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TPR and Theme Park Artwork

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Amazing work! SFI looks brilliant...


I'm guessing it was majorly inspired by SFNE? (Especially the floorless clone and waterpark?)


Actually, it's inspired by all or some of the SF parks. The one area you saw was inspired by SFNE, the water park is also based on all of the SF water parks.


netdvn, here's the link: PROJECT 2010 Theme Park (Six Flags) (Everyone, don't count it as spam please!)

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Here is my drawing of Hersheypark. This thread was started back in November, so all the images are located here:




I was impressed with some of the other pieces of art from this thread. Especially to you, ben2008. You have one totally awesome layout there! I bet that had to take days to draw!

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Here is my drawing of Hersheypark. This thread was started back in November, so all the images are located here:




I was impressed with some of the other pieces of art from this thread. Especially to you, ben2008. You have one totally awesome layout there! I bet that had to take days to draw!


Seriously AMAZING! Wow! You have a current one and you have one from along time ago. Can tell the difference on how much has changed as well as the style improvements in the drawings! Still amazing though! How long did it take for you to draw both Hersheyparks?


And Thank You! I'm glad you like the layout of the park! It took me five months just to finish it. It's currently my best hand-drawn park so far!

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To draw my current Hersheypark drawing, it took several months to get the accuracy and details just right. I wanted it to scale as close as possible.


Are you planning on doing another drawing like that one? Did you ever try doing a real park in that style? Being an artist myself, it's nice to see and review other people's artwork.

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To draw my current Hersheypark drawing, it took several months to get the accuracy and details just right. I wanted it to scale as close as possible.


Are you planning on doing another drawing like that one? Did you ever try doing a real park in that style? Being an artist myself, it's nice to see and review other people's artwork.


Actually, I'm planning on doing Six Flags St. Louis next year (Since they are celebrating their 50th Anniversary.) I'll use the same techniques I used in Project 2010.

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^ Trying to draw a real park, especially with the level of detail you put into you put into your projects is gonna be extremely tough. I've tried drawing plenty of real parks, but have fallen flat on my face because something was out of proportion or something didn't turn out the way I planned (I guess that's the perfectionist in me )


Some last-minute stuff I need to get out of the way before I show off my next project...


Miniland 2 final update...

Cliffhanger -- Giant Frisbee

Rock River -- Heavily themed raft ride

There are other rides hidden in this pic... Can you find them :D


Base of the waterpark as well as the Bombshell coaster.

Next project coming soon.

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I include ride names and logos because....


1) Sometimes I'm lazy and don't wanna draw difficult portions of the ride. The name/logo blocks out that portion of ride so I don't have to draw it.

2) Expanding on the first comment it saves a bit of time just to put a name/logo around parts that seem to take forever to draw.

3) I like drawing the logos. It's fun trying to imagine what the logo looks like for a ride.


But that's just me...

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Hi, I thought I would make a new topic about my designs I draw when I am Bored and have nothing to do. After looking at these drawings you may think 'pft what a nerd' and im okay with that because this is me and what I do and I enjoy it! When I leave college I hope to be a roller coaster Designer and also create my own collection of theme parks around the globe. And owning the first B and M hyper coaster in the UK!


These designs are looking down at the coaster from the sky ( incase you get confused)


I'm going to only upload a few drawings for now and as I design new ones I will add them on asap. For now please enjoy.


please comment I would like feedback.


An idea for a B and M invert


Euro fighter with a unique first drop!


Mouse coaster in a rock valley and a big suprise at the end! it also goes backward in the middle of the ride!!!

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Coming soon...


I've been working on this park for about a month now and it's taking shape. The park itself is about halfway finished, but I've had this file stored on my computer for a while. Check it out!


What's this???




I've done a lot of work since this...

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The park is coming along pretty nicely now.

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Coaster-wise the park has a Dive Machine, family coaster, Giga-Coaster, heavily-themed Mack water coaster, and a Vekoma Suspended coaster. A number of flat rides and dark rides have also been made since then. Close ups will come when I can get to it. With summer coming up, I'm probably gonna upload more content to TPR as well as the fan page sometime soon.


Park #3 - Become a fan on Facebook and tell the world :p

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