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What are you most excited for in 2012?

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Ummmm..... Let's see:


SkyRush (DUH!)

Returning to SFoG for more 'special time' with MindBender

Heading to Knotts for more 'special time' with Monte

Heading back to HersheyPark for some 'special time' with sooperdooperLooper, and her new trains...




Seeing more of the weirdos, freaks and nerds that make up TPR- in all their glory!



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I'm really looking forward to Leviathan. Granted, it's not at the super amazing Darien Lake, but close enough for a few visits next year. Same with Sky Rush, I haven't been to Hershey since 2008 so I'm looking forward to a trip down there. Other than those more local endeavors, I'm beyond excited to go to a ton of random parks and explore major cities in China with TPR.

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I'm looking forward to riding Wild Eagle with some really cool people and leviathan with some really cool people and skyrush by myself


We gotta work on that Skysrush part.


Leviathon and other small trips to see TPR friends and hit up new parks are all exciting. And not gonna lie Carsland has me pretty stoked for 2012

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Actually, quite a bit:


-Cars Land

-Lex Luthor: Drop of Doom

-Both of California's New Coasters


-New parks on LeviaTHON trip

-Seeing many of my TPR friends again


2012 is looking like a pretty good year. Probably the only thing I'm not specifically excited about that I'll get to try is Transformers.

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I have plenty to look forward too. Coaster related there's


- The Swarm at Thorpe Park. Thorpe Park is right on my doorstep and during the summer I can drop in for a couple of hours after work so will hopefully get plenty of rides on it.


- Nemesis -What lies Beneath at Alton Towers.


- In April I get to go to Blackpool Pleasure Beach for the first time in about 20 years!


- And of course the highlight of the year, TPR Europe Trip 2012. Expedition GeForce, Silver Star, Blue Fire, new Woodie at Europa, new B&M at Parc Asterix and possibly Winjas and Black Mamba if Phantasialand is part of the trip. The whole trip will be great.


- I also might be doing a mini Spain trip if I have enough holidays left and the girlfriend lets me!



Non-coaster related:


- I turn 30 in February and I'm celebrating by hitting a few Michelin-starred restaurants in London and making it a good weekend.


- The Irish soccer team will take part in the European Championships in June for the first time since 1988 so weeks of fun drinking beer and watching the games.


So 2012 is shaping up to be an awesome year.

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TPR's Italy/Europe Trip:

Seeing Several European Parks

Everything at Europa Park

Expedition G Force

Katun & Ispeed

More awesome coasters and people


In California:

Cars Land

Lex Luthor

Superman Ultimate Flight


Edited by XII
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