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Knoebels Discussion Thread

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What's fun is that sometimes people sit down in the trains and start talking to each other, and then they don't realize that the operator has already put the bar down. This is Disney magic, people!

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I find it incredible, that a small "ish" park can run such fantastic operations and a huge chain like , Um say, Un named flags, can't even come close to that kind of efficiency. It is mind boogie-ing


Family owned parks don't have to do all the IROC BS. No visual scans, no 'all clear dispatch.' just a thumbs up, and go! The way parks /should/ be ran!

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^Of course the mentality at larger parks like un-named flags *should* be that the less time guests spend in line, the more time they're walking around buying food and crap. But I guess they solved that problem by literally putting food stands in the queues themselves.

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Anybody have any idea what crowds will be like opening day? I went last year for PPP and the crowds were heavy for Knoebels, but I still never waited more than 30 minutes. Would opening day be similar to that, or should I expect worse?

You -might- have some trouble early in the day, but once they start running double trains on the wooden coasters things should move smoothly, even if the queues appear to spill out of the station areas. Opening weekend is always pretty heavy but they manage it well. If you're concerned about "doing" everything, you should have little trouble if you stay for the entire day (which you should).


So figure it'll be about the same as PPP


Queue was spilling out about 50 feet into the midway on Phoenix, wait was still less than 15 minutes.

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^That thing has an massive capacity. No air gates, no seat belts, a simple buzz bar that covers two seats at a time and are easy to check, plus super-fast ride ops creates a queue line that moves at light speed! Although the actual queue for Phoenix is small because of the lack of switchbacks, if the entire queue is filled up, I noticed that the average wait will be around 10 minutes if they run two trains.

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So what are best food item's and where do you get'em at Knoebels? I've been browsing their site and came across alot of enticing options, and it is probably the cheapest park food pricing i've ever seen. What can i not miss while i'm there? Keep in mind that i'm not too big on sweets, and i've already came to the conclusion that i'll be dropping about 20 bucks on the $1 pickles on a stick. Thanks in advance for your responses.

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Go for the Pierogies, but not the fried ones around the park. ( though they are good for a walking food)Get the ones sauteed in onions and butter (oh gawd its bad but oh so good) at the stand outside the sit down restaurant, Also get the fresh cooked potato pancakes. there at a stand all by themselves, and they do take a while to cook, but they are yummy. The park has so many food options that are really good that you won't be able to try them all. We tried, but just ran out of stomach room.

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So what are best food item's and where do you get'em at Knoebels? I've been browsing their site and came across alot of enticing options, and it is probably the cheapest park food pricing i've ever seen. What can i not miss while i'm there? Keep in mind that i'm not too big on sweets, and i've already came to the conclusion that i'll be dropping about 20 bucks on the $1 pickles on a stick. Thanks in advance for your responses.


Cheese on a stick, in the "Totem Treats" stand over by the slide in the kids area.


absolutely fantastic.




and don't miss the Sundaes at the "Old Mill"

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Just found out I can squeeze in a day at Knoebels for my second trip to the park. Phoenix isn't atop my coaster list but it might be my favorite coaster in the world (if that makes sense)
^^ Not at all...

It doesn't make sense to me either, friend. Sorry.

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The food at Phoenix Junction is pretty good, but it's nothing special. It's just really good park food. If you're looking for something unique, as others have said, international food court is the place to be.


I don't remember the name of the place but it's by the river, near the amphitheater. There's a place there that sells /fantastic/ potato pancakes, and right next door is an ice cream place that has some crazy sundaes.

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So what are best food item's and where do you get'em at Knoebels? I've been browsing their site and came across alot of enticing options, and it is probably the cheapest park food pricing i've ever seen. What can i not miss while i'm there? Keep in mind that i'm not too big on sweets, and i've already came to the conclusion that i'll be dropping about 20 bucks on the $1 pickles on a stick. Thanks in advance for your responses.


The Pierogies! But not just any Pierogies (take notes this is important and there will be a test later) the Pierogies from the place between Oasis and the Famous Fry place on the main midway. You'll see Pierogies in other places. Don't buy those... you want these.


Allow me to illustrate. I have Photoshop and am a professional graphic designer but I'm going to use Microsoft Paint because it'll be funnier that way.


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