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Which wooden coasters needs refurbishments/improvements.

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In my opinion, we need Iron Eagle! They should i-box at least one side.

I'm genuinely curious as to why all of you who want Rocky Mountain to refurbish racing coasters only want them to do one side. What's the point?!?

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^ Exactly...I'm not sure why only 1 side when both would make more sense...is there one side that is smooth as butter not requiring an RMC 'makeover'? I haven't been on that racer for a long time, so perhaps I missed a few reviews that said otherwise.

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I honestly don't care if it's one or two sides. I think that visually, doing both would be a much better idea, because then you don't have a 50 degree drop on one side and an 80 degree drop on the other. I think the reason most people want one side is so they still have American eagle, but also iron eagle, so you'd have 2 different rides.

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Topper Track one side and Iron Horse one side. Connect them together, then two different experience can combine in one track.

I honestly think that that's a worse idea than refurbishing only one side.

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In my opinion, we need Iron Eagle! They should i-box at least one side.

I'm genuinely curious as to why all of you who want Rocky Mountain to refurbish racing coasters only want them to do one side. What's the point?!?


I know right! I personally think that would look hideous, and one of the sides would be much less intense than the other.

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I'm fairly certain that I might really have died on The Boss last Summer and this Post is just a dream...it was in dire need of something...but living in SoCal, I have to agree with Robb, please fix GhostRider...

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Vuoristorata - IMO one of the most boring wooden coasters, mostly due to the brakemen who took it VERY conservative compared to those running Rutschebanen at Tivoli Gardens, would like if KumBak would make to do-over like on Bakken's Rutschebanen which runs a good pace.


Gwazi - or better replace it with a nice steel coaster...

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Wildcat. I could say mean streak but even if it were smooth I'm not sure if it would be that exiting. Wildcat, on the other hand, has a really cool layout with a great pacing and lots of twistyness to it. I felt like it would be awesome if it were smooth.

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Roar at SFA


This ride needs to be burned to the ground.



Roar isn't the best, but not the worst wooden coaster I've been on. Gwazi takes the cake on that one. I would've mention it in my earlier reply but I have no hope in that ride being around any longer considering one side has been SBNO for a while now.

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When I rode Gwazi back in April, it wasn't that bad. Considering that I did ride in the very front by myself and had never ridden a real decent coaster, I can't really complain. Now, I really don't want to imagine how the ride was before the PTC's were removed.

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When I rode Gwazi back in April, it wasn't that bad. Considering that I did ride in the very front by myself and had never ridden a real decent coaster, I can't really complain. Now, I really don't want to imagine how the ride was before the PTC's were removed.

I rode it in 2008 when I was 10 and it had the PTC's. The front was okay, but really rough during the turns. The back WAS GOD AWFUL PIECE OF ****ING **** HOLY ****!!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL **** WAS THAT?!


It wasn't fun

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I guess I should consider myself lucky that I used the same defensive style I use for Georgia Cyclone when I rode Gwazi and the fact that the front row was the shortest wait.


Ironically, Gwazi was the longest line when I went. Strange.

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