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Most Intense B&M!

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Am I the only one that thinks the B:TR clones at various six flags parts are the most intense B&M inverts?


I've been on:

-Top Gun:TJC/Afterburn


-Batman:TR at SFOG


Batman BY FAR is the most intense I've been on.


I've heard the most intense are:

-Great White


-Batman Clones

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Silver Bullet at Knott's Berry Farm! Super steep drop, high speed loop and cobra roll... No but seriously it is probably Batman The Ride clones. To be more specific, probably Great White at Seaworld San Antonio. I've read reviews of Alpengeist and Pyrenees being very intense as well.

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Am I the only one that thinks the B:TR clones at various six flags parts are the most intense B&M inverts?


I merged this with a older topic.


Please use the search function before starting a new Topic, there was no need a start a new thread so similar to this older one.

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Has anyone said Hulk? The first four inversions are insane! The launch into the zero-g/drop into a cobra roll following that is a massive verticle loop. I'd say it packs a mean punch. Also Kumba, Montu, Kraken, Georgia Scorcher, SUF at SFOG, and B:Tr, Montu, Basically all the south east B&M's. lol



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Since this thread has been resurrected...I'll revise my earlier entry and agree that Tatsu's pretzel is the single most intense B&M element I've experienced...and unlike the S:UF I've ridden (SFGAdv), the rest of the ride - partly due to the siting - is a whole lot of fun, too. I just love that first drop off the side of the hill.

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I've been on so many. Like, 3. Out of those 3 I would say Flight Deck (CGA). I kept greying out somewhere in the middle of the ride. Sometimes I'd miss a pretty big section of the ride before regaining my vision. And on every on-ride photo I appeared to be grimacing more than screaming. I just love the theming and setting of that ride.

I might as well mention the other two. I used to think Medusa (SFDK) was was majorly thrilling. Now I think it's fun, but almost tame. Vortex (CGA) is fun, but I think it's more rough than intense.

I guess I'll have to work my way up to the more highly regarded rides.

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For me, Raptor, Alpengeist, Griffon, Sheikra and Diamondback.



Raptor, Sheikra and Griffon all have some crazy extreme moments (helix on Raptor, drops on the Dive Machines). I found Alpengeist to be an all-around intense ride. The same goes for Diamondback.

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The most intense in my opinion is probably Manta. It is the best flyer I've ever experienced and its pretzel is about 3 times the intensity of S:UF's pretzel.


Now I could be a copy cat of everyone else and name a couple other Florida B&Ms, but I'm going to be different and name one no one has mentioned yet. Afterburn. Think Montu with a higher speed in a more compact layout with a more intense batwing and no trim break. Especially now with the new wheels on blue train, and the fresh grease, it's a g-force machine.


After that, I would have to say B:TR at SFOG. It would be a great ride if it were better kept and operated, but it is still one intense little invert.

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