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Whats is your favorite soda


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Diet Dr. Pepper

Diet Vanilla Cherry Dr. Pepper

Diet Sprite

Diet A&W Root Beer (Gotta be A&W)

Diet Coke

Diet Sunkist

Diet Mtn. Dew

Diet Code Red Mtn. Dew


We just kind of rotate among those soda's in our house although lately our house has not been without the Diet Vanilla Cherry Dr. Pepper in quite awhile.


Do they make a Diet Cream Soda??? I love me some Cream Soda!!!

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Diet Cherry Pepsi

Diet Cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper (5 empties on my computer desk right now!)

Diet Mt. Dew

Green River

another vote for the Dr. pepper from texas, and coke from Mexico.


Kasey and I were in Virgina City last year and found this shop that sold soda pop in glass bottles only. We'd died and gone to heaven! We bought allot of bottled pop for the trip home, yummy!



Wish they made diet live wire!



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