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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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does trains looks disco awesome!!

can't wait to see the first POV, and can't wait to see the completed track @ night,


Can't wait to ride it!



haha you can ride it, universal studios is about 2 hours away from miami?

i must flight 12 hours

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in a bid to entice annual passholders to ride the roller coaster time and again, Louis revealed that there will be some “Easter Eggs” — hidden content — built into the ride, that will only be accessible to those with an annual pass.



Any ideas on how this would be implemented/what it would be like?

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Hooray, an obvious single rider line! Take that, Doctor Doom's Fearfall!


Which, by the way, also has a single rider line upstairs from the arcade. They used to advertise it out front, but it's always been open when I have been there.

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Yeah, I was at the parks on Tuesday, and there was a crane working on HRRR's lift. However, I got to see a practice train run.


One of my friends up there today texted me and said that it was open and he was able to ride it, but I don't believe him for a second. I asked him to send a picture of it running, and he refused. However, if anybody would like to prove me wrong, I'd be more than glad.

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Can I ask a question on the music choices? How come no movie scores? I thought there was supposed to be Back to the Future and Star Wars themes?


This is a theme park about movies right? And the ride itself has HOLLYWOOD right in it's name. Makes no sense to offer no film soundtracks. The snubbing of Back to the Future is the most puzzling. Not only do they (Universal) own the rights, but with the closing of BTTF last year it would have been a nice offering to have the music a choice on this new ride.


Oh well...

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