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Best One-Two Punch

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We just have different opinions of the word "excellent", you make it more of an exclusive term than me but I think we're sort of on the same page. Aside from Skyrush and Storm Runner everything you just named is an elite coaster in my opinion. I think that if a park has one of the greatest coasters ever built in I305 and surrounds it with coasters that are a slight step down but still amazing like the best floorless coaster in America, a super unique and awesome double launching Intamin invert that launches out of a damn volcano and (at least in my opinion with apologies to Mummy) the best indoor coaster in America that's pretty sick. Especially when right below that they have another tier of super fun coasters like Backlot, Avalanche and Grizzly.


So in regards to this thread you could argue that they don't have a great 1-2 punch (though if you think Dominator, Volcano or Flight of Fear qualify then I won't argue with you because everyone has different tastes and they're all amazing), but regarding their coaster lineup I think it's awesome. I don't feel like they really "need" anything.


PS: I f**king love Backlot Stunt Coaster.


Agreed with all of this except that Storm Runner and Skyrush are not elite coasters. Poppycock, dude.


I mean I know you hate Skyrush but have some respect

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Busch Gardens Williamsburg with Alpengeist and Apollo's Chariot is the king of this for me, being the only park I've done to have two coasters that I would give a perfect score to.




Kennywood - Phantom's Revenge + Thunderbolt

Knoebels - Phoenix + Twister

Six Flags Great Adventure - El Toro + Nitro

Cedar Point - Maverick + Magnum XL 200

Six Flags New England - Superman: The Ride + Wicked Cyclone

Kings Dominion - Intimidator 305 + Grizzly

Carowinds - Fury 325 + Afterburn

Hersheypark - Storm Runner + Skyrush

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We just have different opinions of the word "excellent", you make it more of an exclusive term than me but I think we're sort of on the same page. Aside from Skyrush and Storm Runner everything you just named is an elite coaster in my opinion. I think that if a park has one of the greatest coasters ever built in I305 and surrounds it with coasters that are a slight step down but still amazing like the best floorless coaster in America, a super unique and awesome double launching Intamin invert that launches out of a damn volcano and (at least in my opinion with apologies to Mummy) the best indoor coaster in America that's pretty sick. Especially when right below that they have another tier of super fun coasters like Backlot, Avalanche and Grizzly.


So in regards to this thread you could argue that they don't have a great 1-2 punch (though if you think Dominator, Volcano or Flight of Fear qualify then I won't argue with you because everyone has different tastes and they're all amazing), but regarding their coaster lineup I think it's awesome. I don't feel like they really "need" anything.


PS: I f**king love Backlot Stunt Coaster.


Agreed with all of this except that Storm Runner and Skyrush are not elite coasters. Poppycock, dude.


I mean I know you hate Skyrush but have some respect


How can anyone hate Skyrush?? Yes it's a little painful on the thighs but that's because the airtime seeks to destroy

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We just have different opinions of the word "excellent", you make it more of an exclusive term than me but I think we're sort of on the same page. Aside from Skyrush and Storm Runner everything you just named is an elite coaster in my opinion. I think that if a park has one of the greatest coasters ever built in I305 and surrounds it with coasters that are a slight step down but still amazing like the best floorless coaster in America, a super unique and awesome double launching Intamin invert that launches out of a damn volcano and (at least in my opinion with apologies to Mummy) the best indoor coaster in America that's pretty sick. Especially when right below that they have another tier of super fun coasters like Backlot, Avalanche and Grizzly.


So in regards to this thread you could argue that they don't have a great 1-2 punch (though if you think Dominator, Volcano or Flight of Fear qualify then I won't argue with you because everyone has different tastes and they're all amazing), but regarding their coaster lineup I think it's awesome. I don't feel like they really "need" anything.


PS: I f**king love Backlot Stunt Coaster.


Agreed with all of this except that Storm Runner and Skyrush are not elite coasters. Poppycock, dude.


I mean I know you hate Skyrush but have some respect


How can anyone hate Skyrush?? Yes it's a little painful on the thighs but that's because the airtime seeks to destroy


There's a vocal minority of people who've made a meme out of the insanely painful "Thighcrush"... It's hilarious how people adamantly HATE Skyrush, but love I305 and Maverick. I think they just can't handle the extreme airtime. If you want to experience actual thigh pain from restrainsts, try out the new ones on T3

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I305 and Maverick have incredibly comfortable restraints (and honestly Maverick's old restraints didn't bother me either). I can't stand the restraints on Skyrush. I fully admit to being a complete b*tch when it comes to Skyrush but I legitimately hate the restraints.


That being said I don't "hate" the ride. I can appreciate it's intensity but it's usually a one and done for me on each visit. On a ride like Maverick or I305 I can power-ride all night (as Boldikus will tell you ).

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Yes I was going to save it for Part 2 of the report (its coming!) but yea can confirm we rode the everloving sh*t out of I305 Saturday night. Like I said to you guys try Skyrush in the middle seats toward the middle of the train - much more mild ride. That back left is the death seat. And I say that with love.

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I305 and Maverick have incredibly comfortable restraints


I get as much thigh pressure from the heavy positives on both those coasters as I do on Skyrush... just saying


EDIT: The standard Intamin OTSRs have the same un-contoured bar that sits at the same spot as Skyrush. I seriously don't get the complaining

Edited by chickenbowl
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I305 and Maverick have incredibly comfortable restraints


I get as much thigh pressure from the heavy positives on both those coasters as I do on Skyrush... just saying


Everyone's different I guess but I've never once experienced that. Then again I've heard people complain about El Toro and they don't bother me at all either.

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Maverick and I305 were perfectly comfortable to me. Skyrush I am fine with but after repeated rides I can see where peoples complaints come from, and totally get the ThighCrush jokes. That said I still think most people that bitch about Skyrush are whiny p*ssies.

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I305 and Maverick have incredibly comfortable restraints (and honestly Maverick's old restraints didn't bother me either).

I actually preferred Maverick's old restraints, these new ones are soft on the neck but hurt my shoulders like hell.

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Yes I was going to save it for Part 2 of the report (its coming!) but yea can confirm we rode the everloving sh*t out of I305 Saturday night. Like I said to you guys try Skyrush in the middle seats toward the middle of the train - much more mild ride. That back left is the death seat. And I say that with love.

I LOVE that death seat! Skyrush is the only coaster that legitimately scared me. One of my rides on it, I left maybe a bit too much space between the lapbar and my thighs. Going over that drop... OMG, I saw my life flash before my eyes. I was like, "This is how I'm going to go...I'm going to be on the news tonight."


I can only think that the people who don't like it must not like intense rides...or can't handle the thigh pain. For me, the thigh pain was like rough sex.... it hurts, you're going to have a bit of trouble walking after it's all over, but your mind is saying yes, yes yes, can't get enough!!!


I LOVE Skyrush, and you guys talking about I305 seriously tempts me to drive the 9 hours on my one three-day weekend coming up.

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For me, the thigh pain was like rough sex.... it hurts, you're going to have a bit of trouble walking after it's all over, but your mind is saying yes, yes yes, can't get enough!!!


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Yes I was going to save it for Part 2 of the report (its coming!) but yea can confirm we rode the everloving sh*t out of I305 Saturday night. Like I said to you guys try Skyrush in the middle seats toward the middle of the train - much more mild ride. That back left is the death seat. And I say that with love.

I LOVE that death seat! Skyrush is the only coaster that legitimately scared me. One of my rides on it, I left maybe a bit too much space between the lapbar and my thighs. Going over that drop... OMG, I saw my life flash before my eyes. I was like, "This is how I'm going to go...I'm going to be on the news tonight."


This is exactly why Skyrush is my #1 steel. The back left seat experience can make me involuntarily scream multiple times and make me feel like I'm going to get hurled into a tree. The restraints are also so minimal and give little protection from getting thrown around like a rag doll. For me it's a plus, but I can definitely why people are not so fond.


As for Best 1-2 punch:

CP: Maverick and MF

HP: Sky Rush and Storm Runner

Dollywood: Best wooden 1-2 punch with Lightning Rod and Thunderhead, hot damn some insane air time and some great laterals/out of control

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Roller coasters I have ridden:

Kentucky Kingdom: Storm Chaser and Kentucky Kingdom

Kings Island: Banshee and The Beast (night ride)

Cedar Point: Maverick and Millennium Force (even though it's not a roller coaster I'm also going to say Skyhawk as a 1-2-3 punch because WOW )


Roller coasters I haven't rode:

Dollywood: Lightning Rod and Thunderhead

Knoebels: Twister and Phoenix

Phantasialand: Black Mamba and Taron

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Ok, getting back to the numbering system introduced in the first post, here are my Top 5 One-Two Punch Coasters!


1. Cedar Point (5) - Millennium Force and Maverick, Maverick and Millennium Force. Either way you slice it, no park comes close, in my opinion!


2. Holiday World (18) - The Voyage and Thunderbird


3. Six Flags Great Adventure (23) - El Toro and Nitro


4. Sea World Orlando (28) Kraken and Manta


5. Kings Island (32) Diamondback and Banshee

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