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Blackpool Pleasure Beach (BPB) Discussion Thread

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The new trains look amazing, even if they do have the somewhat annoying names of 'Will' and 'Kate'.

I'm certainly looking forward to riding them in two days time!


That means they have only bought 2 new trains? Are they keeping a third one? I thought PMBO could run 3 trains since it has a MCBR

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The new trains look amazing, even if they do have the somewhat annoying names of 'Will' and 'Kate'.

I'm certainly looking forward to riding them in two days time!


That means they have only bought 2 new trains? Are they keeping a third one? I thought PMBO could run 3 trains since it has a MCBR


But can they be bothered?

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They haven't run 3 trains since 2000 I think, due to an accident and there is no longer demand for it, It's the same with Avalache and the Nash not running 3 trains anymore.

Adam, They painted some of the Big One, the bits that needed it the most I think.

I found one of My pictures of it being painted...


A Photo of the Big one being painted

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Hoping to go tomorrow. I hope that all the effects in Valhalla are working (my optimistic logic is that they fix them during the closed season and they start all working and then gradually fail during the season). Well I don't mind it being fairly busy as long as it isn't August Bank Holiday proportions...

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I dont think Ive ever seen 3 train operation on anything at Pleasure Beach (not sure about space invader), but then I do always try to time my visits for the less busy periods.


I didnt think Nash ran 3 trains? Surely you mean 4, 2 on each side (I know its really just one track). I havent seen them run 4 for a long time.


I thought Bling was going to be SBNO until it is removed? The new owners might consider it a bit cheeky if they keep running it once its already been sold? Thats like putting a load of exta miles on a car between someone buying it and picking it up. On the other hand they might as well use it if its sitting there anyway. Stop it from ceasing up perhaps?

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Great pics! I still love how hard they are working to keep Roller Coaster there, especially considering the current management's lack of care for some of the other classic rides in the park.

Just Like to say the park are all for classic rides and the park made them Standing but not operating for a reason so they could survive and pay of the Millions of Pounds of debt Geoffrey left behind. The bankers wanted the money and with higher interest rates to survive with out going into bankruptcy they had to do something and to cut these rides was an option and not so many people would notice.

People would notice if something like the Big One was sbno however something like Noah's Ark or Rollercoaster, not so much. I can assure you the park care about classic rides, Thats why they spent over £500,000 refurbishing The Big Dipper. Amanda loves the classic rides however in a business decisions have to be made to pay off debt and make the company profitable.

Just saying they do care about classic rides in the park however they had to make vital decisions to help pay back debt and unfortunately some classic rides suffered as well as Southport.

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^Totally understood. My phrasing was a bit too harsh anyways. It unfortunately makes sense that in order to maintain a real attendance (of, you know, normal people) you need to constantly upgrade and renew. I was more of just referring to the sad truth of that considering Blackpool's size and treasure trove of historical rides. I have been to the park, contrary to what it might seem, and I understand how frickin' JAM PACKED the place is and how it adds to the character.

Just trying to seperate myself from the fanboys.

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  • 1 month later...

Here are some updates from the past few weeks from Pleasure Beach Experience....

By the way I am rubbish at captions...





The area from a distance


Some of the area


Rollercoasters Station


Fairy World Taxi Spin


The Flume


Rollers Station


Space Invader building being covered up


Avatar Airbender


Mack Water Ride


The Splash Bash Ride


Constructions coming along well however they still have lots to do in a short space of time



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  • 1 month later...

Just to let people know, Nickelodeon Land is open today for previews and fully opens on Wednesday, It will be opened by David Hasslehoff

Here are some photos of the land from Pleasure Beach Experience.


The entrace to the land


Taxi Spin


The dora water ride


New Trains for Nickelodeon Streak


Splash Bash


The park has been much busier now due to the land




Some small kids rides


The Rock Bottom plunge...

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