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Knoebels Discussion Thread

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Eh, I doubt it, considering that there's stuff between the two attractions. They may do a new flat ride package (which is totally possible), but you can't really replace the two of them with one big thing, because, well, there are a few big things in the way.

I just meant if they took out Galleon for something new. I think they said last year that they were still working on trying to get Power Surge to work, but I don't know. I know there's no way that they would put one large attraction in two of those places especially since Oasis Cafeteria is in between the two, which is one of their key food venues.


Then again, they just might have Galleon up for sale and keep it operating until they have a buyer, then take it out either at the end of the year or once it is sold. I mean they did just add a decent sized steel coaster that did probably cost a pretty penny.

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Is galleon an unpopular ride? I've never ridden it because I find every swinging ship ride not made by Chance to be kind of lame, but I'm surprised they'd remove a ride with such a small footprint that (I would think) wouldn't have many mechanical issues. If the ride is popular I wonder if they're looking into a larger model as that zamperla model has the lowest capacity of basically any swinging ship in existence.

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Yeah Dorney's is a Chance. You can't beat those SeaDragon or Pharao's Fury models since they give you floater air in the end seats.


SeaDragon in Rehoboth is insane in my opinion, plus it's so close to that one house I still think eventually it will crash into it!

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What is this Rehoboth you're talking about?


Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.




Speaking of swinging ship rides, Moreys newer one - Riptide, a Chance model, is one of the best Ive ever ridden. Their older one was a classic Sea Dragon that we always loved, it had a little accident a couple years back and they replaced it. The new one is fantastic. Airtime galore on the end seats, its kinda ridiculous. Anyways, back to your regularly schedule Knoebels thread.

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Its funny that we all have differing opinions about this. Of those mentioned, Ive ridden Morey's, Hersheys and Great Adv, and of the three Hersheys was SO LAME. Even my other half who LOVES these rides was like "that was totally wack" when we got off of Hersheys. I always want to ride Dorneys but we have always skipped it.

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The last time it recieved major retracking the results were nothing short of miraculous. Last year it wasn't *quite* as perfect but it was pretty darn close. I think maybe just the track immediately following the final chain lift is getting redone, but the track is straight-up gone, just like Holiday World is doing with the Legend.

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  • 1 month later...

There's a pretty good article over at PennLive.com about this season being Knoebels' 90th anniversary. The real highlight though is the embedded image gallery of over 2 dozen photos dating back from the 20s. It's amazing to see just how many of the iconic rides and structures have been there for so long!

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There's a pretty good article over at PennLive.com about this season being Knoebels' 90th anniversary. The real highlight though is the embedded image gallery of over 2 dozen photos dating back from the 20s. It's amazing to see just how many of the iconic rides and structures have been there for so long!

There's some great photos in there. That's why Knoebels is one of the best parks ever! They add new modern thrilling rides such as Impulse and some of their newer flat rides, while still keeping the old rare vintage ones.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Anybody have any idea what crowds will be like opening day? I went last year for PPP and the crowds were heavy for Knoebels, but I still never waited more than 30 minutes. Would opening day be similar to that, or should I expect worse?

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Anybody have any idea what crowds will be like opening day? I went last year for PPP and the crowds were heavy for Knoebels, but I still never waited more than 30 minutes. Would opening day be similar to that, or should I expect worse?

You -might- have some trouble early in the day, but once they start running double trains on the wooden coasters things should move smoothly, even if the queues appear to spill out of the station areas. Opening weekend is always pretty heavy but they manage it well. If you're concerned about "doing" everything, you should have little trouble if you stay for the entire day (which you should).

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Sometimes I like it better when they run 1 train so I can admire their dispatch times. When they run 2 they have to stand around once the train is ready because if they dispatch it too early it'll block stop on top of the lift.


It's opening weekend though so they might be a little slow. I could see dispatch times as long as maybe 30 or 40 seconds on the coasters. Lol

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