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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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Pony express seems like it could have been good if they had it wind all around big foot rapids, shame it didn't come out that way.


This is what I've been saying since it opened! It's an okay ride in my opinion, just way too short time-wise. It's definitely hard to justify waiting for it!

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The restraints are also much more painful on Pony Express.


If you know how to ride Pony Express "correctly", you will have little pain.


The ride is also just way to short and the queue is always so long. In the next couple years they should replace it with a good flat or a new, better coaster.


Why would they take out a popular family coaster? Pony Express is a big hit for families and has good ridership. Plus, Pony Express is not even five years old! I know enthusiasts don't like it too much but it's going to stay for some time. If Knott's is removing one coaster in the near future, it will probably be Boomerang.

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The restraints are also much more painful on Pony Express.


If you know how to ride Pony Express "correctly", you will have little pain.


You shouldn't have to "ride it correctly" to not experience any pain.

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The restraints are also much more painful on Pony Express.


If you know how to ride Pony Express "correctly", you will have little pain.


You shouldn't have to "ride it correctly" to not experience any pain.


Especially if it's some kind of secret that only gets half mentioned but not explained.

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There is definitely a point on 5 where you get a decent view of Knott's. Easier if you aren't the driver and have the ability to look as it's only visible for about 15 seconds.


That paint job on Boomerang is hideous, but then again so was the old one. I guess we are just cursed with and ugly ride. Also, I wish CF would buy the new trains for this thing if it's going to hang around. I'm sure the purchase would be worth it, I can't imagine it's cheap to maintain the old Arrow train for year around ops.

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I thought that I saw somewhere that Boomerang's supports were going to be a different color (a light teal or something).


Does this mean new Vekoma trains for Boomerang as well? That would be cool.


EDIT: Nevermind, the blue was the old coloring.

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Can you even see Knott's from the 5? It's never come into view for me until we got on Beach and started heading toward the park.


Knott's can be easily seen from the 5.


The restraints are also much more painful on Pony Express.


If you know how to ride Pony Express "correctly", you will have little pain.


You shouldn't have to "ride it correctly" to not experience any pain.


Especially if it's some kind of secret that only gets half mentioned but not explained.


Here's how you ride Pony Express "correctly": You don't lean too far forward. If you remain rather upright, you'll have a decent ride.


Boomerangs new paint job is certainly..bright.






From Knotts network


These photos are a bit old as when I visited Knott's on the 15th, they were painting the supports green. So, the actual color scheme is lime green track and green supports.

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