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Amazing water slides

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I have a new favorite waterslide after I finally got ro ride it last week. SFNE's Typhoon which uses high speed conveyor belts instead of "master blasters". It was a really interesting machine, just as fun to watch as it was to ride.


We have a really nice waterpark here, better than most I have to pay extra for.



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That's madness! I always thought the proslide tornado would be good for that sort of thing.


^^About the conveyor belts, if you fell off of the raft, I don't think you would be hurt. The belts move pretty quick, but I not really so fast where they would skin you alive. You'd probably just be brought to the top of the slide.

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  • 3 months later...
I second Bomb Bay at Wet n Wild, I remember the attendant telling me to jump up and he would press the button to open the floor, definitely cool!!

I never did bombay as I had a big fear of hights, and there was no way I was going to be dropped onto the slide. I did do the slie right next to it though. Fun!


To bad its not there anymore.

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Wild Rapids Waterslide Park in Sylvan Lake, Alberta has a body blaster slide where you have this tube at the top that fills up with water, then you go down the slide and about midway through, WOOSH. They also have a tube slide that does the same, along with a ProSlide half-pipe. Great waterpark, with great slides. Kamikaze/Hari Kari is a racing slide [the ones with bumps] shaped to get you the most air ever- but heres the trick... you HAVE to go head first. [sCARY]

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I have to agree with a few people on here about Bombay at Wet 'n' Wild in Orlando.


The first time I went on it the attendent said "Make sure you're behind the red line"... so naturally I looked down. As I did she dropped the floor... the only thing you heard from me on the way down was a few choice curse words towards the attendent.


Overall it's a great ride and I've done it many times since.


Also, at Adventure Island (Busch Gardens Africa's water park) they have a ride called "Everglides"


You climb the stairs and grab this little yellow plastic raft that you sit on. You place it on a horizontal platform that has "Rollers" on them. You inch yourself forward and hold onto the handlebars on the side of the yellow raft. The attendent presses a button and the platform tilts forward to about 45°... you fly down the slide, level out and skip across a pool of 3ft deep water... sort of like a stone skipping across the water. It's really fun.


Thanks to Theme Park Review for these photos


Their new ride, "Riptide", is fun as well.


It's a waterslide composed of 4 slides. You grab your raft and go down the slide on your stomach. The first two slides go into a helix towards the left, and the last two go into a helix towards the right. The helixes are enclosed... they all meet up in the middle and then the slides aren't enclosed anymore... you then go down a double dip (Racing your friends or strangers) and level out and come to a stop.


Thanks to Adventureisland.com for this pic... even though it's a crappy pic


Oh, also the one in my sig


Oh, we had one of those at our home park up to not so long ago. an amusement aprk, not a water park. it asnt been oeprating in years, though. rumor says some kid died on it. on one hand I doubt thats true, ont he other, I dont see why else would it be closed all of a sudden if they had no intention of tearing it down?


anmyhow, it has now been replaced with wo other slides, not nearly as steep and cool, but they should take the pressure off the rest of the slides, who usually have too lonmg aof a line.


that slide is also at Hurricane Harbor here in Dallas, it is operating, too, my favorite ride in the park

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I have to agree with a few people on here about Bombay at Wet 'n' Wild in Orlando.


The first time I went on it the attendent said "Make sure you're behind the red line"... so naturally I looked down. As I did she dropped the floor... the only thing you heard from me on the way down was a few choice curse words towards the attendent.


Overall it's a great ride and I've done it many times since.


Also, at Adventure Island (Busch Gardens Africa's water park) they have a ride called "Everglides"


You climb the stairs and grab this little yellow plastic raft that you sit on. You place it on a horizontal platform that has "Rollers" on them. You inch yourself forward and hold onto the handlebars on the side of the yellow raft. The attendent presses a button and the platform tilts forward to about 45°... you fly down the slide, level out and skip across a pool of 3ft deep water... sort of like a stone skipping across the water. It's really fun.


Thanks to Theme Park Review for these photos


Their new ride, "Riptide", is fun as well.


It's a waterslide composed of 4 slides. You grab your raft and go down the slide on your stomach. The first two slides go into a helix towards the left, and the last two go into a helix towards the right. The helixes are enclosed... they all meet up in the middle and then the slides aren't enclosed anymore... you then go down a double dip (Racing your friends or strangers) and level out and come to a stop.


Thanks to Adventureisland.com for this pic... even though it's a crappy pic


Oh, also the one in my sig


Oh, we had one of those at our home park up to not so long ago. an amusement aprk, not a water park. it asnt been oeprating in years, though. rumor says some kid died on it. on one hand I doubt thats true, ont he other, I dont see why else would it be closed all of a sudden if they had no intention of tearing it down?


anmyhow, it has now been replaced with wo other slides, not nearly as steep and cool, but they should take the pressure off the rest of the slides, who usually have too lonmg aof a line.


that slide is also at Hurricane Harbor here in Dallas, it is operating, too, my favorite ride in the park


West Edmonton Mall has one of these too.

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My first post here, im hoping this is the start of something fun,

Anyway, for waterslides that make you go wow White Water World (a new waterpark under construction in Australia) has got a few.


Firstly, an LIM waterslide, yup, you heard right , Proslide seem to have ditched their conveyor belt system and are opting for electromagnets. Not too sure how exactly its going to work, i think it may just work by having the metal strips sewn into the bottom of the raft.

Theres some good pics at http://www.roller-coaster.com.au/gallery.php?gid=159&page=2


Also, with that riptide slide mentioned earlier, we are getting one of them too but its going to be the 8 lane version, its the craziest thing I have ever seen, i mean 8 helixes all stacked up and crossing over each other, and with head first mats

Also some pics at http://www.roller-coaster.com.au/gallery.php?gid=159&page=4

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The only Water Parks I have been to is "Slide n Splash" (25+ slides) in Portugal and Tower Park (14 slides) in Poole UK.


I would love to try out the Water Parks in the USA sometime.


That 8-lane Octopus ride looks amazing, it will be so much fun to race your friends down the slides.


I recon the next big thing will be a "LIM" Woodie, you can create it on

"No Limits".

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Is it just me or does large amounts of electricity and water not seem like a great mix? When I first read that I was under the impression that the LIMs would launch the conveyor belt rather than whatever propulsion method they have now. Also a large metal plate on the bottom of a raft might not be so great for the rest of the slide, and those would need to be custom made rafts.

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Firstly, an LIM waterslide, yup, you heard right , Proslide seem to have ditched their conveyor belt system and are opting for electromagnets.

Could that mean steaper ascension in the future?


I don't think the problem with a steep ascension is the way to power the riders up it, it's just that seeing how inner tubes odnt have stable headrests like rollercoasters to lean on, riders could fall off the tube if the slope is too steep, because keeping a constant speed while going up would create some horizontal Gs,


that's why slides that go up on monmentum alone sometimes have steeper ascents.



However, it is possible to have the boat launched horizontally to a certain speed and THEN have it go steeper. though that could pose a risk of the boat flipping over

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on the boomerang style slides in Spain, they have a back rest on the boats otherwise you would fall backwards :/


A boomerang is a momentum-powered slide, that means an inflatible headrest is fine, because theres not alot of horizontal force on the riders


but if you want to make a steep, water jet/conveyor belt/LIM slide, an inflatible headrest will not be stable enough to support the passenger.

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