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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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The other thing to consider is the length of the "show" on the screens = Lots of money per minute. When I was in the video games biz and we did the original 60 intro to the Transformers game, that was $1 million for high-end, Spielberg/Bay approved CG animation. That was in 2007 and that was just a video game. I'm going to assume that's NOTHING compared to the cost now including having to use live actors AND have it approved by Rowling.


If I had to take a guess, the "show" is probably going to be 2-3 minutes tops simply for budget reasons alone.

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Which, in addition to the experience of getting from the pathway to the stations, makes for a really solidly timed attraction. A 2-3 minute show on top of going through the stations at each end would make for a longer experience than a lot of rides and seems like it would be the perfect length for something like this.

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The other thing to consider is the length of the "show" on the screens = Lots of money per minute. When I was in the video games biz and we did the original 60 intro to the Transformers game, that was $1 million for high-end, Spielberg/Bay approved CG animation. That was in 2007 and that was just a video game. I'm going to assume that's NOTHING compared to the cost now including having to use live actors AND have it approved by Rowling.


If I had to take a guess, the "show" is probably going to be 2-3 minutes tops simply for budget reasons alone.


Totally true - from the press release, I'd bet they filmed several little segments of different things (hippogriffs, Hagrid, Dementors, etc) that are probably pretty short in and of themselves, and then are stringing them together with landscape shots (to establish the trip, train speed, etc).


Even if the actual travel time is 7 minutes, they probably don't need more than 2-3 minutes of real "action" to make this interesting.


Now that they're on record as making each direction different, one wonders if they'll swap out or randomize any of the clips... or make the landscape shots seasonal? This would KILL for Christmas, as an example...

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The other thing to consider is the length of the "show" on the screens = Lots of money per minute. When I was in the video games biz and we did the original 60 intro to the Transformers game, that was $1 million for high-end, Spielberg/Bay approved CG animation. That was in 2007 and that was just a video game. I'm going to assume that's NOTHING compared to the cost now including having to use live actors AND have it approved by Rowling.


If I had to take a guess, the "show" is probably going to be 2-3 minutes tops simply for budget reasons alone.


On top of that there is a different show in both directions.

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Heres some new stuff about whats next for IOA. This is the rumored King Kong Project. Though universal hasn't announced anything yet, they are definitely moving forward with some new ride next to Jurassic Park.


Thanks to Screamscape and ParkScope


These were filed with the Orlando Water Management site:






And they are for the new ride's show building. And to give a clearer picture, I have added the image below.



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Yea, Kong has been linked to Universal Florida for nearly a year now. First rumored as a replacement for Disaster and now in the area above. It really hasn't been much of a secret for months now. As far as the ride itself, all the details out there point to it being much more than just a 3D screened attraction.

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I personally wish that they would choose a more modern day attraction. Sure, King Kong is iconic and pretty awesome, but there hasn't been a King Kong movie or anything made in a couple years. But regardless, I'm sure Universal will do a great job with the ride. I'd personally just rather get a different theme for a ride.

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It's high time that Universal opened a section dedicated to cheesy SyFy flicks. Who wouldn't want to have their picture taken with Sharktopus?


I always thought it be cool for them to turn Twister into Sharknado. I would love a cheesy syfy area. Get on this Universal.

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This is one attraction that I've kicked myself for missing. I went to HHN for the first time with some friends years ago, and we walked into a holding area for the event near Kong, just when they announced "last ride on Kong for the night--no waiting." Unfortunately, we'd already surrendered our HHN tickets and couldn't leave the holding area.


But we did get to walk through Kong, as they were using it for a maze that night.

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It would be great to have another coaster in IOA... wonder if an indoor kong themed coaster would be a possibility. Originally, I thought the Jurassic Park expansion was going to be an amber mine coaster using the Gravity Group splinter concept based on rumors. The latest things I read now make it sound similar to Kong 360 3D... but that building looks huge (unless there are going to be multiple theaters within it).

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But we did get to walk through Kong, as they were using it for a maze that night.


Nightmare Creatures? That was my first ever visit to HHN and I'm pretty sure that was my first maze, even. Those were the good ol' days when they still let you through the haunts in small groups rather than a neverending conga line. I was 16. Holy wow, that was way back in 2000! Jack The Clown's first ever appearance as the mascot! Sheesh, I'm old.


The thing I remember most vividly was how much my parents loved me. Yeah, they put me in front of the group. The attendants opened those huge sliding doors to begin the haunt, I took two steps into the relentless fog and was quickly thrown into a screaming fit as a stilt walker came running up and got right in my face. That haunt was excellent!


As for Kong, I remember it in bits and pieces, but I was a bit of a wuss when I was a kid so I always sat in the middle and looked away from the giant monkey. That video makes me miss the old school Universal rides, though, when they weren't afraid to have fireballs explode right next to the riders. I still love the Universal parks but the new, mostly digital experiences aren't nearly as great as Kong, Earthquake, and Jaws were.

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