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Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (SFDK) Discussion Thread

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Good thing I don't plan on going to this maybe because I live in NYC, I have 10 visible facial piercings, and it's too much work to take them all out just to ride a ride... and 2 visible tattoos on my wrists.


And when I get my tear drop microdermals, i can't take them out at all because they're embedded in your skin, guess no commercial shoots for me, if they're all like that.


Why not? Isn't tattoos and piercings the 'in' thing now..... what's wrong with that? I think it would be cool in these commercials to see a train load of 'normal' people with some riders covered in tattoos and body piercings sprinkled here and there.

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The ride sign/entrance is now up. They just reused the Pandemonium Entrance.


Did you not expect them to? Personally, I think they did a great job on it.


I agree, they did a much better job then I expected them to do. Really, if they built a new enterance, it wouldn't have a return in investment.


Looks like testing started at about 4:15 p.m. today.


This is good news! If all goes well, it will easily open next Friday.

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Good thing I don't plan on going to this maybe because I live in NYC, I have 10 visible facial piercings, and it's too much work to take them all out just to ride a ride... and 2 visible tattoos on my wrists.


And when I get my tear drop microdermals, i can't take them out at all because they're embedded in your skin, guess no commercial shoots for me, if they're all like that.


Why not? Isn't tattoos and piercings the 'in' thing now..... what's wrong with that? I think it would be cool in these commercials to see a train load of 'normal' people with some riders covered in tattoos and body piercings sprinkled here and there.


I agree with you, but it's still prohibited in most places of business. Personally, I don't think it'd be a big deal to have a few people with a few subtle piercings or tattoos and it would better reflect the GP of today, but I think it's easier for them to say "no visible tattoos or piercings". It could potentially draw controversy so it's safer for the park this way rather than being seen as "promoting" anything.


I don't fully understand the "short-sleeves only" rule. Maybe just to keep similarity within the commercial so there's not one or two random people wearing long sleeves?

Edited by RAWKIN_coaster38
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^There's the "overt" thing an ad is trying to sell (the product itself), then there are all the "subconscious" things the ad sells (i.e. selling sex, selling family, selling excitement, etc.) Some people associate piercings and tattoos with a more "edgy" lifestyle (sex, drugs and rock n' roll!).... so thus the ad could be inadvertently selling "edginess" by including pierced or tattooed people....


but you'd think this would be the sort of think an amusement park would like? I guess not for a park that's considered more "family-oriented."

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Speaking of which, I like the ride entrance a lot! Sure it's recycled but it's simple and it fits very well. Funny thing was that on the photo SFDK posted of the entrance and front spiral upward, someone asked if Superman was 'like a water ride.' Sure it is, when you get a car full of TPR members with small paper cups of water, and someone standing at the side with a huge jug ready to dump it on unsuspecting members!

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Stop at Black Bear diner just before you cross the Sacramento River on I-80. If you miss that one, there are others in Davis, Vacaville, and one right in Vallejo. Their breakfasts are freaking awesome. That'll keep you going all day. Seriously, they really are great, and literally right on your way.

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This is my home park but I haven't been for quite a while. I've actually never ridden the spinning ride they used to have and Didn't realize this new ride is actually replacing it.


I can't help but think that the spinning ride was actually a much better fit for this park. I've never really cared for these impulse type coasters though.

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