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Tokyo Disney Resort Discussion Thread

p. 78 - TONS of new Fantasy Springs info!

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I really need to get back to this park. It's been a few years. I love how they also have a lot of food and gift 'specials' for each years celebration. They don't just have a handful of junk like the US Disney parks, they have a ton of awesome dishes, and some really cool gifts!

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  COASTER FREAK 11 said:
I can not wait to go in April!!! I wonder what a Balloon filled with happiness looks like... Haha, or better yet, what is the Happiness?


It doesn't matter. It's Tokyo Disney!!!*




*Although at Hong Kong Disney recently, I noticed

they had little LED lights inside helium balloons for their Halloween

celebrations! Very neat-looking. Happiness, perhaps?

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They certainly spiced up the entirety of both parks for Halloween. I particularly liked the little touches, like putting putting Mardi Gras-like masked on the expedition hats on Raging Spirits.


Tokyo DIsneyland'sHalloween parade was awesome, unlike Universal Japan's which was short amd basically just their Mardi Gras parade (complete with beads) with a different name.


The only real disappointment was their Halloween fireworks show, which was all of 4-5 minutes.

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For some reason, TDL doesn't seem to do good firework shows. All the times I've ever been there they have been really short, but I usually visited during the slow season. It could be because the rest of the country has the most amazing firework shows that it's not really worth it. I've never seen a special event show though, it would be interesting to see what they do for New Years.

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  • 5 weeks later...



Tokyo Disneyland stops selling balloons due to lack of helium




If you were lucky enough to take a trip to Disneyland as a child, you no doubt remember the bouquets of brightly colored balloons that towered over the crowds. And if you asked your mom really nicely and flashed your best set of puppy dog eyes, added in a few “please, oh please, oh please, I’ll be good all day!” you might have been granted an inflated Micky head to bob along with you while you made your way through the happiest place on earth.


If you’re a Japanese kid in November 2012, you will never have the chance to even covet a shiny Disney themed balloon because all traces of them have been wiped out of the park.


What the heck happened?!


Starting from Nov 21, Tokyo Disneyland suspended all sales of balloons within the park. The official reason as stated on the Tokyo Disneyland site is because of “supply difficulties related to the raw material put into the balloons.”


So in other words, they ran out of helium. After a little research, this is actually a serious problem.


Because helium is an inert gas that has extreme melting and boiling points, it is widely used by medical companies and high tech firms (also, at children’s birthday parties and in bored teenagers’ basements). Recently, due to the growth of the manufacturing industry in Asia, demand for helium in the region has skyrocketed. Even though helium is the second most abundant element in the universe, just like balloons in the possession of small children, most of the earth’s helium floats off into space.


In addition, the United States produces 75% of the world’s helium, most of which is located in the Texas panhandle, making it even more expensive for Japanese patrons to get their hands on the prized gas. Because of the high demand for helium and the rapid depletion of helium reserves, the price continues to rise steadily by an average of 6.9% each year.


At the height of the Christmas season, Tokyo Disneyland will not be filled with balloons bobbing and darting through the crowds.


Tokyo Disneyland, “Where dreams come true.” Not if you’re dreaming of buying a balloon.

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  SharkTums said:
^This has actually become news in the US on random slow news days. We haven't had any issues getting helium here and I haven't noticed a big price increase but I guess it's enough to make the news now and then!


We were denied twice at two party companies saying they were out and not reordering because of the cost 2 weeks ago. I had no clue there was an issue till then.

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I knew I should of got me a balloon during

last year's TP Japan tour. Sorry to hear about

the helium depletion all the same.


As for Cars Land basically replacing (it would) Adventureland?

I dunno. It's possible, but I still enjoy how they's packed everything

together (like the Western Railroad station over The Jungle

Cruise docks). Very "Blackpool" of the park.


But like others have already said, if they do create a Cars Land

at TDL, it - will - be - awesome, I am sure of it.


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  Nrthwnd said:
I knew I should of got me a balloon during

last year's TP Japan tour. Sorry to hear about

the helium depletion all the same.


As for Cars Land basically replacing (it would) Adventureland?

I dunno. It's possible, but I still enjoy how they's packed everything

together (like the Western Railroad station over The Jungle

Cruise docks). Very "Blackpool" of the park.


But like others have already said, if they do create a Cars Land

at TDL, it - will - be - awesome, I am sure of it.



I think Big Rivers means the Rivers of America. If they took that out, then only the Mark Twain Riverboat, Tom Sawyer rafts, and Tom Sawyer Island would be removed and/or modified.


It's a nice looking area, but I can't remember the last time I went on any of those at Tokyo Disneyland. It's a massive amount of land that is used for some of the least popular attractions. It makes a huge amount of sense. With land at such an incredible premium in Japan, having that much land used only for one boat ride, and a kids play area does not make the most sense. Also, being right next to Big Thunder Mountain, they could easily extend the theming.

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