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Skyplex Orlando Discussion Thread

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The opponents to this are a joke.


"What happens when someone sees the roller coasters and is so surprised (by the first roller coaster they've ever seen in Orlando!) that they get into a car accident?"

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The positive people are putting forward great cases IMHO. Very mature, reasoned arguments, and I love the woman who started her speech with the anecdote about Paris and the Eiffel Tower and the opposition it faced and how it became an icon. Also good on the guy who called out Universal for being bullies (and I'm a huge Universal fangirl)


I had to laugh at the opponent who was saying about body bags in the street and police tape closing off the roads... surely such hysteria doesn't do the 'no' camp any favours!

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I think there have been about 3-4 people out of nearly 15-20 who have opposed. A couple were nearby residents who were concerned about the visual impact, and a couple mentioned increased traffic, including one guy who seemed to think that there would be 'body bags lining the street' through pedestrian deaths!

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Finally caught the recent 15 minutes of the stream. I figured there would be plenty of people present in support for the project, but I didn't expect them to be the overwhelming majority! It's quite pleasing to see!

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18 more speakers, and they are accepting no more. So about 40 more minutes of presentations I guess.


The guy with glasses is making such a great argument saying about how CItywalk got so many subsidies, crushed the competition and are not even allowing competitors to respond.

Edited by KarlaKoaster
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