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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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So now that the Cubs won the World Series and Donald Trump was elected President, I can only assume Josh is holding plans for our new hyper coaster. Let's build this thing quick, before Hell freezes over.

If you look closely, the paper only says "Dear Santa," but I did include a hyper coaster in my list for Santa. We'll just have to wait and see.

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It's not linked from the main page and the map and guide are not up yet so I assume they didn't really want us to find it, but the Holiday in the Park website is up.


There's some big news here, including the list of operating rides and coasters. Coasters will include American Thunder, Batman, Mr. Freeze, Ninja and Pandemonium.


Here's a link to the attraction page. Please note that Six Flags made it so it looks like it got hit by a truck in desktop browsers.


Also of note: Excalibur is strangely missing from the list despite being in an open area of the park as is the Mine Train.


XCalibur is listed as being open

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So now that the Cubs won the World Series and Donald Trump was elected President, I can only assume Josh is holding plans for our new hyper coaster. Let's build this thing quick, before Hell freezes over.

If you look closely, the paper only says "Dear Santa," but I did include a hyper coaster in my list for Santa. We'll just have to wait and see.

Haha! Nice.

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Fox 2 was at the park today filming HIP, set up has definitely kicked into high gear the last few days. They had 5 cherry picker lifts in front of palace putting the large Christmas light trees together, they were loading in the pens for the live animals for the palace show, and they have been turning on large sections of lights every nigt this week. You can now see many of the lights as you drive past on 44.

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