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What coaster would you rebuild?

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Let's say you can jump in your DeLorean, get it up to 88mph and head back to any year you wanted to ride a coaster before it was gone, where would you go?


Or what coaster would you rebuild today?


I would ride either the Crystal Beach Cyclone, or the Aeroplane at Playland


Here's a old video of the second one:


The Aeroplane Coaster at Playland

Edited by larrygator
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Screw you guys, I would go to the future.


I will be heading over to Cedar Flags Magic Mountain to ride Goliath Senior, the worlds tallest, fastest, most loopiest, and highly overbanked turns and drops roller coaster and rapids ride. Its fudging insane!


But if we are restricted to old times sake, I would go back to Riverside Park in Chicago and Palisades Park in New York, Steeplechase Park and old school Coney as well. Now those are insane rides...

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So many classic parks to choose from:


1967 Riverview-so many great rides lost forever(exception of carousel now at SFOG)


Rye Playland to ride Aero


1930's Coney Island(Luna Park, Steeple Chase, and many classic stand alone coasters)


Idora Park-just another classic park


Palisades Park-another classic park that I wish I coul visit

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1992: Drachen Fire for sure.


I would also visit, but at undecided years:

*Six Flags AstroWorld (2005 or earlier)

*Manteca Waterslides (2004 or earlier)

*The original Elitch Gardens (1994 or earlier)

*SFMM before they went crazy with adding coasters. (1990 or earlier)


I will probably think of more later but this is all for now.



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Long Beach Pike - Cyclone Racer


Magic Mountain - Colossus before the Camel Hump was removed and the ride ops actually RACED the coaster, Revolution before the OTSR's were added.


Kings Island, opening day of the Beast.


And who wouldn't want to go back to opening day @ Disneyland? Yeah, I know, in retrospect it was a bit of a fiasco, but historically it was the most significant day in theme park history.

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Coney Island Cincinnati, pre-flood. The park has gone from a great old school wonderland to a run down ghetto park that I work at now. While I'm in Ohio, KI back when they had Bat and Beast with the lake....and then stay forever in a timew where KC was still alive.

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1955-Opening year of Disneyland


1960-Opening year of Freedomland U.S.A. (NY had a theme park!)


1964-The New York World's Fair


1965-Disneyland's 10th Anniversary, Walt still walking the park.


1970-Adventureland Long Island open for 8 years, old pictures make the place look gorgeous.


1985-Disneyland's 30th Anniversary, a good era for Disneyland as a lot of today's highlight attractions were still *fairly* new.


1992-SF Great America to ride the first B&M invert, Batman the Ride.


1995-Opening of The Indiana Jones Adventure at Disneyland.

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