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Knoebels Discussion Thread

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Well, by "themed" I mean a painted plywood flat showing Wile E. Coyote pancaked against a brick wall. This will fade over time, and people will eventually mistake the flat for a picture of either Santa Claus or a pitcher of Kool Aid.


Meanwhile, back at Knoebels . . .

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"It's going to be a 300 foot standing up loop-de-loop coaster with 100 loop-de-loops and it will go underground and there will be explosions going "KABOOSH!" and "SKIDOOSH!" And it will be called Dynamite Cave", said the stupid general public. "It will also have a 1000 MPH launch and I know this because the Dippin' Dots guy told me".

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If we look at all the clues so far it's pretty easy to figure out:


Impulse- it's an Intamin shuttle coaster.


Skloosh control panel- means it's being placed inside are around Skloosh.


Three states visited- The three states are gas, liquid, and solid so....


it's an Intamin air launched aquatrax shuttle into a brick wall!


You're welcome.


"Saddle up boys; we got ourselves a hanging!

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According to Screamscape and All American Thrills, Knoebels is building a structure that according to the permit says it is for a substation. http://www.allamericanthrills.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=53


Looking at the first picture, there is an A frame meaning this is by the Security building near the picnic pavilions. Now the last time that I remember a substation being built was for the Twister. You can see this building while riding on the train.


So it may be something related to this 2015 project.

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The anticipation is agonizing. Whatever it is, it better be a roller coaster, it better be full-circuit, and it better have a custom layout. If all these things are true, I promise not to be disappointed, even if it is some kind of impulse water coaster.


I don't think it's going to be a launched woodie, in fact I doubt it's going to be a prototype at all, seeing as they were described as having "found" it (i.e. something that already existed). HOWEVER. If it is a launched woodie, then I am changing my permanent address to Knoebels' campground.


Another impossible idea for you: the world's second wing rider... though the woods... how awesome would that be?

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The anticipation is agonizing. Whatever it is, it better be a roller coaster, it better be full-circuit, and it better have a custom layout. If all these things are true, I promise not to be disappointed, even if it is some kind of impulse water coaster.


I don't think it's going to be a launched woodie, in fact I doubt it's going to be a prototype at all, seeing as they were described as having "found" it (i.e. something that already existed). HOWEVER. If it is a launched woodie, then I am changing my permanent address to Knoebels' campground.


Another impossible idea for you: the world's second wing rider... though the woods... how awesome would that be?


Actually, the idea that they had to go searching for something, and wasn't something that everyone already knew about, could mean its something we've never seen before. It can go both ways!

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Whatever it is, I'm sure that it will be under construction for a while before they actually announce what it is.


I was actually thinking (hoping) that the reason they started the hype this early was because they knew they wouldn't be able to keep it a secret for very long once construction began. All someone has to do is drive by and snap a few pictures...

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The anticipation is agonizing. Whatever it is, it better be a roller coaster, it better be full-circuit, and it better have a custom layout. If all these things are true, I promise not to be disappointed, even if it is some kind of impulse water coaster.


I don't think it's going to be a launched woodie, in fact I doubt it's going to be a prototype at all, seeing as they were described as having "found" it (i.e. something that already existed). HOWEVER. If it is a launched woodie, then I am changing my permanent address to Knoebels' campground.


Another impossible idea for you: the world's second wing rider... though the woods... how awesome would that be?


Actually, the idea that they had to go searching for something, and wasn't something that everyone already knew about, could mean its something we've never seen before. It can go both ways!


Or that they went to three states to see examples of whatever it is - that's what led people to RMC in the first place (Texas, Missouri, and Illinois).

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The anticipation is agonizing. Whatever it is, it better be a roller coaster, it better be full-circuit, and it better have a custom layout. If all these things are true, I promise not to be disappointed, even if it is some kind of impulse water coaster.


I don't think it's going to be a launched woodie, in fact I doubt it's going to be a prototype at all, seeing as they were described as having "found" it (i.e. something that already existed). HOWEVER. If it is a launched woodie, then I am changing my permanent address to Knoebels' campground.


Another impossible idea for you: the world's second wing rider... though the woods... how awesome would that be?


Actually, the idea that they had to go searching for something, and wasn't something that everyone already knew about, could mean its something we've never seen before. It can go both ways!


Or that they went to three states to see examples of whatever it is - that's what led people to RMC in the first place (Texas, Missouri, and Illinois).


Or Ohio, Illinois and Tennessee. B&M Wing Rider. Just sayin'

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Just a hunch... maybe Knoebel's could be relocating a closed wooden coaster?


Maybe they visited three states to check out three of these coasters (I highlighted the three I think are most likely):

Big Dipper @ Geauga Lake

Cyclone @ Williams Grove

Dania Beach Hurricane @ Boomers

Mega Zeph @ Six Flags New Orleans

Nightmare @ Joyland

Ozark Wildcat @ Celebration City

Rampage @ Splash Adventure

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Considering the cost of relocating and rebuilding a wooden coaster and the fact that none of those coasters seem to stand out like Phoenix did for the park, I'd doubt that will happen. I'm placing my bets on this being a new coaster, be it wooden, steel or both (RMC).

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The anticipation is agonizing. Whatever it is, it better be a roller coaster, it better be full-circuit, and it better have a custom layout. If all these things are true, I promise not to be disappointed, even if it is some kind of impulse water coaster.


I don't think it's going to be a launched woodie, in fact I doubt it's going to be a prototype at all, seeing as they were described as having "found" it (i.e. something that already existed). HOWEVER. If it is a launched woodie, then I am changing my permanent address to Knoebels' campground.


Another impossible idea for you: the world's second wing rider... though the woods... how awesome would that be?


And it also BETTER have fans on the back of the seats because I hate being uncomfortable in the humidity in the summer up there. And it also BETTER have a vegan taco stand at the exit. All of this, because, you know, I HATE it when people spend money at their parks the way I don't want them to spend it.

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^Yeah, isn't it awful? (I was partly being facetious, I can be mildly disappointed and also still be pleased with whatever they picked, it is possible.)


The anticipation is agonizing. Whatever it is, it better be a roller coaster, it better be full-circuit, and it better have a custom layout. If all these things are true, I promise not to be disappointed, even if it is some kind of impulse water coaster.


I don't think it's going to be a launched woodie, in fact I doubt it's going to be a prototype at all, seeing as they were described as having "found" it (i.e. something that already existed). HOWEVER. If it is a launched woodie, then I am changing my permanent address to Knoebels' campground.


Another impossible idea for you: the world's second wing rider... though the woods... how awesome would that be?


Actually, the idea that they had to go searching for something, and wasn't something that everyone already knew about, could mean its something we've never seen before. It can go both ways!


Or that they went to three states to see examples of whatever it is - that's what led people to RMC in the first place (Texas, Missouri, and Illinois).


This is what I thought at first, but it's true that they just said they visited at least three states, not that the ride they picked was specifically in each one. The "impulse" thing really threw me off since it doesn't seem to jive with the "three states" thing no matter how you slice it. Very mysterious, as intended I'm sure.

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^ Ya know that thought actually ran through my head. Skyrocket is a good fun little coaster in my opinion and I believe something like this would fit into Knoebels well. I would like to see them get at least one coaster that goes upside down. I know they used to have Whirlwind. I am assuming the public's liking of it dwindled over the years.

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