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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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I did talk with guest services this afternoon and the response was that the dueling concern had been sent to the management team and reviewed.


They claimed that a full investigation was conducted (obviously) after the incident and while they looked at numerous options, they concluded that no dueling was the safest & best option.


Unfortunately, they could not tell me whether or not the netting option had been explored...only that there had been investigations and management reviews that could not be shared with the GP.


This sounds about on par with what I expected, but the fact that they went out of their way to contact me and were readily available to review the concern was impressive to me. And hey...I tried! I know I have absolutely no pull at all, but my mother always told me to never give up easily! I just HAD to at least ask!


The person I spoke with even expressed that they were bummed that DC could no longer duel & agreed that it WAS an integral part of the ride experience.

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well, good work speaking to them Phil and agreed, very good of them to take their time to speak to you.

Did you say you were a member of TPR?

Maybe they went beyond the call of duty if they knew it would be shared on an enthusiasts site?


In any case, i've only found them to be courteous and helpful so, it's not a huge surprise but, that is good of them.

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Okay, I feel compelled, so here's my perspective as a first time visitor to this event.


First off, I'm not the biggest Halloween-type person. It's cool and all, but it's not necessarily the highlight of my year. With that said, this was the one event I had been wanting to experience for quite some time. I've read glowing reports for years and years, and have watched it grow into the juggernaut that it is today.


I've also read the not-so-glowing reviews from recent years about its slow demise. Put it all together, and I wasn't quite sure what to expect as a HHN virgin. Well, if there's one word to sum up my whole experience, it's "anticipointment."


Don't get me wrong, we still managed to have a great time with some great friends. However; for what I paid, I feel like I really got bent over by Universal. The one thing that still holds up is what everyone continues to be 100% correct about - the Express Pass. If you're only visiting once, and it happens to be on a typically busy evening........BUY IT. There is absolutely NO way we could've done everything without it.


Our visit was not unlike many others you've read about. We met up around official park opening time, got several houses done before darkness and bigger lines, ate some stuff, rode HRRRRRRRRRR, saw Bill & Ted, MiB, did the rest of the houses/scare zones, went back and did a few more again (this time with Express Pass), took a spin on Mummy, then left.


Anyway, here's my thoughts on the houses, from favorite to least favorite:



1. Nightingales - Prior to our trip, this was my third most anticipated house. We did it once early in the evening, and then again right before we left. On our first trip through I was blown away by the set and the atmosphere it created. I LOVED the story, the noise, and the general creepiness of it all. Unfortunately, it somehow felt a little flat in the scare department.


Our second visit through was a HUGE improvement though! This time it all just "worked." I realize these things can be hit or miss, and I left feeling really happy that I caught this one at the right time, thus cementing it's place as my favorite of the night.



2. Nevermore - I'm a Poe fan. In reading many of the reports from this year, I realize this fact helps dramatically. I'm also a huge fan of subtle scares. I don't always need scare actors jumping out from behind a plywood board. I appreciate a "feeling" of fright, and that's what this house delivered. Just walking past Poe standing there looking at you with a menacing look gave me a shiver or two. And the "Masque of the Red Death" scene? Top notch!!



3. Forsaken - This was my most anticipated house. The backstory had SO much potential, but the execution of it left a lot to be desired. On the other hand, the set and the atmosphere helped out a ton.



4. Winter's Night - This is about where I expected this house to fall....right in the middle of the pack for me. As most agree, the set design was amazing, and the atmosphere they created was pretty impressive. The execution, again, just left me wanting a bit more.


5. Saws N Steam - I'm really warming up to the whole Steam Punk thing. I think this is another house with a story that had some potential, but didn't quite deliver for some reason. I really dug the vibe around this one though.


6. Blood N Guts - Again, I liked the theme, I just thought the scares were pretty lame. Piers may have been the highlight of this house. You're welcome.


7. The Thing - I've heard some folks talking about the buildup to the final scene, but I'm not gonna tell you anything about it......but that's because I don't remember a damn thing about it either, other than sub-par costumes.


8. In-Between - You wear cheap 3D glasses for a few minutes.


Scare zones - I thought they were all pretty lame, except for the acid rain thing -the crumbling building effects were awesome. Oh, and I can't forget the black tarp-covered chain link fences of death. Oh, the horror (and comedy of it all)!!!


Bill & Ted - I have very limited resources to pull from regarding shows of the past, so my opinion may not be worth much here. All things considered, I thought it was pretty fun. Music, sarcasm, adult themes/language, explosions, and chicks? Put that up against any other theme park show and it's kinda hard to knock it, right? It was fun. No need to dissect it or get too critical, so I'll leave it at that.


Overall, my first impression of HHN was a mixed bag. There were some highs, lows, and some "mehs." What struck me the most is the short amount of time it took for me to clearly see what the die-hard fans are so concerned with. It literally only took a couple of houses to realize what now seems to plague this event.....it's a victim of its own success.


For years it seems to have been "edgy" enough amongst competitors to carve out it's own unique niche in the industry. Along with that came the accolades ("Best Halloween Event" - Amusement Today, Hauntworld, etc., etc.), and given the corporate nature of things (insurance, security, safety for scare actors, etc.) it just seems like the company is willing to put it in neutral and coast for a while.


And that's a shame really. I'm not opposed to paying a premium price for a premium service/product, but that's clearly NOT what I thought I got from my first visit. Even so, as said before, it helps when you're surrounded by a great group of friends!

Edited by BeemerBoy
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^It's interesting to read a review of HHN from a first-time visitor's perspective, Scott--nicely done. I'm a sucker for the more "humorous" mazes, so Blood-and-Guts was my favorite, and I agree with you completely about Nevermore (from one Poe fan to another). The others did run together a bit, but it's hard to top Universal when it comes to sets and atmosphere in their houses.


I think Busch Gardens Tampa had the right idea a about scare zones this year--just let the monsters run amuck all over the place.

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^^Nice report, it is interesting to read the report of an HHN first timer who is fairly impartial.


I've mentioned this before but again I find it interesting that the reviews of HHN specifically the houses every year seem to be so varied. One review's favorite house might be another's least favorite. This year really liked the In between and Winter's Night, and thought the Forsaken and Nightingales kinda sucked, which was completely opposite of your views. I don't know if that means Universal does a great job of of appealing to everyone by creating 8 unique houses every year or if it means that the timing can make or break each house's experience.

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I don't know if that means Universal does a great job of of appealing to everyone by creating 8 unique houses every year or if it means that the timing can make or break each house's experience.


I would say it's a bit of both, and that this is true for most "haunt" events. It's not unusual to hit a maze early in the evening, only to get an entirely different experience if you walk through the same maze later in the evening.

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Yeah I agree, but it seemed like at HOS this year Vampire Casino and Nevermore were kind of the houses that everyone thought were the best. Timing does have a lot to do with it though, but at HOS this year I went through each house twice and for whatever reason it seemed like the experience was very consistent both times.

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I definitely think it's a mix of both. While most of the houses relied on the same (somewhat boring) scare tactics, I was pleased to see such a wide range of themes. It makes it almost certain that every guest will have at least one or two that really appeal to their specific interests.

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Yeah I agree, but it seemed like at HOS this year Vampire Casino and Nevermore were kind of the houses that everyone thought were the best. Timing does have a lot to do with it though, but at HOS this year I went through each house twice and for whatever reason it seemed like the experience was very consistent both times.



I would agree that 'Ultimate Gamble : Vampire Casino' was the best house of this years event (disregarding Alone) I would not agree that 'Nevermore' was a stand out house. The nods toward Poe were far too vague and it seemed like most of the rooms were the same as DED with a couple of differently costumed scareactors.


My general consensus on Florida's Halloween events this year is that HHN needs to take what Busch Gardens has done with the outside areas of the park and add it back into the park, there really was no atmosphere outside of houses which just lead to a mediocre event.


If HHN does not turn around next year then 22 will be my last year attending the event for the foreseeable future.

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Can anyone who attended both HHN events (East and West Coast) comment on the differences in the Bill and Ted Show at each event? Same, different, better, worse?


Universal should offer some type of discount or incentive for the HHN fans who attend the event on each coast in the same year. Kinda like the Disneyworld/land Marathon Challenge.

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well, good work speaking to them Phil and agreed, very good of them to take their time to speak to you.

Did you say you were a member of TPR?

Maybe they went beyond the call of duty if they knew it would be shared on an enthusiasts site?


In any case, i've only found them to be courteous and helpful so, it's not a huge surprise but, that is good of them.



Thanks, Eddy...yes, I did mention that I was a member of TPR and that there had been much concern from the enthusiast community about the dueling aspect and what options had been explored before they decided against turning off the aspect.


I sure wish I could get the same response from CF on renewing my PP pass. I talked with a woman at KD Guest Services last Sunday and she asked for my number to call me back....never did.

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Sad news-- apparently the staggering is a little worse than I previously posted. I just got off both fire and ice, and coincidentally both times I rode the trains were sent at about the same time. So the way it works is: whichever train is dispatched first goes up the lift normally, and the second train jogs up a good portion of the lift. When I rode each time my train was the first dispatched, and on both occasions my train was going around the loop by the time the other train was dropping off the lift. Sad day



And yes, Rip Ride Rockit still uses the moving belt, but they have to frequently station stop due to slow guests and other things of that nature.

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^ Yeah, that's what was happening when I rode it also. At one point I thought we were going to duel, as the dispatch was extremely close, but my train slowed to a crawl on the lift as the other train continued normally. Mine didn't speed up to normal pace until the other was well beyond the lift.


Has anyone rode Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit recently?


I haven't heard a lot about the moving walkway loading system. Is it still being used on a daily basis?


It was being used the entire time I was there mid-September.

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I took a survey last night from Universal Orlando, (Duh, it's the Univeral Orland thread afterall) which asked about 30 different pricing models and options as a potential change to their current Express Pass. They also asked preferrences for using a virtual queue from a wristband(qband) pager like device (qbot) or via text(qtext).


Now, being the awesome CTPR member that I am, I searched the thread using the search function for anything on the above, finding nothing, I grabbed screen shots of all 10 options. Click on them to make them bigger























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Its interesting to see Universal is looking into new options for their express pass. I think that they don't need to make many changes to it now as it seems to work just fine. Allowing the ride ice option would be.. well awkward on some rides such as Mummy or Jurassic park where there are 2 loading stations. I for one do not take the Express Pass due to the fact I visit once every year. Plus when I do I just use the non existent single rider queue. Basically unlimited re rides on everything. I do wonder to see where this will go.

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^ I'm with you on the single rider line.


It just amazes me that they've come up with 30 different scenerios, 30. I mean, if people think the staff is confused now, just wait until they roll out multiple pricing points(yeah, I know it won't be 30, but more than 1 is enough for me ). It looks like it would be based on crowd estimates for the day, I'd hate for the price to be one thing at 9am and something different at 2pm.

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Universal Orlando has sent us a press release regarding their upcoming holiday offerings at the Universal Orlando Resort.


There’s no better place to enjoy the Holidays with your family this year than at Universal Orlando Resort. It’s the only place you can come face-to-face with The Grinch and the Whos from Whoville, watch a cheerful holiday parade filled with big, colorful Macy’s balloons and sing along to the classic sounds of the season as you stroll through a holiday-trimmed theme park with your loved ones.


The Holidays fanfare runs from December 3, 2011 through January 1, 2012, offering guests incredible entertainment themed for the season at both Universal Studios Florida and Universal’s Islands of Adventure.


At Islands of Adventure, adults and children alike will be entertained when the popular Dr. Seuss book “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” is brought to life in Grinchmas. Guests can see the heartwarming live stage show, “Grinchmas Wholiday Spectacular,” starring The Grinch and the Whos from Whoville with an original recorded musical score by Mannheim Steamroller. Guests will also have the opportunity to meet The Grinch and the Whos, and on select dates, purchase a spot at a special character breakfast with the mean, green one himself.


At Universal Studios, the Macy’s Holiday Parade will celebrate its 10th Anniversary of partnership with Universal Orlando by filling the streets every evening with some of the same iconic elements seen winding through New York City each year at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. The beloved event features colorful holiday characters, fantasy-filled floats – including one specially-designed to commemorate the 10-year milestone – a tree-lighting ceremony by Santa Claus and dozens of larger-than-life balloons. The Macy’s Holiday Parade also welcomes select park guests to participate in the procession as real balloon-handlers guiding the helium giants, a truly unique and exclusive experience to Universal Orlando.


Returning this year with more concerts than ever before is Mannheim Steamroller – the masters of Christmas music with more than 40 million albums sold worldwide. The acclaimed musical group will take to the Music Plaza stage in Universal Studios six times this year to play their memorable holiday hits for guests, performing on December 3, 4, 10, 11, 17 and 18.


Also at Universal Studios, guests can enjoy special holiday-themed versions of their favorite shows, and nightly a capella holiday music in the nearby Holiday Village, which is filled with hand-blown glass ornaments, caramel apples, hot chocolate, roasted chestnuts and a cupcake decorating location.


The celebration continues at Universal Orlando’s three on-site hotels – Loews Portofino Bay Hotel, Hard Rock Hotel and Loews Royal Pacific Resort – all of which will glisten with holiday decorations. Hotel guests will be immersed in the spirit of the season with tree-lighting ceremonies, special musical performances, holiday pool-side "dive-in" movie presentations and holiday buffets and dining events. Loews Portofino Bay Hotel kicks off the season on Friday, November 25 with 'Holiday Harbor Nights', a wine tasting, food and jazz celebration on the piazza, along with a tree lighting ceremony. Hard Rock Hotel welcomes Santa to The Kitchen restaurant on Fridays in December and Loews Royal Pacific Resort rings in the new year with a family-friendly dinner and celebration.


All holiday entertainment – including the Mannheim Steamroller concerts – is included as part of any annual pass, two-park or multi-day admission to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. There’s never been a better time to start a new family tradition at Universal Orlando’s Holidays event, as guests can take advantage of these special Florida resident offers:




For more information on Universal Orlando’s holiday celebration and Florida resident offers, guests can visit http://www.UniversalOrlando.com/holidays.


Edited by jedimaster1227
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