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Six Flags Over Texas (SFOT) Discussion Thread

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Look, I know you are a SFOT fan boy, but is it really fair to discriminate against someone as part of a group of 3, 5, 7, or 1 just so the park can cover their A$$ by having a 'witness' in case one goes for a flight? Not really. Besides, that really shows the confidence the park has in their maintenance staff, what a PR nightmare there! Common sense suggest other measures can be adopted just as easy, like having a color coded magnet at the panel that can be moved or placed by the operator to indicate only one rider, or wait for it, a single rider line, wow, what a concept!


I don't know if I would call it discrimination...it's just an inconvenience for single riders. We have a thread dedicated to rides that don't allow single riders (HERE), so it's not unique to the industry. Though I agree the reasoning is silly, larger odd number groups would just have to put 2 of the riders in the back row. I don't really think it has anything to do with not having confidence in the maintenance team either. I would guess that someone (probably a consultant or insurance company person) saw that it used to be a policy and decided to dust it off and bring it back as part of the over reaction to this incident as a way to "manage risk." I'm sure it will fade into oblivion again next season.

Edited by Jew
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Has someone always been stationed on the midcourse or is this post-accident? What's the actual purpose of that? I understand why they do that on log flumes because you can immediately stop the logs or make people sit down, but a roller coaster?

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Has someone always been stationed on the midcourse or is this post-accident? What's the actual purpose of that? I understand why they do that on log flumes because you can immediately stop the logs or make people sit down, but a roller coaster?


There has always been a person at the mid course brakes on NTag. I've asked the same question before about why there is a person. One reason I've heard there is that area is known to have power failure. Which makes you wonder why they didn't just take that part out when they transformed it into ntag. But it always had a person, even when it was just Texas Giant. I've heard it might been from a previous accident as well but not sure.

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When we ride NTAG, it's usually 3 of us because one of my kids is afraid to ride it. So, I usually sit with the kiddo on the first available, and my husband makes a b-line to the end seat, which always has a longer wait for it. He usually beats us on by a train or two because he finds other single riders and gets the bump up in line. Wish my son wasn't afraid of the back seat or we'd be there in line with him. By far, the best seat on that ride! Same way with Titan.

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And speaking of back seat riding. Do ya'll remember how Shock Wave used to only have seat belts on the back car? I quit riding back seat on it for awhile after my seatbelt came unbuckled through the second loop. It happened twice to me. I was practically standing up by the end of the ride. I figured out it was because of the type of seat belt it was. The release on it would catch on the lap bar when going through the loops and release the seat belt. The g force was too much for me to fasten it back in. So, I just rode a different seat closer to the front after that. I didn't go to SFOT for a good 10 years, until Dec. 2011 (not because of that). When we rode Shock Wave, I noticed they re-did the trains and put seat belts in all the seats and the good kind that snap into place, instead of the kind that rub up under the lap bar and come free. Was glad to see that. We were real happy to get to ride backseat again before it shut down, this spring.

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There's an employee stationed at the MCBR because it's a good 10-15 minute walk from the station to there. An awful long time for riders to sit in a train unattended if one happens to stop there and can't be dispatched immediately. Walking there involves ascending a ladder, crossing a bridge over the creek, descending another ladder, and then ascending the stairs up to the perch.

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Has anyone seen the 2013 Golden Ticket Awards list? SFOT has 3 of their coasters ranked in the top 50 steel coasters list.






Pretty good if you ask me.

Ya, especially if you consider that one has spent all but a few days this season out of order, and another one spent half the time not running. I do LOVE Titan. It is greatness!! Surprising it ranked lower on the totem pole than Shock Wave.

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So, has anyone used the new biometric scanner system to get into the park?


Biometric scanning to go into a Six Flags? Looks like technological overkill. What was wrong with the photo on the card?


Doesn't Six Flags have better things to spend money on (like fixing up their rides)?


I hope they let people "opt out" of giving SF their fingerprint.

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So, has anyone used the new biometric scanner system to get into the park?


Biometric scanning to go into a Six Flags? Looks like technological overkill. What was wrong with the photo on the card?


Doesn't Six Flags have better things to spend money on (like fixing up their rides)?


I hope they let people "opt out" of giving SF their fingerprint.


Haven't other parks had this for a while? I remember the longest lines of the whole day at hong kong disney being actually getting into the park because everyone had to scan their index finger after putting their ticket in the turnstile, and not quite a biometric scanner but I also remember being held up at Universal Japan because the cameras on the turnstiles were playing up that are pointed at all annual pass members faces to compare it to the registered one for the card-holder (at least I think that's what it was used for, I was in too much of a rush to get in the park to see if they actually had photos on the annual passes as well)

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So, has anyone used the new biometric scanner system to get into the park?


Biometric scanning to go into a Six Flags? Looks like technological overkill. What was wrong with the photo on the card?


Doesn't Six Flags have better things to spend money on (like fixing up their rides)?


I hope they let people "opt out" of giving SF their fingerprint.


Haven't other parks had this for a while? I remember the longest lines of the whole day at hong kong disney being actually getting into the park because everyone had to scan their index finger after putting their ticket in the turnstile, and not quite a biometric scanner but I also remember being held up at Universal Japan because the cameras on the turnstiles were playing up that are pointed at all annual pass members faces to compare it to the registered one for the card-holder (at least I think that's what it was used for, I was in too much of a rush to get in the park to see if they actually had photos on the annual passes as well)


Yes, the Disney World parks have had them for several years now.

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So, has anyone used the new biometric scanner system to get into the park?


Biometric scanning to go into a Six Flags? Looks like technological overkill. What was wrong with the photo on the card?


Doesn't Six Flags have better things to spend money on (like fixing up their rides)?


I hope they let people "opt out" of giving SF their fingerprint.


According to Screamscape, we will see this at all Six Flags in 2014.


(9/25/13) ThemeParkOverload has confirmed our report on the new biometric scanner / passes put into effect over the weekend and has posted their own first-hand report on the new process which is expected to be launched chain-wide by the start of the 2014 season.


I'm not really sure what the point of this is. I mean do a lot of people get away with sharing the season pass? They always seem to look at the picture on mine. I actually liked when the employees were carrying the scanner with them, so you could then just walk right through. Hopefully, the system does not slow us down that much. But then again its Six Flags.


Here is the other quote about the new system from Screamscape


A document sent to Screamscape revealed details about a new biometric season pass system that was to lauch this weekend at Six Flags over Texas. (I’m not sure if it did or not however... so if you saw it, please write in to confirm.) Guests who purchased their 2014 season passes will notice the pass has changed, with the photo no longer on the card and finger scanning units to be used instead to link the guest to their card, based on the measurements of their finger. Upon returning to the park in the future, guess will then quickly scan their card and finger before entering the park. The paper Value Book coupons are also gone, instead your discount coupons will be digitally loaded onto your season pass card.


At least now your coupons will be with you on your card. I wonder if they will have a website or app that shows you the coupons now. I'm sure someone locally to SFOT will be able to give us more details after they used the new system. Otherwise, I will see it first hand when I go buy my new pass.

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Do any of you insiders know if they are going to run the season pass special (free upgrade to Gold) through Holiday in the Park, like they did last year? They said last year that the offer was only good through the end of Fright Fest, then turned around and extended it through the end of Holiday in the Park. Just curious if this year will be a repeat of that.

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