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Knoebels Discussion Thread

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Log flume and skloosh are down, canal for the motorboat ride is drained. I noticed the ski lift was down last Saturday but then I saw it running on Sunday, not sure what that was about. Also Power Surge is still MIA. If you're a carousel organ junkie like myself, be forewarned it seems when it gets below a certain temperature they can't run the organ on the main carousel.


Amusingly enough that game where you spray the crap out of targets with water guns was running. This was the day when it was like 45 degrees outside. Some little girl was playing and enjoying herself thoroughly, though I'm afraid I can't say the same for the staff running it.

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Also Power Surge is still MIA.

I heard it's getting a "lengthy rehab" and will be back next year.


Some little girl was playing and enjoying herself thoroughly, though I'm afraid I can't say the same for the staff running it.

I'm was wondering what was wrong with a few members of the staff at this year's PPP. It was odd to see such CLEAR crankiness (I heard someone refer to it as the "Resting B***h Face"). I mean, if you hate it that much isn't there somewhere else you could work? Supposed I just need to focus on the friendly people.

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Also Power Surge is still MIA.

I heard it's getting a "lengthy rehab" and will be back next year.

It was actually running at opening this season, coming off of that supposed "lengthy rehab". They got 1001 Nacht and Balloon Race their parts from Europe much faster than Power Surge, it seems.

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Not sure. If it's still hanging out folded up in that secluded part of the parking lot, I'd assume that they'd open it again. They really take care of it well, I've rarely seen any downtime on that thing. Much better than that AXS Mixer ride that they had before.

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^Fun stuff! I fast forwarded through your video, but it seems like you guys had a great time! What was your favorite ride at Knoebels?


I wanna start a special club for people who prefer one of the "other" woodies at some of our favorite parks. Legend, Twister, Wildcat (Lake Compounce), etc.

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Made my first trek to Knoebels this past Saturday, Halloween. It was a great day to visit. So much fun! What a great hidden gem of a park. I knew to expect great things from this place, but my expectations were far exceeded. Loved Phoenix, the Skooters, and the Flyers!! Great Halloween event too. I certainly will try to come back anually for the Halloween event.


On a side note, we also did the Elysburg Haunted House... For 10 bucks Its pretty scary, and well worth the side trip while in Elysburg for Halloween.

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  • 1 month later...

Since you bring up how much we all miss Knoebels I really wish they did a Christmas event... normally I wouldn't bother with a Christmas event unless they had some coasters running but even if all the coasters were closed it would still be worth the trip to Knoebels (and honestly Impulse could probably run).

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Eh, I doubt it, considering that there's stuff between the two attractions. They may do a new flat ride package (which is totally possible), but you can't really replace the two of them with one big thing, because, well, there are a few big things in the way.

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