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PortAventura Discussion Thread

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According to PAC (unofficial PA website), there will be an expansion of the water park beside PortAventura (Caribe Aquatic Park -yeah, that name is horrible LOL) with two HUGE slides.


This will be the first new ride at the water park since CAP opened in 2002.


Translation of the article from PAC done by me:


PortAventura will start building its next adrenaline ride this year. Unlike past additions, the resort will debut its new ride at the nearby water park Caribe Aquatic Park. These new slides will take quite a bit of space from the car park by Stampida and will extend to the new themed Far West Hotel (expected to open next year too).


This new experience will consist of two body slides that will stand more or less 45 meters high (almost as tall as Dragon Khan’s first drop) and will reach 90º one point. The ride’s name is still unknown although we can confirm that it will be opening in May 2009.


As seen in the exclusive artwork presented by PAC, the ride is completely themed on a huge volcano, surrounded by palm trees and sun loungers with straw umbrellas. According to PortAventura, the volcano is meant to become the new symbol of the water park that will continue expanding from 2010.

3D preview of the body slides:


Source: PA-Community.com

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While that's awesome that they are getting something new for that water park, I think it would have been better if they spent that money on a few more smaller things first, then the two larger things a few eyars down the line. Caribe Aquatic Park was tiny! But it's good to hear they are still going to expand it out further, it has some great potential next to PA.

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90 degrees? How does that make sense, considering the start of the slides(according to the rather cartoony renders anyway) isn't vertical, and I can't see a slide going vertical halfway through the track without people being ejected from it.


Even if the start IS vertical, I still don't see it making alot of sense.

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Holy cow.


I'm pretty sure this will dwarf Point of No Return.


As for the drop, I think that it will be outrageously steep, but maybe not 90*. Like FLIPDUDE said above me, the g's would become too low and I don't think PortAventura wants to see people flying some 40 m to the ground.

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90 degrees? How does that make sense, considering the start of the slides(according to the rather cartoony renders anyway) isn't vertical, and I can't see a slide going vertical halfway through the track without people being ejected from it.


I wouldn't take much notice of a poorly drawn cartoon to be honest. It'll end up being something along the lines of Summit Plummit at Blizzard Beach. With a baby slide for wusses.

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Hey, I just posted what the article said


TBH, I don't think that the giant slide will reach 90º but hey, 88'5º or even 87º would still be *quite* steep, almost vertical.


Remember when Oblivion was introduced? *World's First VERTICAL Coaster*. And still, that drop is only 87º steep yet it provides an amazing sensation.


And, if this artwork is anything like Baco's or HC's, I can guarantee it will match the real thing... Maybe not THAT detailed, but they will stick to that idea.

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I agree with Hector. Nice to see them adding to the waterpark, but this won't help at all with capacity or the crowds they get. They really need some towers with multiple tube rides off of them to help with the flow of people.

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The only way to do 90* is if it starts at 90* or if you have a long as hell flat section so you come to a stop, and then hit the 90*. I doubt that they'll actually have 90* and if they do it will be for a very short time. The slides do look cool though.

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^Well, another way to hit 90 is if you EXPECT riders to be ejected off the slide like in my home park. but seeing as that doesn't seem like the case here, and that a slide going completely vertical halfway through is impossible, it must mean they were reffering to the start of the slide(and even then it makes little to no sense). Though, once again, the cartoon doesn't seem to show it as vertical, and cartoons tend to exaggerate, so if anything, the slide would be shown vertical in the drawing even if it weren't really vertical.



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I read on here somewhere that the slide is both open and enclosed? If this is right, I would believe that the begging of the transition into the 90 degree section to the pull-out would be enclosed. So basicly, when you reach the summit of the volcano, the slide would become enclosed, and at the base of the volcano, after the pull-out, the slide would be open again going into the splash down lane. That makes the most sense to me.

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^the problem is that unless it starts like bomb bay(which the illustration doesn't show it to be) in order to get to a vertical position from the starting orizontal position you would have to go through an area of negative G forces, lifting you off of the slide.

Try to build a rollercoaster in nolimits that goes vertical without pulling negative Gs and you'll see what I'm talking about.


I'm pretty sure in the waterslide industry negative G forces are frowned upon, especially when such a tall fast ride is in question.


Some waterslides do give a bit of airtime lifting you off the slide, but usually the airtime is so small and the slide is horizontal, so you dont lift more than a couple of inches. If the slide was vertical however, you would remain away from the slide's surface and possibly even go further from it.


Also, sometimes people give themselves a really strong push at the start of the slide, which would mean more speed and more airtime.



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I don't understand what's so hard about having a water slide with a 90 degree angle.



The article says 90 degrees at one point, which is possible.


You know... now that you put it that way... I think 90* might be possible on a water slide. Before I was thinking like a vertical drop, but if it is anything like your drawing I think it is very possible All they need to do is have something that drops the people!! EX: Bomb bay at Wet N' Wild Orlando


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