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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Thinking of heading to the park tonight but wont be able to leave until 7 so will be at the park around 8. If anyone is heading to the park tonight could you please give a very quick crowd update please. I'll keep my eye out too on coasterqueue.


Was anyone at the park yesterday, would probably be a decent indicator on how crowded it may be tonight.


Thanks so much for your help!



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Superman stacks as is meaning if they run all three trains but keep single station operations, it really wouldn't accomplish anything other than people being uncomfortable on the brake run so I'd bet dual station operations


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It depends on the crew. I've been a few times since the ride opened where the crews were only stacking 10-15 seconds, if they were stacking at all.


Thinking way in the future but with HITP next year I wonder if they'll open the back area for operations. Would be a great winter ride with it being indoors and I'm sure they'll want to show off their new toy as much as possible.


S:UF was a part of HITP in 2014, and as of now they plan on it and JL:BFM to be running next year for HITP.

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I have to admit that Cotton States going away kind of makes me sad. I'm sure everything will be great, but I always loved that section of the park.


It will be interesting to see how they fit Blue Hawk Ninja Kung Fu coaster and the Great American Scream Machine into the Lickskillet section (which is Wild West themed for those of you unfamiliar with the park.)

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Honestly I was never a huge fan of what Cotton States became ever since Superman opened. It started to look kinda ugly after a while, so I'm looking forward to the changes. I'm just happy Superman is finally being repainted. It was looking pretty faded, and I REALLY hope they start using both sides of the station should they attempt 3-train operation.

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I'm thrilled that we finally have confirmation of Superman having three train operation next year, even though that was pretty much confirmed when I visited a few months ago and saw the new train being put together. The confirmation that the ride will get painted is great as well. It wasn't a cracking mess like Scorcher but it was severely faded.


They REALLY need to paint Scorcher this off season though. It's ridiculously ugly and is the first thing you see while entering the park. Some landscaping under it wouldn't be so bad either.


I'm really sad to see The Cotton States Exposition go but after converting part of it for Hurricane Harbor and then not putting the entrance sign to the area back up over by Sky Screamer, I'm not surprised. I just hate the blurred lines between themes and that area always was well done in my opinion.


Great to hear the food court will expand. They already need it and will certainly need it next year.


Mixed feelings but I'm happy to see some experience and service quality improvement.

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But hopefully the food court will be staffed properly or being expanded really doesn't help..


I'll probably plan on getting a meal plan next year again so more food options are great!


With that being said, I received a survey about a very nice new homemade bakery.. Wonder if that will be built in the expanded food court? That would be sweet! If it's anything like the survey it'll be awesome! It also mentioned a chicken place and more pizza but the majority of the survey was for the bakery


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^I agree, it is useless if they don't properly staff it and if they don't have efficient processes.


The park REALLY struggled in the service department this past year so they desperately need to improve there. Things like the bakery you mentioned would be great. Really just adding and expanding food locations and staffing them fully would do wonders. There shouldn't be a line 40 people deep for food and if there is it still shouldn't take over an hour.

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Yeah, honestly, if their food locations were all open and running at full capacity, it wouldn't need much of an expansion aside from more seating areas. My last visit, half of the locations had been closed and never opened. Eitherway, this will be a great improvement if done correctly.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure if they'd ever do this, cuz it's probably been this way since day-1...

I'd love to see GASM's lines (entrance and exit paths) moved to where it makes sense with its being a part of Lickskillet now.


Off-topic, sorta... but the last couple years, I've really enjoyed being able to see GASM from "new angles" in the waterpark. That area feels fresh and happy now.


Attendance data, in relation to past years, would be interesting to know. It seems to me that attendance is way up this year, which adds to the long-food-lines problem. That's on top of the inefficiency problem and the meal-plans which seem to be getting traction.


I see good things ahead for our park. I love it.


Going forward, I'd love to see Splashwater Falls removed and a serious water thrill-ride go in its place. Maybe the same thing, higher PPH, and a steep drop with an actual splash Like the old days. Ha! Not being negative, just dreaming.

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They really need a lazy river.. a large one like Dollywood Splash County which takes about 15 - 20 minutes to get around!


They are great at "eating people" and allowing anyone to cool off without a wait. (Assuming it's long enough)


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^I completely agree with both of you. Hurricane Harbor is nice but very small and it really needs to be expanded. A lazy river is so ideal since the capacity in the water park is so terrible. A family raft ride would also balance out the current offerings very well.


I wouldn't be against seeing a water coaster or maybe a large body slide complex either.

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The only time I was able to enjoy the water park portion of SFOG was during their soft opening the weekend before the Grand Opening of Hurricane Harbor.. I was lucky enough to be at the park and noticed it had an unannounced opening.. I purchased some trunks and enjoyed it for half a day that day.. it even caused me to increase my stay and visit one more day that weekend BC it was open again that Monday..


It was dead because it was unannounced.. now though, even the wave pool is to crowded to enjoy lol


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^I had the same luck and haven't since. It is almost always overloaded with guests. The lines are unbearably long, the play structure (while being one of the largest in existence) is very crowded, the wave pool is either crowded or closed for long periods of time for water cleaning/testing (it was like this for the majority of all my visits) and the path to Tsunami Surge forces everyone to travel along the wave pool between it and the seating area (which is also way too small). That bottleneck is one of the worse anywhere and makes it impossible to relax in your lounge chair.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^Thank you for the update and pictures! I was unfortunately unable to go so these pictures are great.


Was there anything particularly noteworthy/exclusive said by any of the parks that presented?


Looks like JLBFM is coming along very well! Metropolis is going to look vastly different this year.

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I don't know if anyone can tell by the pictures, but they removed two game stalls to open up the area in front of JLBFM. They said the snack stands in that area will also get a make over to match the theming of the area. And Dale Kaetzel said the reason Superman is getting just red and blue paint is because the yellow does not hold up well. He also said that the Georgia Scorcher trains have been repainted. It was asked if any other coasters were being repainted and he said not at this time but they know it is needed. They also said that VR will return but it will not be on DDD. They would not say what ride it will be going on.

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