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Dan's Theme Park Artwork

Random Stuff


I'm currently working on the next update right now, but for now I'm gonna show off some close ups of the towns posted on page 29. If you want to see the original pics, go to page 29 and check them out..



Here's the link...


Lower half of the other side of the highway. There's a retro-style Howard Johnson's hotel and restaraunt.


The other side of the highway.


Elissa friendly restaraunt along with an outlet mall.

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Dan's Theme Park Artwork

Part 6 - Final Update


The Timberlands Resort

The Timberlands Resort is divided into many different lands...


Entrance Plaza - Nothing really special. Just a bunch of gift shops.

Timber Country - An area of forest that contains a large lumber mill and an old mine.

Industrial Hills - Abandoned factories and old mines surround the landscape.

Middle Harbor - Area themed to an old shipping harbor

Mountain Pass - A trail deep within the mountains with roadside stands and villages along the way

Lost Ruins - The ruins of an ancient civilization

Western Civilizaiton - The Old West meets a modern day city


Caldera Valley - A large lake situated in the middle of the park.


River Revenge is an Arrow Hydroflume built in 1976 in order to compete with SFON's opening a year earlier. The coaster in the background is Loop of Faith.


Plummet is the tallest ride in the park as well as the only Intamin Drop Tower in the state.


All three Intamin coasters are located in Middle Harbor. This coaster is Blitzkreig, an Intamin Rocket Coaster.


Chain Reaction is a Gerstlauer Spinning Coaster themed to an abandoned chemical factory. The Dive Machine in the background is Shaft.


The Western Civilization area and the Urban Assault flat ride. The previous update had the Old West part.

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Dan's Theme Park Artwork

Teaser Time


This is a teaser for the next update I'm currently working on right now.


Outlaw - Illegal Coaster

Inspired by Cedar Point's Maverick, Outlaw is Cheddar Beach's newest coaster and the only Intamin coaster opening in North America 2009. The ride takes daring passengers on a journey through the Old West following the trail of an elusive outlaw as he blasts through buildings, dodges barriers, and causes mass chaos. Your job is to stop the outlaw dead in his tracks. Riders are launched from 0-75 mph in only 6 seconds and are sent over a 100 foot tall top hat, through inversions and into tight twists and turns.


EDIT: The original Outlaw post...



PS: I do accept comments, praise, and constructive criticism... Don't be shy.


Known for its record breaking Millennium Dragon and X-Scream coasters, this ride will be an excellent addition to the Cheddar Beach lineup.


Outlaw from the top of the top hat, looking down below.


Steel Eagle - The park's B&M hyper coaster, this pic is a bit rushed though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dan's Theme Park Artwork

A Return to Cheddar Beach Part 7 Update!!


I decided to head back to Cheddar Beach for the media event for their new coaster, Outlaw. I arrived before the crowds arrived just to take some pics of some of the different rides located inside the park.


The new coaster was undergoing some testing while I was there.


Here are the first few pics I've got.


Outlaw and X-Scream


Doom Stream is a heavily themed water ride which replaced an aging log flume. It was built in 1992. Millennium Dragon looms in the distance.


The entrance to the park... In the distance you can see Millennium Dragon, Rocket Towers, and Taboo Tower.


The sign overlooking the lake. This is one of the nicest-looking city parks in the world.

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Dan's Theme Park Artwork

Update 7 Part 2


A few more pics...


Outlaw testing


Built in 1925, Tornado is the CB's oldest coaster... The coaster in the background is Vertigo, a B&M Dive Machine built in 2007. This is basically an old meets new pic.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dan's Theme Park Artwork

Update 7 Part 3


Here's another small update. I'm still working on the rest and will probably post a larger one this weekend if I can get my scanner up and running.


Another Outlaw testing shot...


Jack Rabbit is a wooden coaster built in the 70s... Here's the entrance.

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^ Actually yes I do realize that, which is why I've been considering making a seperate thread to place all my artwork later on... As for RCT, I can't seem to get it up and running. I've tried a bunch of times, but it doesn't seem to work.


Thanks for the comments everybody.


My scanner isn't doing what it's supposed to do right now but hopefully it will work before tomorrow arrives. If not, I can push the next update back to Monday.

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  • 2 weeks later...
^^ That is awesome. How many hours / days did you need to paint that park? Seriousely, you should really get more into that stuff.




Mine was free-handed, not painted. (I don't know if you were talking about mine or the first post of the page.)


I started working on this park since the beginning of last year. So it's been a while.

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The next update I might post later next month will have two new coasters. The wooden one will get replaced with a more better one (It will look more like Terminator/Evel Kinevel.) Then the second one is Deja Vu.


So, I really have too much time on my hands.

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Wow...that is simply amazing. Parks should pay you to make their maps! (Obviously you could, considering the perfect El loco, Batman, Superman, and Fahrenheit clones.)


Can't wait to see more from you!

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How do you have this much time? lol. You also have a crazy number of posts for joining in February. You are a godlike theme park nerd(that's a compliment, I am a theme park nerd, just not godlike)


Some awesome artwork.

Yeah I noticed that too. Turns out I was spending a little too much time here. I've tried limiting the time I spent here... Thanks...

Dan's Theme Park Artwork


Now back on topic. ben2008, you're extremely good at creating park maps. I've done quite a few park maps, but I sorta gave up on it because it ate up way too much of my time and I found myself messing up very often. I try to make them as detailed and perfect as possible.


I swear I'll post an update sometime soon when I have the chance to finish the rest of my artwork.


For now, I'll show off some of the maps I've done. They were too big to put through the scanner so I took pictures of them. Sorry for the crappy lighting on some of them.




Wild America...


My oldest map. I made this in 7th grade.

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Dan's Theme Park Artwork

Maps Part 2...


My Internet was lagging so I decided to post each one separately...


Overview. I'll post a better quality one later...


My parents framed this so I turned off the flash to prevent it from reflecting back.


Wild America. I made this three years ago...

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