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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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  dstephe9 said:
  TEDodd said:
So it's not clear what the second point means.


But what are "Low Capacity" days? And is "Almost Full" based on when the reservation is being made or some other measure?


Are you saying it let you book more than 3 weekdays in one month?


Idk, they need more clarification. Maybe list the days so folks know ahead of time, similar to a Disney blackout day


I haven't booked anything (won't be as long as masks are required).


Just saying point 2 is not clear and proposing scenarios.

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  samwturner said:
Can anyone see what the reservation page says for the 16th? It won't let me see it since I have a reservation for that day.


15th is full.

16th is low capacity.

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  dstephe9 said:

Are you saying it let you book more than 3 weekdays in one month?


Ok I just tested (didn't have my pass handy last night).


I reserved 4 week days, 22, 23, 29, and 30.

That's Mon & Tue on 2 separate weeks.

All were green/available days.


Now to cancel those...

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So it might not be as bad as people think. This is a bad marketing strategy for Dollywood, if people can't understand the system.


We are waiting to get access to my sister and laws pass to give it a try ourselves this weekend before we buy ours.


If your test are correct, it might work out for u


I'm still unclear on the low capacity days though! What does that even mean? Days where they know the park will be dead and are staffed lower? Why limit those days!


Sent from my GM1915 using Tapatalk

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  dstephe9 said:
So it might not be as bad as people think. This is a bad marketing strategy for Dollywood, if people can't understand the system.


Agree which is why I posed the question.


If your test are correct, it might work out for u


Nope, since I'm not going while masks are required. If I drive 5 hours there I want to enjoy myself and that doesn't include wearing anything over my face.



I'm still unclear on the low capacity days though! What does that even mean?


Agree. The only one I saw in June earlier was the 16th. I forgot to check July. So best I can tell is it's just the number of remaining slots.


Looks like 3 levels and the 2 closer to full when reserving count against by the limit, but the green level doesn't. Still subject to the weekend and consecutive days limits though.


Real pain to test as you can only do 1 day at a time, not select multiple days at once.


Seems they are favoring ticket buyers. While most pass holders are local, not all of us are. But I can do several 4-5 day trips (weekend plus 2-3 days camping or cheap cabin).


And no option to select evening or afternoon entry. All slots were morning times. I would often go late afternoon/evening after doing other stuff in the morning. Not as spur of the moment as you, but still fun to hit few coasters and eat after hiking or zip line in the morning.

Edited by TEDodd
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Has anyone heard anything about Timesaver? We bought some for the 20th as they're for sale as of now. We figure if they don't end up offering it they'll just refund us anyway but I **think** it's still a thing.


I know they're limiting park capacity, but I thought about Firechaser and Mystery Mine running with social distancing guidelines and uh... yeah

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Haven't heard about any changes to Timesaver.


Don't know that it'll be particularly useful. Depends on the capacity they are limiting to and how coaster oriented the crowd is.

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I don't know if it will be useful or not, but the FAQ page states that rides will be running with empty seats for social distancing so I feel like Mystery Mine's capacity will be at most 4 people per car (and we love that ride). That thought alone made us buy it.

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  coasterbill said:
I don't know if it will be useful or not, but the FAQ page states that rides will be running with empty seats for social distancing so I feel like Mystery Mine's capacity will be at most 4 people per car (and we love that ride). That thought alone made us buy it. [emoji38]
Hmm, I'd expect both rows on MM, just only one group on a row. Maybe 2 singles in outside seats.

But 3/4 people together on one row (like in the cat they rode to the park in). And MM is one of the few rides that the queuing setup works for that.


Harder to do with the 2 across trains, sometimes skipping a row and other times not.

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  coasterbill said:
  DILinator said:
I think the mask conversation should be filled with a lot of nuance, and understanding of multiple viewpoints, but alas, it rarely is.


Here's the thing...


It's private property. Dive bars can mandate that you don't wear a hat (been to a few of those, lol), bowling areas can mandate that you have to wear bowling shoes, restaurants can mandate a formal dress code, 7-11 can mandate that you wear a shirt and shoes.


That's all that I care about. It's their property and those are the rules so I will respect them. Any discussion of masks as they pertain to Dollywood beyond that is irrelevant because it's their private property.


Yes, I completely agree that it's a private establishment's right to set their own rules. And people then have the right to either patronize, or not patronize those establishments. However, that certainly doesn't change the fact that there's a lot of nuance in the mask conversation, and a lot of nuance that establishments should be considering before making their policies. I don't think it's unfair or irrelevant to question whether a particular establishment is making the best, most informed, and logical decisions, rather than just following the heard mentality. Any questioning or discussing of it should be done respectfully though, and either in a discussion forum like this, or through proper channels at the company. Respecting Dollywood, or any other park's rules, is first and foremost, what an individual needs to do. Don't be a jerk to them on social media, over the phone, or rude to the park workers. I think that's the key thing.


  boldikus said:
LOL what type of masks are people wearing that they can't breathe in?


We've been on lockdown in Philly since March 17th, every single time I have left my house since then I have worn a mask - outdoors, in the grocery store, in pharmacies, in the beer distributor, at the bottle shop, and do not take it off until I am home. It's been hot here recently, I am still wearing a mask every single time I go out. I am still alive, I have not fainted, no heatstroke, everything is just fine. All of my friends and family have also been doing this, and guess what? No fainting, no heatstroke, they're all still alive and breathing.


Medical professionals have been wearing masks all day for decades and they're just fine. Entitled people will come up with any excuse possible to not do something, and this argument is downright laughable.


Well, I see your anecdotal stories, and raise you my own. I cannot wear a mask, while active, for more than about 5, maybe 10 minutes tops, before I get overheated, and start hyperventilating. There are others I know for whom this type of thing is true as well. For us, it IS a literal health hazard, and no, it has nothing to do with being entitled (the most frequently used word by coaster enthusiasts, and by far the most misused word by coaster enthusiasts.) Numerous medical professionals, and scientists have also written of the danger of wearing masks for prolonged periods of time, so this isn't an absurd or laughable notion at all. I've read plenty of their articles, and done plenty of research on the subject personally. Thankfully I have a profession that doesn't typically require me to be active while in contact with others for extended periods of time. But going to an amusement park all day and walking around in the heat? That's going to be pushing things, and while I haven't ruled anything out, I'm certainly leaning towards not going to parks requiring masks, unless they allow medical accommodation, because I simply can't breathe long term in them. That's just a fact of my physiological composition. I'm sorry if you find that laughable, but I certainly don't...

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People are going to complain no matter what. Some people won't go if others aren't wearing masks, some people won't go if they have to wear a mask and if they come up with a mythical policy that doesn't exist that makes everyone happy then the demand will be too high but they'll still need to limit capacity so people will complain because they couldn't get a reservation and they've been passholders since 1876 and they're never coming back and taking their business to Golden Corral or whatever.


Since people will complain no matter what, I'd stick with the policy that's recommended by the CDC and that is more likely to please the people who ultimately decide if you're allowed to open or not and please your lawyers. People are probably going to argue with the CDC because everyone on the internet is a doctor now but in the end the park isn't going to care what those people think because they have to limit capacity anyway.

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  DILinator said:
I cannot wear a mask, while active, for more than about 5, maybe 10 minutes tops, before I get overheated, and start hyperventilating.

This is such fucking bullshit. You are either outright lying just because you don't want to wear a mask or you are so sick that you probably shouldn't be going to a park in the first place.


Seriously please... I beg of you...




I honestly cannot take any more of your insane stupidity. You literally are the dumbest person on the forum right now.

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So the park finally posted a video that explains the categories. Low capacity are days that are filling up and "low capacity" is left. Honestly, Pete or if anyone from Dollywood is reading. Why not call this 75% full and then 90% full or 50% full and 75% full? Much easier to understand! Also, please explain what happens if I book on a green day and that day turns yellow or red? (Low capacity & almost full) am I now charged one of those statuses?


I renewed our passes today but noticed I can't book an entry time past noon? Hopefully they won't hold us to that noon entry time because if so, the pass will be useless. I'm hoping they are assuming anytime past noon, the lines will be down to allow distancing


Here's to hoping


Sent from my GM1915 using Tapatalk

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  robbalvey said:
  DILinator said:
I cannot wear a mask, while active, for more than about 5, maybe 10 minutes tops, before I get overheated, and start hyperventilating.

This is such fucking bullshit. You are either outright lying just because you don't want to wear a mask or you are so sick that you probably shouldn't be going to a park in the first place.


Seriously please... I beg of you...




I honestly cannot take any more of your insane stupidity. You literally are the dumbest person on the forum right now.

Mask don't do much, stop getting your titties twisted over stupid stuff, mask are security theater and really don't do much, if you're that concerned about a virus don't go to a busy theme park, that is really the only effective way to ensure no exposure to COVID19 (however most of the population is not at risk and will be fine). Mask policy's are the work of permission to open by the state, most park operators do not have the money or time to deal with enforcing such policy. Expect mask-less faces at parks.


Also for anyone who wears a mask while driving you look stupid, you're also risking heat stroke or passing out while driving a vehicle which isn't good for anyone on the road.

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  TheThemParkFan said:

Mask don't do much, stop getting your titties twisted over stupid stuff

Banned from our forum. I simply do not have time nor do I care to put up with self-entitled assholes here that think they can do whatever the fuck they want to.

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Ok. For this masks don't do much argument and shouldn't be worn in theme parks... Lotte World just had a confirmed case visit their parks. The person wore a mask at the park and at school. Other people in the theme park wore masks and so far there have been no linked cases back to him yet. I think they tested over 800 people from the school and park that he may have come into contact with and they were all negative.


Now even though Lotte World is indoors it's quite open so these aren't great comparisons but they are the closest I have. A person in a nightclub spread the virus and there's 277 cases connected to him. That's pretty crowded but another is a table tennis gym. People were further apart and someone still spread it to 50 people.


As for this hot and not breathing. I'm a teacher and it's 32C here yesterday and today. I wore mine no problem walking to and from school in the open heat (maybe 2.2km each way) and the classrooms were quite hot and so did all the students. You do see a lot of people who decide to randomly wear their masks on their chins or off their noses but the majority of people young-old are wearing them all day straight no problem.

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I’m so glad you’re on this forum to be the voice of reason. Do you just stay here to keep tabs on how insane Americans are and then laugh about it with your friends? That’s what I’d do if I were you.


And yeah, at the end of the day this isn’t a debate about the efficacy of masks anyway. It’s about respecting the park’s rules and not being dramatic about it or making a simple decision to not go without being obnoxious about it. To people who have responses like that, I welcome you to start your own theme park and then you can make whatever rules you want.

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For all the people in the no mask camp, feel free to make a little road trip out of Kentucky Kingdom and Holiday World. They are both only recommending masks and are 1.5 hours apart. Free world, free choices for all! You just have to understand that you don't make the rules, but feel free to act on your preferences! Theme parks across the board need our entertainment dollars this year!

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Hey everyone! I am curious if anyone has suggestions about the Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg area. I went to Dollywood the last two years and my friends and I wanted to do other things in the area. I am interested in the Mountain Monster thrill tower, white water rafting, a mountain coaster, and many other things. We plan on hiking and whitewater rafting one day, going to this new waterpark called Soaky Mountain on another day, and we have a third day to do things. If anyone has any good suggestions of things that are off the beaten path or shouldn't be missed I would greatly appreciate hearing your thoughts!

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  The username said:
Does anybody know if the timesaver is more expensive if you buy the day of instead of online?
Same price. They just might sell out, not that I know of thst ever happening.
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  chschris1 said:
Hey everyone! I am curious if anyone has suggestions about the Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg area.


If anyone has any good suggestions of things that are off the beaten path or shouldn't be missed I would greatly appreciate hearing your thoughts!


Lots of good zip line options.

This has been my favorite so far




Of course lots of great hiking in the national park.

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