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Amazing water slides

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^ That was Bomb Bay, Der Stuka was the one beside it (the normal vertical water slide)


I believe that is the Orlando one, I just think the image is mirrored. As far as I know they only built two of those...one in Orlando and one in Las Vegas. When they built the Vegas version they also replaced the original slides using curved ones. The Florida version kept the flat bottomed chutes.


While I could ride Der Stuka all day, I could never work up the nerve to try Bomb Bay. Always scared I'd scratch my arms or something wierd like that. It was always fun standing in line for Blue Niagra and looking up to see people fall out the capsule. During the last few years of operation, they locked the Vegas one into position over the chute, probably to reduce maintenance on the capsule.

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I rode Bomb Bay in Orlando (didn't even know there is one in Vegas too).


It is indeed nerve racking. One time I took place in the capsule and started waiting for the trap door to open. It seemed like ages before it opened and I took a careful look at the operator through the little window. The op was waiting for this, smiled, waived her hand to me while hitting the button with the other hand

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Bom Bay? Bombay?


Whichever way its spelled that slide looks like a hell a lotta fun. Did someone say the floor drops out beneath you? That's amazing, it looks like you get to look out and see how high up you are before you drop too.


I'd say its up there with a the Deluge slide that propels you with the LIMs.

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The one in Orlando is locked in the postion to where its already over the edge of the slide and it was a little hard to get in my first time lol. But I didn't look at the person pushing the button because I didn't want to know when it was going to pushed. I just looked forward onto the waterpark and literally prayed lol. It was amazing!

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^Wet n Wild Las Vegas was located next to the Sahara Hotel. The site was near the north end of the strip at Las Vegas Blvd and Sahara Ave.


^ If you look at that image for more than 2 seconds, you can see the Wet N Wild logo is just Photoshopped onto the slide.


Here's a hi-res version of the image, you can see there's no photo grain on the text:



In the hi-res you can also tell where they "cut" the top portion of the Der Stuka chute and replaced it with a new piece to line up with the capsule. Having seen this in comparison to the Vegas version, I'm thinking the Bomb Bay creations were an in-house design.


When the capsules used to move, it seemed like a simple air compressor. Perhaps that's why they locked them into position, to avoid having to keep replacing the compressor and to speed up load times.

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Wild Rovers Waterpark. I work there and even though it is not a very satisfying job I have to say that the slides are pretty good becasue everything is totally ghetto. If you wanna go on a good slide go on the patriot because it is huge and you actuauly get some floater air on the last drop. It only works with 4 people though. Or go on surf hill for ejector air because they tell you not to pull the matts up but I skipped a whole hill. And if you get lucky this will happen. I worked there last summer and a girls suit got stuck on the slide so she had to go bqck up naked.

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Anyone remember this ghetto water attraction?? I remember when I visited the Wet N Wild in Las Vegas with my folks and this was touted as a kid's attraction called 'Bubble Up'. Only problem was that the bubble was so slippery, the kids would get halfway up and then usually fall backwards into the pool, often hurting themselves in the process...or at least scaring the crap out of them! This thing was NUTS!!!


The lucky one's that managed to get to the top usually lost their footing pretty quickly and would end up falling and hitting the water face first with a resounding splash!


Even more funny to watch were the adults that would try to make it to the top, only to fall a$$ backwards, hit the bubble halfway down, and then hit the water on their backs or slam head first into the water. I saw one heavy set guy get thrown around on this thing and once he finally decided to call it quits, he had red welts all over his back and legs.


Of course, I had to try it and pretty much got the same results! I remember I was 14 at the time and both me and my father walked away from 'Bubble Up' feeling like we just got our a$$es kicked, even though we were laughing about how a park would put such an accident prone ride and then label it as a kiddie attraction!


It was pure fun and entertainment for anyone that loves to get hurt, or loves to watch other people get hurt!!! I am unsure if any of these things are still in operation at other Wet N Wild parks, but I would be amazed if there weren't lawsuits filed from kids being hurt on the slippery bubble!


I would bet that the girl in the orange bathing suit in the picture isn't going to be smiling when she ends up going face first into the water below!


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