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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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I'll wait until it's done and I see it in person to judge the new color of Boomerang, but based on what I've seen so far it could possibly be worse than the current colors. I thought the track was going to be a darker green, which would look nice with the yellow-green supports, but if both are too close in color it just doesn't work.

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I think people under-estimate Boomerangs. They are great rides (more or less), but the headache is what makes it so uncomfortable. If you can subtract the head-banging, it really has potential. Either way, Knott's won't remove a ride they just repainted. I do agree about Xcelerator, though. If Boomerang got the new Vekoma trains and Xcelerator got a nice, bright red re-paint, the Boardwalk will look fantastic!

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IMHO, I like the track color scheme, but the supports are ugly, would've been nicer if it were a blue-ish color. Just my opinion...


Haha that's what I said a while back- I had joked that Boomerang's new colors should be the same colors that Deja Vu had when it was at SFMM (although I am aware that SFNE kept the same paint job for it when they built it there as Goliath). It would've looked nice plus it would have been funny to listen to the GP confuse it with Deja Vu. Obviously the track's not quite the right shade of green, but it's close!

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I think people under-estimate Boomerangs. They are great rides (more or less), but the headache is what makes it so uncomfortable. If you can subtract the head-banging, it really has potential. Either way, Knott's won't remove a ride they just repainted. I do agree about Xcelerator, though. If Boomerang got the new Vekoma trains and Xcelerator got a nice, bright red re-paint, the Boardwalk will look fantastic!


I agree with you! I actually love Boomerangs, but it would be helpful if they could all get new trains that didn't cause so much head-banging. Or better yet, if there was a way to make it run with lap bars instead of shoulder restraints! My trick to avoid head-banging is that I'll lean forward going into the first part of the cobra roll and then putting my head back against the headrest before exiting the cobra roll. It's backfired on me a couple of times, causing me a nasty headache, but most of the time it's worked well for me! Even though you're instructed to keep your head against the headrest, I've found that my strategy is alright. I'll also sometimes use this technique on Viper at SFMM.

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^I'll take the wrecking ball.




I find it funny that they will paint a ride that didn't need a paint job, yet the ride right across from it has looked like faded crap for years now.


I think we should sit tight on that one...I can't imagine them 're-launching' the boardwalk area without its signature attractions looking in tip-top shape. I think we may finally have our Xcellerator paint job we have all been waiting for.

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I think people under-estimate Boomerangs. They are great rides (more or less), but the headache is what makes it so uncomfortable. If you can subtract the head-banging, it really has potential. Either way, Knott's won't remove a ride they just repainted. I do agree about Xcelerator, though. If Boomerang got the new Vekoma trains and Xcelerator got a nice, bright red re-paint, the Boardwalk will look fantastic!


I agree with you! I actually love Boomerangs, but it would be helpful if they could all get new trains that didn't cause so much head-banging. Or better yet, if there was a way to make it run with lap bars instead of shoulder restraints! My trick to avoid head-banging is that I'll lean forward going into the first part of the cobra roll and then putting my head back against the headrest before exiting the cobra roll. It's backfired on me a couple of times, causing me a nasty headache, but most of the time it's worked well for me! Even though you're instructed to keep your head against the headrest, I've found that my strategy is alright. I'll also sometimes use this technique on Viper at SFMM.


I'm glad someone agrees! Almost all of the old Arrow/Vekoma loopers have potential to be great rides. It's the trains that cause an uncomfortable ride. The same goes with GCI coasters. Besides the Millennium Flyers, they're just normal old wooden coasters (in terms of the construction and building techniques). But when riding a wood coaster with MF trains, it changes the whole experience. I wish a roller coaster manufacturer could create a train that runs on Arrow/Vekoma loopers with lap bars only. That would be the best thing ever!


In terms of KBF and Boomerang, it is very possible to have the trains like Carolina Cobra for several reasons. Cedar Fair already has experience with the trains because of Carolina Cobra. They know that it creates a much more comfortable ride. And on a side note, Boomerang's 23rd birthday will be on April 6th. Maybe it will receive new trains for it's birthday? In time for the Spring break crowds.

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^I'll take the wrecking ball.




I find it funny that they will paint a ride that didn't need a paint job, yet the ride right across from it has looked like faded crap for years now.


I think we should sit tight on that one...I can't imagine them 're-launching' the boardwalk area without its signature attractions looking in tip-top shape. I think we may finally have our Xcellerator paint job we have all been waiting for.


If Xcelerator got it's track repainted a bright red, that whole section of Knott's would amazing! Boomerangs new paint (and hopefully trains), Xcelerator's stunning paint job, a new family coaster, and two family attractions would definitely be a win for the public. Now imagine if Ghost Rider got an RMC topper track make-over...

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Yes Xcelerator has faded some (from coral to bubblegum pink) - but I seriously doubt most visitors to the park would say it looks like 'faded crap'.


Comparing pics from media day to pics from the last week or so only show a tiny difference in the teal (which I know they have done painting on through the years).

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Yes Xcelerator has faded some (from coral to bubblegum pink) - but I seriously doubt most visitors to the park would say it looks like 'faded crap'.


Comparing pics from media day to pics from the last week or so only show a tiny difference in the teal (which I know they have done painting on through the years).



I hear guest comment on it almost every time I visit the park. They may not say it looks like crap, but they do comment on how faded it looks.


And the ride stands out even more now since last years completion of repainting the supports back to opening day colors.

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I think people under-estimate Boomerangs. They are great rides (more or less), but the headache is what makes it so uncomfortable. If you can subtract the head-banging, it really has potential. Either way, Knott's won't remove a ride they just repainted. I do agree about Xcelerator, though. If Boomerang got the new Vekoma trains and Xcelerator got a nice, bright red re-paint, the Boardwalk will look fantastic!


I do think the new color scheme looks nicer. As for the "headache is what makes it uncomfortable" concept, isn't that like saying shooting yourself in the foot would be OK if it weren't for the bullet? But, seriously, while I agree that Boomerangs are better with the new trains, I'm still not a fan of these rides overall.

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Call me crazy, but I'll take Boomerang over GhostRider (as it stands now) any day of the week! While I agree new Boomerang trains would be great, if you position your head a certain way throughout the ride, it's really not all that bad... (Not sure how I feel about its new paint, though...)


Is this Boardwalk expansion leaving anyone else rather cold? I get the whole family park argument, which I think is legitimate, but this whole project seems sort of "blah" and uninspired to me. (Maybe I'm just still upset they took PP out... haha)

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"Is this Boardwalk expansion leaving anyone else rather cold? I get the whole family park argument, which I think is legitimate, but this whole project seems sort of "blah" and uninspired to me. (Maybe I'm just still upset they took PP out... haha)"


The artwork isn't very inspiring, IMO, but it will look amazing at night. I hope they will include some theming Disney hasn't thought of yet for Paradise Pier.

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^ Knott's isn't Disney so it's pointless to compare. Also, Families make parks money, that's what they are interested in, not what makes enthusiasts warm and inspired. Some day enthusiast will realize these are businesses and not personal playgrounds... well, maybe not.

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"^ Knott's isn't Disney so it's pointless to compare. Also, Families make parks money, that's what they are interested in, not what makes enthusiasts warm and inspired. Some day enthusiast will realize these are businesses and not personal playgrounds... well, maybe not."


What I said wasn't a critique of the rides but the artwork itself - color choices, execution - isn't very appealing. I should have explain better. I applaud the decision to market the park to families and to install family friendly attractions, though honestly I think there are modern flat rides that would also have been good choices.


Although unfair, people will compare the parks because they are so close together and have some similarity (Timber Mountain Log Ride inspired Splash Mountain, Calico Mine Ride inspired Big Thunder Mountain, DCA has a mouse and now Knott's has a mouse.) It's so awesome Raffi and Matt Ouimet are restoring, upgrading and cleaning the park. They still have a lot of neglect to catch up on.


Something like Dollywood's Adventure Mountain would be perfect for Camp Snoopy. Instead of a new coaster, how about an X2/Superman style makeover of an existing ride?

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