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The "Rant" Thread


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Maybe it's just me, but these forums don't seem as lighthearted as they once were. Every thread seems to turn into a serious discussion. A few times here and there I throw out a joke and it seems to get passed over, completely ignored, while the serious conversation continues. What happened?

Your joke wasn't funny...

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Maybe it's just me, but these forums don't seem as lighthearted as they once were. Every thread seems to turn into a serious discussion. A few times here and there I throw out a joke and it seems to get passed over, completely ignored, while the serious conversation continues. What happened?

Your joke wasn't funny...


That's EXACTLY what I said!!!

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Maybe it's just me, but these forums don't seem as lighthearted as they once were. Every thread seems to turn into a serious discussion. A few times here and there I throw out a joke and it seems to get passed over, completely ignored, while the serious conversation continues. What happened?

Your joke wasn't funny...


Why there is an assumption that I was referring to a specific joke? I'm talking about an overall feeling based off what I have been reading from others as well. Not to say people never joke around. It just isn't the same. Thats all.


And when it comes to jokes that are not funny, I know Eric gets 'em. Heh. Sometimes we are the only ones that get each others jokes. But that's cool.

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Patience? I'm not a doctor...


I think things will kick up after the first of the year. Meanwhile, I'll just focus on something temporary to get me through the holidays. With my luck, though, I'll get a Christmas job at the mall, then my phone will ring off the hook with jobs in my regular field of work.


It always happens like that...when it rains, it pours.



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