, it's CP always have to factor in the crowds. But yeah I really didn't think it was terribly crowded. Ya know once you have already done all the long waiters already and don't have to fret. Outside MF, Maverick, Valravn, TTD nothing I saw was even at an hour.


Not that it matters, is a great event and I always love CP. Shame it sold out already. That was a huge bummer, going to the site to excitedly buy my tickets and see too late but ah well.

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It was slammed durring the last coastermania that I attended. Sandusky bike week is also happining that weekend, so room rates are crazy high.

Yeah, but that was before they started limiting ticket sales. Lines are quite short during ERT now, especially if you don't go to the new hotness. In 2016 I went to the other four ERT coasters first then Valravn at the end of ERT and it was about 5 minutes wait. This year I'm planning to do Maverick and SkyHawk first then SteVen to allow the line to recede some. The other morning ERT coasters are Gemini and Magnum, which really won't have long lines all day, and TTD, which might not open early anyway. I'll probably just spend resort ERT on SteVen while the enthusiasts who went to it first are riding other things.


As for hotels, they're cheap if you get that rate locked in early. I booked my hotel back in September, and I get travel agent rates, but I think the rack rate was like $65 at the time. Maybe a bit high for a Hojo, but great for a hotel just outside the park entrance.

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Yeah anyone concerned about ERT lines really shouldn't be. I was able to do all, multiple times. And I could've done more. I saw the line for TTD already piling up so I hopped on to get a ride before it was massive before park even opened, (it was like 40 minutes before 10 and already line was getting long). If I didnt would've had even more time for other rides in ERT.

Seriously no one should be concerned. Least I think not.


Congrats to those who nabbed tix already damn that went fast. Given other trips I got planned guess CP is out this year

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