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Blackpool Pleasure Beach (BPB) Discussion Thread

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They are/have been built in house due to the last time they bought trains from another company.


Hmm, I'm not sure how I feel about anything being built in house. I can understand the reasoning behind it, but that's something I'd want to leave to the professionals. Who did they buy from in the past that made them want to build in house?

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They are/have been built in house due to the last time they bought trains from another company.


Hmm, I'm not sure how I feel about anything being built in house. I can understand the reasoning behind it, but that's something I'd want to leave to the professionals. Who did they buy from in the past that made them want to build in house?


So long as they have proper documentation, any certified machinist, welder, etc. could build them and they would work just fine.

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Blackpool Pleasure Beach is officially the cheesiest place on or off the planet.


Lets be fair here; Blackpool is not a place you go for its class


I wonder if they're going to continue to play the station tape that talks about the ride being the "tallest, fastest, and steepest roller coaster in the world!". Me, I've had my share of vertical reality thanks...

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I think it looks rather good. Even if they have drawn the Union Flag wrong, but thats just nitpicking. Reminds me of the old Revolution design before the Irn-Bru sponsorship.


Im not to worried about the Pleasure Beach in-hopuse engineering. Im under the impression that they do alot of in-house work, so they should have all the skill-sets required. They did a good job extending the mouse, right? I thought part of Goldmine construction was done in-house after some sort of complication with the contractor, with help from british rail.

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They are/have been built in house due to the last time they bought trains from another company.


Hmm, I'm not sure how I feel about anything being built in house. I can understand the reasoning behind it, but that's something I'd want to leave to the professionals. Who did they buy from in the past that made them want to build in house?


What isn't professional about the people working at Blackpool fabricating things? Adventure Island has an in house team that manufactures entire rides...



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^Are they 'new' or just rehabbed?

They are two new trains as the old ones were not in the best state. They are only getting two which rules out any chances of 3 train operation now.

They are/have been built in house due to the last time they bought trains from another company.

Also the pay booths from the ride have been removed and the ride has been repainted.


Hope that clears a few things up!!



It would be a start if they actually ran 2 train operation!!!! Everytime I have been there in the last few years during busy periods I have had to suffer stupid 1 train operation with waits of 45 minutes every time, it is ridiculous!!!

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^Are these brand new trains or have they just received a paintcoat?


If they are new, I would have expected them to be a bit different. I don't know what upgrades can be made to these trains but I was hoping for something more exciting...

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It would be a start if they actually ran 2 train operation!!!! Everytime I have been there in the last few years during busy periods I have had to suffer stupid 1 train operation with waits of 45 minutes every time, it is ridiculous!!!


At least it's higher capacity than this ...


I'm sure the new trains will be an improvement.

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'In house' generally means not by a big/well-known firm. They will have still been fabricated by professionals contracted in. I am hoping to go at the weekend for the first time in ten years.


They have repainted the whole ride???

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'In house' generally means not by a big/well-known firm. They will have still been fabricated by professionals contracted in. I am hoping to go at the weekend for the first time in ten years.


They have repainted the whole ride???

I think they have repainted most of the ride.

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