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How many bones have you broken?


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Somehow, none.........I've ate crap pretty hard too. I think the best thing that's happened is that now I launch radio controlled cars off bike jumps instead of doing them personally, worst that happens is I have to buy a few new parts as opposed to getting jacked up.

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I broke my leg in hockey. It was my prime year too. I was killer that year. I just got pushed a bit and my leg caught a rivet in the ice and my leg caught but my body kept going so I ended up having a spiral fracture just above the ankle.


A spiral fracture is when you're leg twists so much it breaks. The break in the bone looks like a spiral going up it.


And ya so I ended up having to have a cast from the tip of my toes to my crotch for 4 weeks then got a fiberglass cast up to my knee for 12 weeks but now im gold so ya theres my story.

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nose- i was doing a backflip, landed on my shoulders, leg came down and crushed my nose


wrist- i was five and fell off of a jungle gym


left leg- fell off of motorcycle


right leg- hit a rock when surfing


right wrist- same as right leg


index finger- no big deal, football hit it


toe- broke on the rock that broke my leg and wrist

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I've played ice hockey since I was 3 years old so I've had my share of broken body parts.


On the list that comes to mind at the moment are:


My eye socket from a brutal high stick


Both wrists


Left leg


Restructured right rotator cuff


So many toes I can't count.


Right ankle


Been knocked out a few to many time for my own good


4 Ribs over a 10 year period


Every finger on my right hand over 10 years, not to mention a few on my left


I should be nice and sore by the time I hit older age, but ice hockey has been worth every bump and bruise since day one!

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