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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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^^ Supposidly the Californian version would close following ours.


^That would be too much of a wait for each individual film. If one were to become more popular that the other, then you would see a obviously unbalanced line for each experience.

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Rather than start a brand new thread, I figured I would give an update... Now all of the exterior painting has been completed, the box office is ready to open and the interior has truly begun to take shape!


This reminds me of the interior of the former TD Waterhouse Center, oddly enough...


Not a bad sized crowd alotted?


Rules and warnings for the show have been posted at the entrance...


The box office has been fully painted...


A new sign has been placed over the entryway's front...


The posts in front have finally gotten their pictures attached...

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Source: http://www.cfnews13.com/News/Local/2007/4/5/universal_to_spend_120_million_on_new_attractions.html


Universal Orlando's Studios park ranked 11th on the Theme Park Attendance in 2006 from TEA/ERA worldwide list, while Islands of Adventure was 17th.


This comes as the resort says it is going to spend up to $120 million this year on new attractions to boost attendance.


Universal says that is around three times what it spent last year on capital improvements.


Nothing has been announced but tourism analysts say some of that money is being spent on a ride that will replace the “Back to the Future” Ride at the park.


Universal is not saying what they are building but some say the ride will be based either on “The Simpsons” or the “Fast and the Furious.”


Come on, "Law & Order: The Ride!"

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I think that when IOA finally does get a new coaster it will be a flyer in JP. A flyer is really easy to market since it would be the only one in Florida and the flying position is still rather remarkable to the GP. It also fits in with Florida park's love affair with B&M and the fact that a wooden coaster would be hard to theme to the level that IOA would want a coaster themed to. Before any of that happens though I think we will see what they do with the Lost Continent, will the Harry Potter deal come through? I hope so since that would be a huge attendance booster and integrating the Kuka arm into a dark ride would be awsome!

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Also, I'm sure a GIANT portion of that budget is for all the Blue Man Group stuff.

That's a good point. Because now that those 3 are living in Florida, they'd have to take into consideration the adjustment in price for the cost of buying blue body paint in bulk.




Scott "I'm kidding, I'm kidding" B.

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Ok lets see, if it took 100 million to turn King Kong into ROTM (and that was a MAJOR change), it should only take maybe $30 million to transform BTTF into whatever its going to be. I mean, all they are going to do is change the film, update the ride systems and retheme the building.


That leaves about $90 million dollars to spend on the rumored Harry Potter ride (I highly doubt they will retheme Lost Continent, why replace something that already works?) so they will most likely spend the remaining money on the harry potter ride and the obvious Blue Man group (which isnt very expensive compared to theme park rides, all they are doing is refurbishing a theater).


USO President Bill Davis, I love you! Hopefully this will save USO!

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I honestly hope they DO NOT retheme Lost Continent to a Harry Potter themed land, it's the only island that doesn't have any specific licensing/pre-existing characters and I really like it the best. I see a Harry Potter ride coming before a retheme of the whole area, but that's just my hopes/opinion.

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How about transporting Knott's Kingdom of the Dinosaurs to IOA? That ought to cost $1.49. Then you still have plenty of # for Hogwarts, BTTF's replacement, and Blue Man Group!


I think BMG will recoup its investment through ticket sales, concessions, and merchandise, though.

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Also, I'm sure a GIANT portion of that budget is for all the Blue Man Group stuff.

I doubt it. I'd say the project could not cost any more then 50 million. And with that said I'm pretty sure that is still more then the actual cost of the conversion. Maybe it's a combination of the show and the new ride, as well as some touching up around the parks?

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